Dusk falls swiftly as the day quickly ends,
Streets empty and crowds part.
A little child stares in wonder as people walk past.
She looks at how they chatter with each other,
And swing their purses, their bags to and fro.
The autumn scent sinks in and the strangers go home.
Eyes widened and tears flowing,
She cries to the empty streets,
"Why do you dream? I want to dream, too!"
Why, why, why,
The question echoes throughout her fragile life,
Ringing clearly, repeating again and again,
Yet never recieving even a hint of an answer.
At late nights she lies awake,
And imagines the impossible, thinks of what cannot come true.
It is brilliant waterfalls and a crystal blue sky she sees,
The evergreen forests, the white yellow sun.
She does not dream,
For life could not grant it to such a wretch.
The little girl tries,
She tries to reach for the stars sparkling above,
And the moon that shines so bright.
Life knocks her down to the dirty ground,
Scolding and taunting her for her curiousity.
"Fly away, little child," they hiss,
"This is not meant for one such as you."
Dust rubs into her face,
Smearing with the dirt caked on her skin.
She screams, she yells, she cries, she weeps,
And falling to her knees,
The little girl sobs as she bows her head.
Defeated and jaded, she cries,
"Why? Why do you torment me so?
I want to dream, can't you see?
Let me touch the sun, let me see the stars.
Am I without purpose?
I don't care for your words--
I want to dream!"
Smirking and laughing, the Fates leer at her,
Rattling and shaking the imortal chains,
That bites and claws at her soul.
"No, no, no." they answer with a mock,
"Little child, you want to fall."
The pleasure of a dream is that it's an illusion,
If it came true, it was never a dream.
For when the dream blossoms into reality,
None follows, but bitter emptiness.
A/N: Thought of this one day in chemestry and wrote it down in spanish. I don't think it made much sense, but it has something to do with accomplishing and when its over, it just feels so... empty.