AN: I thought I'd try a different approach this time around…

Part 1

"So what are you and what's-his-name planning to do tonight?"

Darilyn Ceralvo frowned at the question. It always irritated her when her best friend referred to her boyfriend as 'what's-his-name'. Especially since she had been seeing 'what's-his-name' for a good year and that they had been living together for about three months. That type of relationship didn't qualify being known as 'what's-his-name' by her best friend. But she knew that her best friend acted like that to tease her. Apparently her latest boyfriend wasn't worth remembering. While Alex's opinion mattered, she never took it too seriously.

"Ron and I are going to spend dinner at home," Darilyn answered sweetly.

"It's Friday night!" Alex exclaimed. "What kind of couple spends Friday night at home?"

"Not everyone likes to go bar-hopping," Darilyn responded as she sat back in her desk chair at work.

A sound came from the opposite end. "I don't hop bars. That's for people who don't have any imagination."

Darilyn's brows rose. "What does imagination have to do with picking up the opposite sex?"

"Anyone can go to a club or a bar. People with imagination can pick up the opposite sex anywhere," he countered.

She smiled wryly. "True."

"You know…even Adrian and Randi go out on Fridays," Alex spoke up, referring to his identical twin and sister-in-law. "Married people don't normally go out on Fridays. You know why they do?"

"No, but you're going to tell me, aren't you?"

"Hey. It's because it keeps things interesting. Nobody wants to be the boring married couple…or the boring couple that lives together. That's what you and Ron are – the boring couple that lives together."

Darilyn sighed. "Is there a point to this conversation?"

"Yeah. Why don't we ever double date?"

Her mouth parted in surprise. "You're kidding, right? The last time we tried that your date could barely stay off your lap."

"Don't hate me 'cause I'm irresistible," he taunted.

Darilyn rolled her eyes. "You've got to be the most arrogant bast-"

"Do you talk like that when your mom asks about me?" he cut in.

"Ha. We both think it but we've never mentioned it," Darilyn retorted. "But seriously, Alex. Double dates with you…no thanks. I don't need to see women ready to strip off their clothes because they want to get naked with my best friend. It's just…yuck."

"You need someone to have that affect on you," Alex spoke up as if ignoring her comment. "Maybe you wouldn't be so tense all the time."

"I am not tense!" Darilyn argued.

"Yes, you are. When was the last time you got some?"

She stared at the ceiling. "I can't believe I'm having this conversation-"

"When?" he pressed.

"I…don't know…a couple weeks?" she admitted.

He was silent for a moment until he said in amazement, "Wow."

"Wow what?"

"Just the idea that you could have instant gratification and you don't take advantage of it…"

"It's not me!" she argued. "He isn't the type to…oh, forget it."

"What? Wait. Hold on. He doesn't do certain things, huh?" Alex clicked his tongue. "Honey, with the right woman, a man could do anything. He's an idiot. You're freakin' hot."

She burst out laughing. "Thanks."

"I'm serious. In junior high, when you first started developing everywhere, I swear you were in my first fantasy."

"Oh yuck. I did not need to know that…" Darilyn wrinkled her nose.

"Think about how I felt when I woke up the next morning. We'd been friends for seven years. It was so wrong."

"Telling me that was so wrong," Darilyn shuddered.

"But you get my point. Even if it's right in front of him, you need to show your man what he's missing out on."

Darilyn glanced at her desk. She hated to admit it, but Alex was right. She couldn't even remember the last time Ron kissed her.

When Darilyn reached her home in Pasadena, she was surprised to open the door and find her boyfriend sprawled on the couch…with another woman.

He quickly jumped up from his lying position, his eyes wider than hers with shock.

"Darilyn! I…didn't think…um…you remember Betsy from work?" His voice had nearly taken on a squeak.

She looked at the brunette on the couch, who was currently adjusting her brown blouse. Darilyn remembered Betsy, all right. She had attended one of the parties for Newtech Software…and Betsy had been one of the many computer programmers Ron had introduced her to. Betsy cleared her throat awkwardly.

It was a very, very unusual scenario. Darilyn felt the shock settle…but what surprised her the most? Not a single ounce of anger…fury…anything.

Ron coughed. "Betsy…maybe you should go…"

"Right. I'll see you at work…" the brunette said quietly before snatching her purse and practically running out the door.

When the door closed behind her, Ron immediately came forward his palms spread wide. "Darilyn…I'm sorry. I just-"

"How long has this been going on?" Darilyn interrupted.

He cringed. "Two months."

She nodded once. "And it never occurred to you to tell me that you obviously weren't interested in seeing me anymore?"

"Well…we just got the new apartment…and I-"

"I can't believe this." Darilyn sighed and moved to sit at the dining room table. He seemed on edge, unsure what to say, but wanting to say a million things.

"Darilyn…" He quickly settled across from her. "I'm so sorry. I never expected things to end up like this…"

She studied him carefully before shaking her head. "What happened? Why-?"

"It's not you. It's me," Ron hastily explained.

Darilyn narrowed her eyes. "I've heard that excuse before. I don't think-"

"You know me," he cut in. "I've only had probably two relationships since I was old enough to know about them. And I never date." He laughed, but there was no humor in it. "That stereotype of engineers still applies…"

Looking back, she remembered how shocked…and flattered he had been when she first started pursuing him. Apparently the general population of women didn't like software engineers. They usually classified them as boring. Or too nerdy. But his mind had been one of the things she had first liked about him. And his manners. He treated her like a lady, not some object.

"Maybe we're just too different," his voice interrupted her thoughts. Hesitantly, he took her hand. "You're creative. And incredibly beautiful. And business-savvy. In fact, all of those things drew me to you in the first place…"

"But it's not enough," she finished, withdrawing her hand.

He bowed his head.

Darilyn cleared her throat. "I guess the old saying of 'birds of a feather' is true."

They were silent for a moment.

"Now what?" he asked.

"I guess I should move out," Darilyn suggested, glancing around helplessly.

"I'll pay the full rent. I'll even put it in writing that it was my fault you had to leave."

"The lease is up next month, so I'll just tell the landlord that I plan to move out," Darilyn explained, waving her hand.

"Do you need me to hire movers to help you with your things?" he asked gently.

"No…I think I have a few friends that could help."

He smiled sadly. "I'm so sorry…You're being very gracious about all this."

"Maybe I knew something wasn't working all along. I just wanted to keep trying." Darilyn smoothed back her dark hair before getting up. "I guess I should pack my things and find a place to stay…"

After fifteen minutes, she had packed a rollaway luggage with every clothing and other essential item she'd need. Ron had left to give her some space. She wasn't angry…or sad. She and Ron had been missing that spark for a long time. She just tried to ignore the voice inside of her that had been giving her warning signs. If she had really cared…wouldn't she have tried harder to confront the problem?

She glanced around their bedroom. Everything else would have to be packed in boxes that she could do tomorrow and Sunday.

Darilyn picked up her cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, gorgeous," Alex's voice greeted her on the line.

She cleared her throat. "Alex…I…need a place to stay for a few days."


"Look…can we talk later? I…I'd call Steph but she's out of town with her boyfriend, and…there isn't anyone else I could ask. It's just for a few days, I promise."

"I'm out right now…but…you still have my spare key, right?"

"Yeah." As far as she knew, she was the only person in town who had a spare key to his place.

"Everything okay?" She couldn't help but be touched by the concern in his voice.


"I'll be home soon and we'll talk, all right?"

"All right. Thanks…"
