This is my first attempt at a story on this website, I hope you'll enjoy it.

Warnings: Yaoi, Yuri, Cursing, Drug use, Alcohol use, Evil Tweed Bags,

Story Book Romance

I remember the first time I wrote, I was infuriated because the world wouldn't comply with my whim, so I created one that did. Each tap of the keys brought to life a shoddily made world with flat plastic characters and predictable lives. But it was my world.

The blue screen glowed as white letters appeared and soon, everything was alright. Writing was the outlet for my young, unshaped, and somewhat uncreative mind. But each tap of the key, each stroke of the pen, brought me closer to the person I am today.

It wasn't long before I realized my characters were inhuman. Their lack of flaws plagued me and I knew it had to be fixed. Everything came to them too easily, their monsters were too easily shooed back into their closets and their hands were too clean to touch the grime of the real world.

So I gave them flaws, true flaws of real people. Insecurities, doubts, and imperfections breathed life into my creations as surely as an unsteady and untried hand could hope to. It was then that my characters opened their miraculously colored eyes and gazed upon me, wondering what to next.

In eventuality I sunk into this world, unable to do anything but comply with their wishes. My puppets soon moved about on their own, even without my emotions drawing them. Their strings were severed and replaced with threads tied to my imagination. Their motions became unpredictable and as thus, smooth and beautiful. Human.

Unfortunately the beauty I created made the world dull in comparison, so I slowly retreated into that reality, never hoping to find such splendor in real life. Thus, real life decided to chastise me by shoving beauty in my face, with it's fair share of flaws.


Caelan Devore was a fragile looking creature at seventeen, and the fact that he clung to his laptop or a pad of paper and pen with a consistency of a child with a security blanket didn't help. He had shockingly bright blonde hair, tanned skin, and vivid blue eyes. But his demeanor, surprisingly enough, did nothing to match these attributes.

His aunt Letty had long since stopped chastising him for his self-isolation, after all, with a past like his she didn't blame him. She only supported him, a fact for which he was eternally grateful. That's why he was in front of her friend's house with an address written sloppily on a piece of paper, waiting to be let inside.

When a woman with raven colored hair and large exotic dark eyes opened the door, he smiled politely. "Hello, Mrs. Kelly I presume?"

"Ah yes! You're Caelan, Letty's nephew right? Come in! Come in!" she said cheerfully. "I was so glad to get a babysitter. I'd have my son do it, but he's so irresponsible, I hardly know where he is half the time, much less whether he's capable of watching the twins. I ordered some pizza, the check is on the table. We're planning on leaving soon, so I'll show you about the house."

He smiled holding his notebook tightly to his chest, he was naturally comforted by this woman's ability to fill what could be awkward spaces with words and he listened carefully taking note of which rooms were which and where such-and-such a thing could be found until they came to the final door at the end of the hallway they were exploring.

"This is Evan's room. He's a bit iffy about his space, but he shouldn't be home any time soon anyways." said Mrs. Kelly. "I suppose you'll meet him soon enough when school starts, I believe he's going to be in your grade right?"

"Well, I'm going to be a senior," said Caelan carefully.

"Yes yes, I'm sure you'll meet him then," she said almost to herself. "You must be such a good boy, babysitting during your last summer free,"

"Well, my aunt Letty brought me here with her, the least I can do is get a job instead of moping about the house." at first he was mortified at the all too honest words that had slipped out of his mouth, but when Mrs. Kelly burst out laughing he breathed freely again.

"You're Leticia's nephew alright. I remember her when she was younger. A bit withdrawn and shy if you can believe that, but a beautiful person on the inside." she said warmly. "Well now. It's time for you to meet the twins!"


The twins were two bundles of energy and Caelan took to them immediately. Despite his discomfort around people he'd always loved children so the moment his eyes connected with the identical exotic eyes of the two little girls he'd almost been tempted to hug them immediately.

"Now girls, this is your new babysitter Caelan. Be sure to behave for him. Caelan, these two little monsters are Angela and Erica, don't let those angel faces fool you." said Mrs. Kelly smiling.

"I'm afraid to say I'm sure I will," said Caelan smiling at the girls who smiled back.


The night went so well that Caelan hadn't once been tempted to pick up his notebook. He'd read to the girls, let them watch TV, told them to bathe, and put them to bed. The two eight year-olds were remarkably well behaved for alleged little monsters.

Angela was bright and responsible- if not a little shy and unconfident. Erica on the other hand was equally bright- but tended to be more mischievous and playful. The two personalities went well together and they didn't fight.

It was only around twelve thirty when the door opened and Caelan stood from reading his book, thinking to greet Mr. and Mrs. Kelly. It was not either of the clean cut Kellys that met his gaze however. It was a boy around his age, with piercing dark eyes.


Evan Kelly smelt of weed, cigarettes, and alcohol. That's why when he got home and his parents' car wasn't in the driveway he was well pleased, if not a little shaky with his steps. He pulled his key out from under a plant and prayed that the babysitter was the old hag who wouldn't know the smell of decent liquor from that of her evil looking tweed bag.

But the person standing to greet him in the kitchen wasn't a wrinkled old woman with a penchant for screaming. It was a young looking boy who looked like he wasn't sure whether to introduce himself or arm himself with a heavy and swing-able bottle of olive oil from the kitchen counter.

Evan couldn't blame him. The boy was slight, he'd place him around five seven. If that. A height easily dwarfed by Evan's own height of six one. He looked at the boy drolly staring into the wide frightened blue eyes, internally amused at the deer-in-headlights expression, until the boy finally snapped to himself.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I'm Caelan, the new babysitter, you must be Evan," he said holding out his hand nervously. He clutched a notebook to his chest like a life preserver and his head was lowered slightly allowing bangs to hang in front of his feminine face.

Evan looked at him with a raised brow and stared at his hand for a second, still dazed with a slight high. He then walked past him and into his room, slamming his door.


Caelan winced, well assured that the boy's door slamming would awaken the sleeping children. When a few seconds passed and he didn't hear two sets of padding feet he sighed and sat down on the couch.

So, that was Evan Kelly.

Caelan stared off into space. Evan Kelly while being one of the ruder males he'd ever laid eyes on, was also one of the more beautiful ones. He pulled out his sketch book and immediately began drawing him. Slender build. Sinewy. Tall. Dark, straight, gorgeous black hair. Exotic dark eyes with distain radiating from them, lined in kohl. Defined dark brows, perfect cheek bones and a beautiful, full, kissable mouth. The only fault of that mouth was a lip ring which Caelan couldn't bring himself to erase.

He sighed, looking at that swiftly drawn image before shutting his notebook with an audible click. He had a vague idea of Evan's character, and he was fairly certain that dealing with him would only cause trouble. So he sought to shove the image of that beautiful face to the back of his mind along with his fascination.


He entered the apartment late that night, knowing that aunt Letty would still be awake- Or at least she'd attempt to be. The sight of her sleeping on the kitchen table was endearing. Her face was concealed by a veil of bouncy black curls, her golden arms supporting her head like a pillow, her small figure looking childish despite her age of twenty-eight.

"Letty," he said softly. "Letty it's time to get up before you get a crick in your neck."

"Lemme 'lone!" she growled turning her head.

After a little bit of cajoling he got his aunt to look up at him with her large brown eyes- glaring. This look soon subsided to a look of concern. "How did it go?"

"Well," he said with a smile. He was immediately rewarded by Letty's returning smile. He would avoid the subject of Evan to see that smile, knowing that did she not have to work two jobs to keep the two bedroom apartment, Letty would be a much younger woman.

"I'm glad. It's nice to see you out of the house. Such a loud boy," she teased. "Either way, I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow morning," she said waving with her hand in a peace sign.

Caelan chuckled as he murmured his goodnights and went to his room and crawled into bed.


"Evan you asshole! Where the hell have you been?" said Cory attempting to tackle his slightly taller friend. Evan simply put Cory into a headlock.

"I've been around jerk off." he said smoothly. "The question is where haven't I been, the answer sure as hell isn't your sister's bed,"

Fey rolled her hazel eyes, flipping Evan off. It was common knowledge that Fey had no interest whatsoever in the opposite sex, so it was a ridiculous thing to say. Cory shoved Evan nonetheless, playfully before glaring.

"Yeah yeah, whatever man. You pissed off Lira pretty bad, what the hell happened there?" he asked, dark kohl lined eyes accusing.

"She got boring," said Evan sticking his hands in his pockets as he sped up walking. The show of discomfort showed that this wasn't the case, but Evan had no wish to speak about his current ex.

"I don't know how you get bored of a blonde with legs that long, but whatever man." said Cory. "Either way, fuck it, we're seniors!" he said looping his arms around both Fey's and Evan's necks. "This year is going to be different!"

"You two are seniors," corrected Fey. "I still have to put up with two years of high school- And Lira's bitching."

"Whatever," said Evan. "Alright. We all manage to get sixth period theater?"

"With much effort, yes," said Fey. "But that slams me in first period Chem. Do you know how awake I am in first period? The answer is not at all."


Caelan sighed. First period Chem. He was barely awake as it was, and he couldn't even find the damned class much less his locker. He was hopelessly lost and his notebook was clutched to his chest so tightly he had white knuckles.

"Mika's gonna kill you for cutting your hair Fey,"

"She's pissed at me anyways, since the twins are back in town." said Fey fingering her shoulder length rust colored hair. "I didn't have much of a choice anyways."

Caelan looked at the two girls talking, clutching his notebook tighter. He could tell, these were fully confident females, and very intimidating ones at that. One was a pretty little brunette with sharp green eyes and a pale complexion, the other one…She caught more attention.

Fey was around five eight with shoulder length wavy rust colored hair, and hazel eyes. Her figure was slender, pale, and slightly muscled. She wore green cargo pants, black chucks and a tight black shirt with long fishnet sleeves that showed her navel. Overall she was an attractive creature but she made Caelan nervous with her penetrating eyes, and they weren't even focused on him.

Knowing he had no choice however, he stepped up slowly. "Excuse me," he murmured. He almost flinched when both girls turned their eyes on him.

"Yes?" asked Fey, a mildly impatient note to her voice.

"Um…I'm new here, and I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of-"

She grabbed the schedule out of his hand and her eyes roved over it. She looked up to the other girl. "Hey Ness, I'll talk to you later, this boy's in my chem class, I'm going to walk him there,"

"Oh you don't have to-" began Caelan.

"Shh! I don't feel like talking to that little twit!" said Fey tugging Caelan along by his arm.

As they rounded the corner Fey looked back as if to check to see if the other girl was following before sighing and turning to Caelan. "Thanks, needed the distraction."

She looked him over as he cowered a bit, wishing he'd chosen anyone else to ask for directions. "Stand up straight, don't look so scared. They'll eat you alive here if you keep on that expression," she said raising a brow.

He stood up straighter. "Look, I just want to get to first period-"

"You're new." she interrupted. "My name is Fey, Fey Iverna, what's your name?"

"Caelan Devore, I-"

"You're a pretty little thing aren't you?" she said clutching his chin and tilting his face up to see hers. She smiled at him warmly and despite himself he felt a flush come to his cheeks at the comment. "Well come along Caelan Devore, I'm going to give you a little tour before first bell."