These emotions
These feelings inside
They're ripping me apart
Tearing me from the inside
I can't stand these voices
Fighting in my head
Bickering all the time
I want to scream
I need to get away
But it stays
It never goes away
So I deal with it
But what do I gain?
Everything just remains the same
So I go on with life
I'm just another person in the crowd
You think I look fine
But that just proves
You don't know who I am
When you see me you'll think
He's a happy guy
When in reality
I'm going insane
I put up an act
I put on my mask
And no one can see me
But they believe they can
And in the end no ones knows who I really am
But that's the way I think I want it
Cause then no one remembers who I am
I can be forgotten
I can disappear
I can just
Fade away…