A continuation from the last paragraph:
When he came back to his apartment on the Upper East Side, his eyes were again baggy and red from all the crying. He opened the door to his apartment and slid into his room amidst the company and the comments from his roommate, and to his surprise, the crucifix and picture of Jesus Christ with marks of dried tears lay upon his bedside table.
He picked up the crucifix and picture and held them in his hands and sat by them for hours, looking out the window and remembering about this beautiful girl—rather, angel, that graced his life—that changed his life. Naomi, whoever she was, that beautiful girl, re-ignited Ethan's faith and belief in God.
The church bell tolled again, and the doors opened to let everyone out into the fresh spring air. Parishioners from the church poured out into the street and mixed with the crowds on the sidewalk. Cars bustled by while Ethan stepped out of the church. Ethan wiped his cheek of one last tear and then put his crucifix and picture in his pocket and looked to the sky.
"I believe…"