A/N: It's moving slowly, I know. Things will pick up eventually. And I decided to have Alex live in a house. I'll make the correction in part 2 later...

Part 3

When he saw Darilyn sitting on the benches during afternoon recess, he knew something was wrong. She could usually be found on the swings or playing kickball with their classmates.

Today was different. She looked so sad.

"You okay?" he asked, sitting next to her.

She gave him a small smile. "I guess."

"What's wrong?" he asked, leaning back on the bench.

Darilyn sighed, shaking her head. "Nothing." Her eyes surveyed the playground before stopping to a small group playing tag. Her gaze in particular were stuck to two people, Mike and Rachel – the soccer player and the most popular girl in the class.

Mike had run up to tag Rachel by tugging on her blonde ponytail, causing her to giggle.

"I told Mike I liked him today during morning recess," Darilyn admitted quietly.

Alex glanced at the two playing before turning back to his friend. Darilyn liked Mike? For how long? Did anyone else know? Alex grimaced slightly. What was so great about Mike, anyway? It seemed like all the girls liked him at some point or another. Sure, Mike was a nice guy, and he liked sports, but was that it? There had to be another reason why girls liked him. Either that, or girls were just weird.

"So what happened?" Alex asked, even though he already knew the answer. Anyone could tell just by looking at Darilyn.

She sighed and kicked a pebble with her loafers. "He likes Rachel."

"Did he say why?" Alex asked. "Because I think you're prettier than she is."

Darilyn giggled. "Really?"

"Yeah." Alex studied Rachel a good sixty yards away before frowning. "Yeah, I think so."

"Thanks." Darilyn beamed at him before her smile dropped. "Well…he said he wants a girl who can kiss nice. I…I…" Her cheeks turned pink for a few seconds. "I haven't kissed anyone, and Rachel has…"

"That's a stupid reason to like someone," Alex argued, shaking his head. "Why do you girls like him so much, anyway?"

She coughed. "He's cute."

"That's it?" he exclaimed incredulously.

Darilyn ducked her head, slightly embarrassed. "Um…yes?"

He sighed, before turning to her. "I want to show you something." Alex gently took her shoulders and pulled her to her feet. "Close your eyes."


"Just do it," he commanded.

She obliged and felt him lead her away.

"Okay, I'm going to show you something, so don't jump," Alex said once they had stopped.

"What?" She was confused. What was he talking about? And where were they? "Can I open my eyes?"


She had been ready to open them until her friend told her not to.

"I'm going to show you a kiss."

Her eyes flew open. "What?!"

"You heard what I said," Alex retorted.

Why did her face feel hot? "But…Alex…"

"Just relax, okay?"

"What if I don't do it right and you get grossed out?"

"You'll be fine," he said confidently, grinning.


"Close your eyes."

She did. And in a few seconds, she felt his lips brush hers. They were soft, cool, causing tingles to form in her hands. Seconds became minutes…time stopped as she stood still, feeling the breeze pick up through her hair. As he pulled away, her eyes opened.

"Oh…wow," she said breathlessly. So that's what it felt like. Nine years old and she had no idea until now.

He smiled at her. "Yeah..."

"Is it like that with everyone?" she asked hesitantly.

His dark eyes turned serious for a moment before answering, "I…don't know. I haven't kissed anyone else…"

Saturday morning, Alex walked into the kitchen of his home, surprised to find Darilyn sitting at the counter, a plate of eggs, Spam and toast in front of her.

"Morning," she greeted.

"Damn…you went all out for breakfast. I don't remember having this stuff here…" Alex muttered, retrieving a plate for himself.

"You don't," she answered, grinning. "I had to go to the grocery store."

Alex paused in filling up his plate with the items sitting on the stove, taking a glance at the clock on his microwave. "It's ten a.m. What time were you up?"

"Seven," she responded easily, going back to read the magazine on the right side of her plate.


"I figured if I'm going to be living here, I might as well stock up and help out," Darilyn replied.

"Whatever works," he said before settling next to her to eat. "So what's your plan for today?"

"Probably pack up more things. Want to help?" she asked.

"Back into the lion's den?"

"I wouldn't call it that…" Her relationship had ended on peaceful terms. She couldn't exactly complain. But in all honesty, it did feel a little strange to go there to pack up her things and move out. Moving always seemed like such a drastic action. So many belongings and trying to keep them organized…

"How about we go in about an hour?" Alex said. "Adrian and Randi are going to be here soon, so we can drag them along."

"They're coming here?" Darilyn asked, stopping.

"Yeah. Just to hang out. They'll be driving back to San Diego tomorrow."

"Was this a last minute thing?"

"Yeah…late last night, Adrian called to tell me Randi wanted to go shopping at the Fashion District in downtown LA." Alex paused, studying her. "What's up?"

"Does he know that I'm here?"

"No, but he will," Alex grinned mischievously.

"You didn't tell him?!" she exclaimed.

"Hell no," Alex responded. "I think it'd be funnier to see their expressions." His dark, almond-shaped eyes moved to her tank top and cotton pants. "And I think you should wear a little…less."


Alex waved his hand. "A lingerie robe or something. Or better yet…" his dark eyes gleamed with humor, "…one of my shirts. When they get here, I'll answer the door in boxers."

Her friend was crazy. Always had been. "You want to play a trick on them?"

He chuckled. "It'll be fun. Come on…think of the look on their faces." He lightly tapped her forearm. "But it won't work if you can't act like we just spent the night together."

A silly idea. That's exactly what it was.

And yet, she agreed to do it. Alex's energy was contagious. She wasn't sure why she was agreeing to this…Adrian had been the recipient of Alex's jokes over the years…and God knows that she had been caught in the middle of them. Adrian gave as good as he got, often asking for her help as well…but if she had to pick a winner, it would be Alex hands down. Just because he had that twisted imagination.

They had cleaned up the kitchen and Darilyn's room to make it look unoccupied. So she currently sat at the foot of Alex's bed, watching the mid-morning Saturday movie, dressed in one of his shirts, which actually smelled really nice, while Alex kept watch by the window of his bedroom.

They were due to arrive any minute.

"You're so cruel," Darilyn announced.

"No one said you had to play along," Alex chided, running his hand through his hair to muss it slightly.

"You did, you idiot," she scolded, before turning to watch.

"Hey…they're here."

"Really?" Darilyn bolted out of the bed and went to the other side of the window, peering through the blinds.

A Toyota Corolla pulled into the driveway of Alex's house, and two people emerged. Darilyn bit back a smile as she noticed the couple turn to look at her car next to theirs. No doubt the two recognized her car.

The couple made their way to Alex's front door before ringing the doorbell.

"Showtime," Alex announced. He reached out, tousling her hair. "Will you at least look like we did it?"

"I can't believe this…"

"Shut up. You're going to enjoy this as much as I am…" And with that, he exited the room.

She followed and stayed hidden behind a wall at the top of the stairs. Alex slowly made his way down the stairs, reaching the bottom just as the bell rang for the third time.

He waited a moment before pulling the door open.

Adrian and Randi greeted him with a smile.

"Hi!" Randi reached out to give him a hug and kiss on the cheek. Then she stepped back, taking in his outfit…which consisted only of blue pajama bottoms. "Did you just wake up?"

"Something like that…" Alex hugged her back and let the two in.

"Is that Darilyn's car in your driveway?" Adrian asked as he kicked off his shoes. "I could have sworn…" He trailed off as his wife poked his arm, her eyes at the top of the stairs where Darilyn has started to make her way down, her hands clutching the handrail.

Alex could have cheered for her perfect timing.

"Damn," Adrian muttered.

Alex's eyes moved to where Adrian and Randi stared, slack-jawed.Darilyn's black hair, parted on the right side of her forehead hung just past her shoulders. The shirt she wore came to the top of her thighs and it hung loosely around her slender frame, clearly displaying long, shapely legs. His shirt definitely looked better on her than him. What the hell? Where did that thought come from?

Immediately, Randi and Adrian's eyes swung to him. Alex feigned an embarrassed look and cleared his throat.

"Um…yeah…that is Darilyn's car out there," he answered.

"No shit," Adrian shot back. "What…What's going on?"

"Kinda obvious, isn't it?" Alex responded as Darilyn made her way down the stairs.

"But…" Adrian looked at Darilyn, at his brother, then back at his childhood friend. "I thought you and Ron…"

"I…It's over," Darilyn stammered slightly.

"When?" Randi asked gently.

"And why are you here?" Adrian asked, shocked.

"She didn't have anywhere else to go," Alex offered.

Adrian shook his head, bracing his forehead with his hand before turning to Darilyn. "I can't believe this. Darilyn…I never thought you'd sleep with my brother after a breakup. That isn't like you…"

"Keep talking like I'm not here," Alex said dryly.

"Well…I…know it seems strange, but…" Darilyn began.

Until Alex cut her off. "She just ended up here, and well…you know the rest." He brought her to his side, his right hand settling over her hip.

Adrian studied them with narrowed eyes before glancing at his wife.

"I'm tired of being on the bad end of relationships," Darilyn spoke up. "So…I decided to forget relationships and just focus on sex."

Alex hid a smile while watching his identical twin's eyes widen in surprise.


"Sex," Darilyn repeated.

"I heard that part," Adrian replied. He adjusted his wire-rimmed glasses slightly before shaking his head. "But…why…?"

"Relationships are too tiring. But I don't want to give up the sex part, so who better to give that to me than Alex?" Darilyn shot Alex a smile, patting his chest. "I trust him and we always have fun together."

"But that's not you," Randi said quietly, studying them.

"Yeah. Definitely more Alex's style. Oh damn," Adrian groaned. "His influence is rubbing off on you."

"That's not the only thing," Alex added.

Adrian looked like he wanted to gag. Then he turned to the two women. "Can I speak to my brother alone?"

"Sure." Randi kissed his cheek and wandered into the kitchen while Darilyn went upstairs to change into clothes.

When the women left, Adrian glared at Alex, propping his hands on his hips.

"What's the matter with you?" he demanded.

Alex lifted a brow. "Excuse me?"

Adrian shook his head. "I can't believe you'd do this to her. You know how Darilyn is when it comes to relationships. The last thing she needs right now is an affair with you."

"I can't help the fact that she's been with losers her entire dating life," Alex argued.

"No, but you don't have to take advantage of her-"

"Quit acting like she's the only innocent one here," Alex interrupted. "She's an adult, and she'll do what she wants with her own life."

Adrian scowled. "You don't have the best record, either." He glanced away. "She's not into casual like you are. I…just don't want her hurt."

Even though it was a joke he was playing on his brother, Alex couldn't help being slightly stung by the comment. "Meaning what?"

"Most women who get involved with you always want more than you can give them," Adrian said quietly.

Alex already knew that. But then again, Adrian never defended the women he saw…as far as he was concerned, Alex could do whatever he wanted. Unless the woman had been their best friend since age six.

"Don't drop her like you did to them. I…don't want to lose her because you guys aren't working out."

Sighing, Alex rubbed a hand over his face. He had almost forgotten how protective Adrian was over Darilyn. Growing up, he had always been there if someone talked bad about her or broke her heart.

Knowing that this discussion would be pointless if it continued, Alex decided to come clean.

"I was kidding," Alex announced. At his twin's puzzled look, he blew out a breath and said, "She and Ron broke up so I told her that she could stay here as long as she needs." Adrian's eyes turned suspicious. "We're just friends. Nothing happened. I talked her into pretending that we slept together because…well…" he grinned, "…your expression was too funny."


Suddenly, Adrian's hand flew up to smack him upside the head.

"What the hell?!" Adrian demanded. "You're twenty-nine years old and still playing jokes on people."

"Your face when she came down the stairs…" Alex chuckled. "Man…I wish I had a camera…"

"You suck."

"Seriously, though," Alex spoke up. "She needs me to help her pack up her stuff from Ron's."

"Then I guess we're going, too."

Alex pointed at his clothes. "Good thing you came dressed in jeans." Then he grinned. "Also, I think we should take her out tonight. Have some fun."

"You mean go to a club or bar," Adrian corrected.

"You're a good mind reader."