I suppose that throughout the duration of my work on the cruise ship Antonia II was always interesting. It still is very much so to this very day. I have had many a worker for me, but none of them were never long term except for several. You see, I am the manager of a special, er um… private business for the more bankable clientele on the ship. I hire out attractive looking men and women more so men than women, actually to perform services for the more special clients throughout their vacation. Though all of my employees are all quite peculiar in their own right, none was more interesting than that of Wesley Pipes.

Oh, dear heavens, how rude of me! Would you like a spot of tea? It's Earl Grey, of course. It's the strongest I could get around these parts. Crème and sugar? Flaming Nora! Sorry, I have no need for them, so therefore, I don't have any. Water, perhaps? Furry muff.

Around the time right before I hired him for his talents, I had just become one man short of the integral part of the team. Chip, as he was called, had formed a relationship beyond professional with one of our wealthy clients, Ms. Winchester, and decided to quit. After all, why would he need to stay under my employ thereafter? As I said, I became one man short, but that left me with two of my most trustable men, but I needed a third.

My two most trustworthy men, you say? Oh, dear, yes. I am afraid I have gotten a bit ahead of myself, haven't I? Yes. I think I will begin with Hollywood. Yes, Hollywood is quite the character indeed. A tall about 6'3", slender, milk chocolate man with light brown eyes. He's quite graceful and suave, to tell the truth. In fact, if he were white with a British accent, he would be nearly James Bond like. But he's black and an American. I'm not too fond of Americans, but like I said, Hollywood is quite special. He's often quiet and reserved, and has this mysterious quality about him that nearly all of the women find themselves panting over. He has a mad effect on all of the women, and could have his choice of whomever. This sometimes proves to be a problem because he is in such high demand, and he doesn't always particularly care for some of the clients who wishes his services. Most times, he is most asked for by older, white females. He usually prefers the younger ones, thus disappointing the others greatly. This is why I needed a third, integral part of the group. The other part of the three you say? Oh yes, well, he is quite eccentric. Can never tell with that one. He's often random, and makes no sense at all with his choices. Studs is his name.

Studs is, well, average height, he'd insist upon me saying that he's 5'11", which is true, and stress the fact that it is only an inch away from an even six feet after all. He's quite a hard cased individual. He is white, and British like myself. Kind of wiry, compact and muscular, in a slender sort of way. Blond hair, blue eyes, and can never seem to keep still. A bloody berk he can be at times, but trustworthy and honest. He is very much welcomed and needed on my team. He's been with me the longest.

He is also, quite rude, at times. He throws mild tantrums when things don't go exactly his way. But women love the way he looks, and his accent. His is more British slang. Me? Oh no, I speak very properly at all times, thank you very much. Actually, Studs used to be proper, for he had a proper upbringing- boarding school and all. I believe that at one point in his life, he was quite the spod. But please, don't ever tell him I said that. He'd probably say it's all rubbish anyhow. But he found it to be quite boring indeed. Also, the ladies have a special yen for the bad boy persona, and Studs is able to give that to them with great fervor.

How did I get into this profession? Well, when I was younger, my poor, dear mother took ill. We were short on funds at the time, and I needed ackers straight away. Can you Adam and Eve my luck when I met a man who was in the exact same position as I was in when I lost Chip? Funny how history tends to repeat itself.

I suppose I should also mention Sunshine. Most men find her a bit of all right. She is the young, teenaged daughter of one of our most fond clients, Mrs. Hoyne. She and her mother often come on the trips alone, and practically stay during the entire summer. You see, they are very much neglected by Mr. Hoyne, who I suspect is having an affair and doesn't want much to do with his families. Yes, we are in the business of dealing with the often neglected and the lonely. Oh, excuse me, I'm terribly sorry. I've gone off on a tangent. I try to not do that most times, but sometimes, it simply can't be helped.

As I said, when Sunshine is there, she works for me. She knows most of the members as well as new and old clients on the ship, and always gives me special information and background on them. Most of them are her mother's friends, or her father's business partners. Also, Sunshine has become quite clever in bringing aboard, er um… special medications, I guess I should put it aboard ship. If Studs didn't have a little grass time after time every once in awhile a little Jack simply won't cut it for him, though he does bend his elbow quite a bit, then I think dealing with him would simply be unbearable. Why don't I fire him you say? Well, it would be simply absurd, that's why! He is quite talented, and is very spiffing at what he does.. I did mention that earlier, didn't I?

So anyway, Sunshine was the first one who spotted Wesley. She saw him at one of the many bars on the ship. He was young and scruffy looking this particular look is also on high demand by some of the clients; dark hair, dark blue eyes, five o'clock shadow, and the "oh, so broody" look. Yes, women like that look very much. Also, he is a fellow Brit such as myself. Sunshine, in her pleasant way which she isn't always is, at times. When she doesn't get her way… explained to him the situation and job opening. She told me she tested him out for herself, and that he would be an extreme addition to the team, and that he should be placed above all others. Well, except Hollywood and Studs.

"He's an absolute dream! Women will love him! I know I do… No offense, Studs." Studs was quite fond of her, and offered his services to Sunshine on a regular basis- for free. And he often gives her Aussie kisses, which he rarely does for anyone else. At least, not for free. She often took it.

I should also mention that Wesley grew quite a liking to the girl. Unfortunately for him, nothing would ever become of it. But a man can dream, can't he? I had heard that as a young boy, his mother would often sell him regularly for money. Men, women, it did not matter. Ultimately, his good looks ended up being his downfall in life. But I thought that perhaps being here, working for me, would have somehow given him a sense of pride and dignity. Oh I know, you think I've turned him into a high end prostitute. But like I said earlier, these are special circumstances. Our purpose is to help the neglected and the lonely. He was here after all, of his own volition, and was paid handsomely. But I suppose that dead look in his eyes shall always remain. His spirit was destroyed long ago. He usually walks around with an awful, miserable kipper. Especially so when he began spending most of his time pining after Sunshine.

I felt sorry for him, for when he looked at Sunshine, I would often see a glimmer of hope in him, a "maybe someday" sort of look. He thought he saw purity and innocence in her, the way he once was. But it was all an illusion. Sunshine was hardly innocent, and not been for quite some time. He previously knobbed the girl. He should bloody well know!

But, there were no relationships, only the people you work with and the clients. But I do suspect that perhaps in the future, the two of them shall…. Oh, dear me. I've gone off on one of those tangents again. Terribly sorry.

So, I talked to Wesley, and he said something along the lines of "I have nothing better to do, actually." I asked him what brought him here, and he merely scoffed and said "bad luck." Not very verbal, that one. He was shy, I believe, while Studs was a constant talker, and Hollywood was quiet and reserved, but they made an abso-bloody-lutely marvelous team. For awhile.