This is my last story for a while some hard things in my family has been happening and I need to stop writing for a while ive had writers block

When she woke up my heart raced that was until she spit at me. My anger took control and before I could stop myself I punched her. She passed out again and I drunk myself till I couldn't think anymore. I hated myself and her for what she put me threw. I heard he wake up and wanted to rush to her but I feared she would anger me. I don't think she loves me. But if I could just hold her and tell her I wanted her to be my life mate. I wanted to be deep inside her tight pussy and make her scream with pleasure. I want to suck her perfect nipples but now I think she'll fight me.

Lorries Proverb

I hate him so much. I can't believe he hit me and even though he's hurt me I still love the basterd. Why did he give me to master Lee for the evening? What's worse is that my moon cycle hasn't come since the first night I was here so if I'm pregnant than I can be sent away to a workers, home.

Andres proverb.

My worker has brought it to my attention that Lorrie is carrying my child and I want her for a wife. I can't help but think of my hard penis pushing in and out of her hot body. I want to lick her and I love her. I love her………

Lorrie proverb.

I will tell him today I am with child and see what he does. He's running toward me and I think he knows. He runs and kisses me and tells me he wants me for his wife. He loves me and I love him. I say yes.

Andres: Lorrie I'm so sorry I haven't done this before. You are my heart and soul and I want to be with you forever.

Lorrie: I love you to but don't ever hit me again are I swear I will not live long enough to have your child.

As they kiss and move to his bedroom Lorrie smiles for the first time in months happy she's with the man she loves.