Part Two

I had known of him since Junior High. We were in the honor choir together. He was one of the few boys who could actually sing on tune. I had admired this at the time. Men who can sing are invaluable.

He had hung out then with several grade-A students, two of which were his cousins whom were also in the choir. They all came from a very close-knit religious family.

But somewhere between junior high and High school he lost his virtue. Whether it was by choice or rather inadvertently, he lost all his old friends, male and female and began to hang out with a new crowd. And so developed Taylor, "The biggest asshole you'll ever meet."

As my friend Krista would say. In high school she ran in the same circle as Taylor's old friends, the "intellectually advanced." And of any person I have ever met, I don not think there was a person who hated him more.

But to be fair, none of them had anything good to say about him. Not even Whitney or Amy, two of the most conservative girls from my church. And they never said anything bad about anyone.

I had known them all my life. And though we did not go to the same school, at church they would tell me stories about his stupidity and malevolence. How he had had the audacity to hit on Whitney, when it was so obviously that she was out of his league. Or how he had argued with Krista for a near half hour about the Machiavellian principals that so ruled his life. She hated him. And would sometimes call me up just to talk about how she hated him.

However, his profile stirred up curiosity in me. How could one person really be all that awful? I was used to out talking everyone. I was used to winning. I needed to meet this man. Because I was sure that I could conquer. Krista said that it could not be done. I however had confidence in myself. If only God would give me a chance. If there was anyone capable, I could certainly put this man whore in his place.

Since this is a true story... I can promise that there is more. I don't even have to make it up.