Every Girl's Wish List

Dear Santa,

Here's my Christmas list, I only put the MOST important things. I Wish . . .

that I didn't have to fix everyone and everything

that I didn't have to be strong and always hold on

for peace and quiet

to survive high school

never have anymore homework

for no more exams

that life wasn't so full of drama and gossip

to shoot for the stars and reach my dreams

to find a way to fix my problems

never to take the easy way out unless it's the right way

to never quit no matter how hard it gets

to always be a true and loyal friend

to find one friend who is loyal and true

for time to spend with friends and family

to not always be so busy

to forgive my own mistakes

to forgive other mistakes

for others to forgive mine

to never get angry and always be cool calm and collected

pictures to go with all my favorite memories

to never need pictures because I would remember it all completely

to always be able to make people smile

to truly fall in love with the perfect guy for me, not perfect himself but perfect for me

for him to fall in love with me

that he would love me for who I am

for the guy that could just look at me and know what was wrong

for the guy that understands me

for the guy that can see through the mask I wear

for the guy that respects my values and morals

for him have those same morals and values

that he will let me take care of him

but who will also take care of me

that he will protect me at all cost even from myself

that he will push me to do my best

that he will let me cry on his shoulder

that he will always be by my side and I by his

to never be alone

to never ever go boy crazy!

to look at the mirror and be happy with what's looking back

to never have a bad hair day

to never lose my hair brush

for just one Good Day

to not be so dang confused all the time

to understand once goin' on every once and a while

to understand myself be happy with who I am

for the grace to make it through each day

to never get stressed

for a lifetime supply of bubble bath and chocolate

a few other of life's little luxuries

to learn patients

to not care what people think of me

to hold true to my own beliefs always

I could be myself without holding back

to have fun ever once and while

and last but not least I need a new teddy bear my old one is getting kind of raggedy, these are my Christmas dreams and all that I wish for it's all that I ever want, along with ever other girl in the world.