Rock Me

The music was blaring over the large speakers, so loud that it was almost deafening, and to top it all off, it seemed to be coming from all sides. The multi-colored lights flashed brightly upon, making the quad-turned-dance floor look like some sort of night club. Students filled it, dancing to the beat of the music, letting the rhythm guide their steps. All were dressed in the attires they thought suited them best, ranging from daringly sexy to shyly conservative. They seem to blend together well, however the distinct differences between them.

Several tables were set around the dance floor, on the outer portion of the quadrangle. They were all covered with white and red silken cloth, a romantic lamp sitting on the center of each one. Fine plates surrounded each table, empty aside from the remnants of the already eaten food and already used utensils. They stood forgotten in the minds of the dancers, only a few familiar students were left sitting by them.

I'm not sure for how long I had stood here alone, leaning against a column of one of the buildings that surrounded the quadrangle. My classmates and friends were already there, having fun by dancing the night away. Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate them for that, in fact, I think I'm grateful. At least I could observe the other students in peace.

My arms crossed over my chest as I watched the people moving with the music, their energy radiating off them. But if anyone was looking at me closely, they would have probably realized that I was looking at a certain person, and that person was no other than the girl I've been having a crush on ever since I saw her in the corridor. What's worse was that she was an upperclassman, a third year nonetheless, Aya Fuushu.

From here, I could see her clearly. She was truly a breath-taking sight to behold. Her black hair reaching a few inches past her shoulders, the loose locks moving wildly as she danced. The red scarlet tank top fit her tightly, but I can't read the print that was on it. The denim pants she was wearing hugged her hips and legs closely, almost greedily.

She loved dancing, and it clearly seemed that dancing loved her too. Several boys, and girls, had tried to dance with her, but they never did keep up with her. She danced alone, for herself, enjoying the continuous music and not minding what others thought of her. She was in the zone, as some would call it, the outside world did not matter, only the music.

She really was far too beautiful for words to even try to describe. No one, not even the blindest of fools could dare to deny that simple fact. It was her beauty that drew me to her, truly, but it was her soul that made me fall in love with her. I recall various times wherein I would often watch her from afar. Watching her laugh, watching her with her friends, watching her studying...but most of all, just watching her be her kind self.

I blinked, literally, when she looked my way. I glanced around briefly, wondering who it was that could've caught her eye. There was no one; the closest person was at least some meters away from me. I turned back to look at her, expecting that she was already looking at another direction. And surprise, surprise, she was still looking at me. We held each others' gaze for a while. She dancing at the same time, of course, and I, well...I stood here unmoving.

I didn't notice at that time, when the song had already changed. I was too caught up in her eyes to notice, I guess. I did notice, however, that she stopped dancing, and started walking towards me, moving around the people that stood in her way. Not once did she break the eye contact we shared, even as she finally broke off from the crowd, and climbed up the steps that led her to me.

"Why aren't you dancing?" She asked as she stopped beside me, almost demanding.

My gaze never left her. "I don't have any reason to." I answered, watching her sit down on the topmost steps, just next to my feet. She seemed to accept that answer completely, though she only nodded in response.

"You look nice." Her comment had taken me off guard. I quickly glanced down to look at my clothes, almost as if I had forgotten about them.

For tonight's get up, my clothes were layered, bright and bold; a white t-shirt underneath a navy blue polo, topped with an unbuttoned pale yellow oxford shirt. My seemingly baggy denim pants were of the same color as the polo, clinging to the belt that was wrapped around it. Yes, it did seem boyish, but I liked it that way. And apparently, she did too.

I laughed, and looked back at her. "Thanks. You look stunning yourself." I almost choked, did I really say that?

She smiled at me, and I felt as if I could have melted inside. "Thanks."

"So..." I started, my curiosity getting the better of me. "Why did you stop dancing?" I asked, "You seemed as if you were enjoying it."

"I was," She giggled, looking up at me. "I don't have anyone to dance with."

I blinked again, and looked back at the dance floor where, apparent, people were paired off together, huddled close to each other as they danced. It was the second time that night that I noticed something other than her. Sure enough, it was a slow, mellow song intended for lovers.

I glanced back at her, and looked at her oddly. "What about those students who were trying to dance with you earlier?" I asked, remembering all those nameless boys and girls that went up to her before.

"Oh, those..." Her smile faded, and I swear my heart stopped at that instant. "They...really don't care about who they dance with..."

I frowned, and nodded, not trusting my voice to answer for me. I hated seeing her like this, if only I knew what to do. Oh, the things I would've done to see that on her face once more.

I looked at her, and then finally, "Do you want a drink?" I asked, gesturing towards the nearby table where the refreshments sat. I wanted so much to see her smiling again, it just wasn't her to frown like that.

She nodded enthusiastically, and moved to stand up. That is, until I placed my hand on her shoulder, preventing her to rise. She looked up at me curiously, and I shook my head gently.

"No," I explained, smiling at her, "I'll get the drinks. You just sit there, and look pretty, alright?"

She giggled, and nodded, letting me take my leave to get our drinks. I jogged down the stairs, eagerly getting the drinks. Arriving at the table, I asked two drinks from the waiter that was stationed there. He nodded and disappeared to the back. Waiting for him to get back, my gaze wandered back towards the angel sitting on the steps.

'She's beautiful,' I thought, feeling myself smile as I watched her. But my smile soon fell into a deep from, noticing that she was looking longingly at the dance floor, wishing to dance. I sighed, realizing that they were still playing love songs, and not the usual high beat music that she wanted.

"Uhm...excuse me," the waiter repeated, trying to get my attention. Maybe it was the umpteenth time he said that. He was holding the tray of drinks in front of me.

Blushing slightly, I apologized, and took the couple of drinks, thanking him before I began heading back. I saw her still sitting down on the steps, her arms set on her knees, head lying on top of a propped arm.

"Here," I stated, holding one of the cups in front of her.

She smiled, and took the drink, "Thanks."

I smile, sitting down beside her. "No problem." I responded, taking a short sip of the drink.

Shortly after, I heard her laughing, the melodic tinkling soothed to my ears. "It looks as if they're going to play love songs until the dance ends, huh?" The tone in her voice was strangely amused.

I smiled slightly, and nodded. I glanced at her. She was looking longingly at the dance floor. It was obvious that she wanted to dance, even if it was going to be a slow one. She loved dancing that much, I knew. How I wanted to cheer her up.

And as though possessed, I grabbed her hand and pulled her up to her feet, and started descending down the steps. Surprisingly, she made no protests against it. With that smile still on her face, it seemed as though she was more than happy to let me lead her back to the dance floor.

Weaving through the numerous tables and chairs, we finally reached our destination. My actions betrayed me when I pulled her close almost instantly when we got there. I casually ignored the stares the other students were giving me as I wrapped my arms around her lithe waist.

I felt my heart throbbing so rapidly that it was almost leaping from my chest. She was so close, she must've felt it too, but made no comment to let me know; she just rested her head on my shoulder, her arms coming to rest on my back. There was something that she asked, however, and it confused me to no end. "Why are you dancing?"

I silently asked myself the same thing. Moments ago I would've cared less about dancing and now, suddenly, I am? And it's with her, to a love song no less. She doesn't to be minding the fact that she's dancing with me. Could things be any more unbelievable?

"I have a reason to..." I replied, answering both her and myself. "Now." I added quickly. Was it my imagination, or did I really feel her smile?

"Thanks." She said, no more than a whisper, as she pulled me closer, dancing slowly to the song. We were so close and I inhaled the intoxicating scent of her perfume. Sweet Strawberry, I mused quietly to myself. It suited her.

"No problem," I replied, glad that somehow I managed to keep a tremor from showing in my tone of voice. It felt so nice, just having her close, even if she all she might've thought about it as just something I did to make her feel better.

To my surprise, the song ended some time later, and was soon replaced with a fast song. I cursed my luck at that time, but at least I had the chance to dance with her. I let out a light sigh, and dropped my arms from holding her.

I turned, and began to walk off, that is, until I felt someone's hand on my own, preventing me from doing so. I turned my head back, to look at who was crazy enough to do such a thing. It took me a few moments to realize that it was her.

"Where are you going?" she asked, somewhat shouting over the loud music. She was almost pleading, tightening her hold on my arm.

I forced myself to look into her eyes. They were too confusing; they seemed to tell of things that were far too wonderful to be real. Like the way she almost didn't want me to leave. "You don't need me anymore." I said plainly, wanting to look away.

"That's the only reason that's making you leave?" she asked again. I silently wished that she wouldn't look at me with those warm brown eyes. They held me captive too easily.

I nodded, and watched in dejection as she frowned, almost pouting. "And what if I told you I still need you?" she continued, stepping closer to me. Did I hear that correctly? Or was it just the lyrics in the music.

"Then..." I started, but my mouth suddenly felt dry. I gulped, swallowing the lump in my throat. "I won't go."

She smiled, and pulled me into an embrace. I was quite shocked, to say the least. "Could we just dance this way?" She asked, tucking her head on my shoulder, the side of her face pressed against my neck.

Nodding softly, I lifted both of my arms around her, holding her securely against my frame. It was strange, somewhat. The other students surely were giving the both of us odd looks, but she didn't mind it, nor did I for that matter. All that mattered to me was that chance she had given me.

I almost didn't notice the song changing again, to one more like the slower ones played earlier. I glanced around, and naturally, people were paired off once again. I glanced at her, it was hard to tell if her eyes were closed or not.

"Are you doing anything later on?" She asked softly, not needing a loud voice to be heard above the music. I shivered slightly, feeling her warm breath on my skin.

I shook my head. I had nothing planned to do after the dance. The most probable thing I would be doing was to go home and sleep.

"Do you want to catch a quick drink after the dance?" She continued, and for a moment, I still didn't believe my ears. "I know a little place nearby, and..." She trailed off after that, burying her face more into the crook of my neck.

"It would be an honor, to accompany a beautiful girl like you." I answered her, a bold grin gracing my lips. Where did that come from? It did its purpose though, she giggled softly against my outer shirt's collar.

"You know," She murmured, pulling back slightly. Just far enough to look up at me, though still close enough to be in my loose embrace. "I never did catch your name."

I blinked slightly. She didn't know my name. It wasn't that surprising though, why should she bother with what my name was anyway?

I smiled at her softly, replying, "It's Sakuya Asakawa."

"Well, then," she smiled back, sliding her arms around my neck. "Sakuya Asakawa, you granted me with what I wanted." She giggled, gesturing to the print on her shirt. I laughed with her. It simply read, 'Rock Me'.
