Chapter 1: Meeting Pigeon Rat
"Derricka, I'm going to use your computer," I announced loud enough for my stepsister to hear me through her mid afternoon upper body exercises.
"Go ahead," she yelled back. Or I think that was what she muffled back. Currently she was doing push ups in the living room with her twin timing her.
"Faster!" Daemon bellowed loud and clear.
Overachieving twins, both were always one step ahead of me in every department, despite the fact that I was born two years ahead of them. Grr.
Derricka's laptop was already on with her AIM screen name signed on too. She had tons of blinking messages calling for her attention. And being the lazy arse that I am, I didn't sign off. Instead I minimized the window to check my mail.
2 Messages. Ooh, surprise, surprise.
The first email was junk mail and I hit the delete button without a second thought.
The next was chain later. I knew the type, I receive one every week from my friend Janet. Chain letters were all the same to me, make a wish, send to ten friends, and your wish will come true. I was about to delete it when I noticed that Johnny a.k.a. Mr. Popular football jock, who I tutored last year in Chemistry, was the one that sent it to me. I would never have guessed that Johnny believed in chain letters. I'd figure it was above him, but heck, who am I to judge?
And he sent it to at least a hundred other people.
Wow, did I ever feel like a loner.
Ten of the people were online but only one caught my eye.
The screen name was 'PigeonRat' ever so original especially in this day and age when every hormonal teen has something like 'sexygoddess89' or 'shutupurstoopid'.
I had the urge to IM him or her. What the hell was a pigeon rat anyway?
I was about to sign off when I realized that I could IM him through Derricka's screen name and I wouldn't sound like a loser or as big of a loser, at least.
Here goes everything.
RadicaLStylaz - Hey, cool name.
God, can he/she respond any slower. This is probably how it feels like when waiting for judgment day.
PigeonRat – o.O? uh, gee thanksPigeonRat – who is dis?
What should I say? I am Ella Donahue. You don't know me but I really want to know what a pigeon rat is. Eh, maybe I should just ease into that.
RadicaLStylaz - Oh, you don't know me.
Great. Could you even be more specific? Ah, he/she won't answer you now. Probably thinks you are a stalker…
PigeonRat – dats true
PigeonRat – i have no friends that actlly use corrct grmmr
RadicaLStylaz - Aha. Sorry it's a habit, usually I am writing essays on the computer so I am just used to it.
Gah, you idiot. You don't sound like Derricka at all. You sound like yourself. Your I-am-a-loser self. Be less sructural, more fun. Fake it!
PigeonRat - o
PigeonRat - makes sense
PigeonRat - kinda . haha
PigeonRat - how old r u btw
Remember you are pretending to be Derricka! Derricka! How old is she? 1988 minus two years, err, math has never been my strong suit.
RadicaLStylaz - 15
It's 15, right?
PigeonRat - ur a youngn
RadicaLStylaz - Youngn? How old are you?
Youngn? Who the hell talks like that anymore these days? Interesting...
PigeonRat - 17 :)
Oh wow, in reality I was the same age as him though. I so hope it's a he. Yay!
RadicaLStylaz - You're older only by 2 years :P
Yes, those little face things look like something Derricka would write. Something cute and not you!
PigeonRat - yeah yeah
PigeonRat - hmm, u don't look liek a 15
RadicaLStylaz - What do you mean?
PigeonRat - o, im lookin ur profile
Oh, no.
PigeonRat - ur crazy
PigeonRat - n a good way :D
Oh God. What did Derricka have in her profile?
I looked up her profile it only had a single link. I clicked it and found a picture of her surfing. It was taken just this summer when we went to Miami to visit her grandparents. She was in a skimpy bikini riding a huge wave. Showing off everything I didn't have. Damn her and getting good genes…
RadicaLStylaz - Uh, thanks.
PigeonRat - a surfer chick...
PigeonRat - odd since u sound intelligent
RadicaLStylaz - I'm hoping that was a compliment, but I'm not really a surfer chick. :P
PigeonRat - o realli? what r u then?
Give him a 'Derricka' answer.
RadicaLStylaz - I'm everything.
Good one!
PigeonRat - lmao
PigeonRat - funny 2
PigeonRat - ur starting to sound too good to be tru
He hit the dot. At least I know he isn't dumb.
RadicaLStylaz - I'm real.
Oh wow. You are just so creative aren't you? Come on, you take creative writing classes, how could you possibly be this bad.
PigeonRat - uh huh
PigeonRat - well, howd ya get mai sn?
RadicaLStylaz - Sn?
Damn this internet lingo. What the hell is Sn?
PigeonRat - screen name... dur! i thout you wer smart
RadicaLStylaz - Aha. I am smart! Um, I found it in an email.
PigeonRat - o
PigeonRat - one of dos chain letter crap?
RadicaLStylaz - Yeah.
PigeonRat - thout so. all my friends send me crap & random people always message me because of the sn.
RadicaLStylaz - So what is a pigeon rat anyway?
PigeonRat - for me to no n u 2 find out
RadicaLStylaz - Aw, why can't you just tell me?
PigeonRat - i could tell you, i just dun wanna. hehe.
PigeonRat - hey i have 2 go
PigeonRat - eat
PigeonRat - cya l8tz
RadicaLStylaz - Oh, ok.
RadicaLStylaz - Bah Bie.
PigeonRat - bye surfer chick ;P
PigeonRat Signed Out
Bah, that was too short! I wanted to talk to him a bit longer. And, yes, I guessed he was a 'he'. Just by the way he talked I knew he was a guy. He did hit on me--Derricka, didn't he?
He's probably one of those laid back seventeen-year-old guys. And I alreayd knew he liked food and had a sense of humor.
"Hey Ella, I need to use the computer," Derricka said before collapsing on her bed next to mine. She was sweat ridden and, yet, she still looked pretty. It was that exotic face of hers that guys already fell for.
How is a plain Jane like myself supposed to compete with beautiful girls like her?
God, some people just get all the luck.
To be continued…
¤ Author Notes: This is story is just an idea. I know the storyline is kinda cliché but the idea is original right? Or so I hope. Being that I am so young, I know my writing sucks, and if you can help me out through reviews I'll be grateful. So if you may, please leave me a review. I'd like quality over quantity although quantity is a quality all its own. Thanks for reading, I hope I didn't bore you.