I was born in 1988, the 'leventh of September

We moved when I was 3 so I really don't remember

What life was like in Fort Walton Beach then

But I do recall my very special friend

Her name was Marjorie Prokosh, but I just called her Margie

Tea party on the packing box was the last time she saw me

Later when I was 6, I got a letter from her

They'd lost their house in a storm and life was sort of a bummer

But she was playing in a local production of Cats

Envelope sealed with a rose sticker and that's

The last I heard of her after moving up to MD

Began my education there, Cath'lic schooling till grade 3

I never skipped a grade, I was just that much smarter

But if I'd stayed at home, it would just be that much harder

'Cause be then, Mom and Dad, they had my little brother Michael

And my sister Maryann, her noise, it just stifles

At the moment she's destroying our family from within

And Dad's doing it too, but I won't mention that again

In second and third grade, I was a pop'lar guy

When we moved to Carolina, it changed, now I know why

I started to exhibit the symptoms of ADD

They loved me like the Wildlife Fund loves DDT

I was rejected and made fun of but I really didn't notice

It took my only friend Jonathan's betrayal to show this

(World is full of)

Folks who jump off if the boat begins to sway

Today they'll be your homie

Tomorrow they'll call you gay

I can't say that was when I lost my innocence

'Cause for 2-point-5 more years, I was still stuck in my trance

My delusion, my belief that each day you can start fresh

That mistakes you make one day really don't affect the rest

That people will still accept you for all your bugs and quirks

I thought that they might like me even though I was a jerk

Anyway, eighth grade was my first year as a teen

But some terrorists screwed my birthday up for all eternity

So now when I wanna celebrate the day that I was born,

Everybody else just wants a silent moment to mourn

I'm not pissing on the gravestones of the ones who died

But if I smile on the eleventh, I get the evil eye

I made some friends and some not, that last year at Saint Ann's

And all of them I know deep down I'll never see again

But so much of this has shaped me, I cannot let it go

This is why I am this way. I wanted you to know.