This is dedicated to a friend of mines who killed himself on the this morrining I just found out and though he was an online friend he was someone that i could talk to so this is to you Danny.

Sex is nothing to me. It never has been. As a child when I was forced to watch others have sex because I was a slave, hatred controlled me. As I grew older and was taught that I would be nothing but a love slave and that I had to let men touch me I tried to run away. They caught me my masters and whipped till I couldn't move for two days. In my village they learned how to whip the women and not harm the beauty. The rule in our village was that all men ruled. Women were slaves or workers. If you were a slave it would only be a sex slave and you were tried better than a dog… most of the time. If you were a worker, you made the food, brought in the harvest, and if men were angry they would be allowed to hurt the working women till the either blacked out from the pain or died.

To the men we were replaceable and worthless. They treated their clothes better than us. Well the women who tried to escape were either killed or whipped and many of us wished we were killed. I was one of the unlucky few because I was considered a rare jewel. I had long hair and my hair was as black of the night. My eyes were dark green eyes that would change colors to fit my mood. I had a curves in all the right places and they treated me kindly than most women because I would make the most money if I was sold. The day the men first saw me was shocking because I had stayed in the room I was born in mostly all my life and only left to go to the exercise room. There was one man that caught my attention. He was 6'1 and had a strong body. His eyes were gray and his hair was blue but he had a streak of blue in the front. His lips called to me and I sat and watched him for a long time. Than the master came in saw who I had been staring at and slapped me saying my future was secure and that a man had bought me that day.

His name was Virgil or as I had to call him master Lee. He was sexy as hell and I felt emotions that I though I could never feel. Than he told me to prepare for I would lose my virginity. He said it with a coldness that was scary. As I got dressed that night and waited for him in his bed chamber it finally got in my head what he would do to me and I grew angry. When he came in he told me to undress and I told him no. If he touched me I would hurt him because I made a promise long ago that no man would have me. He laughed hard and touched me gently. I stood in shocked as he fondled my breast and coxed my clothes off me. I was ashamed at what was happening to my body and knew I would resist. As he kissed me and his tongue pushed in my mouth and felt my special area a wave of pleasure wash over me. He than kissed down my neck till he reached my breast and sucked on one nipple than moved over to the next. Tears washed down my face because I did not want this feeling or his pleasure. He kissed me lower and it was than I felt I had to fight. I started to kick and scream and yelled at him to leave me be. His face which was so handsome change until I saw nothing but hatred. He said I he couldn't have me willing he'd do it forcefully and started to by pushing my legs forcefully apart and in 3 pushes he had come. He said that I was the best he had ever had I as I was laying on the bedin shock of what just happened and ran away crying.