Maxwell: Eh…I have so many stories to update and here I am typing up a new one…oh well! Here it is, chapter one of the awaited sequel! ...okay, that was a bit gay but neh. This won't be as angst as it will be comedic. The prequel will be the darkest of the three but until then…enjoy. And this will be exceptionally short, since it's just the prologue…so bite meh (yes, MEH!)

Story/chapter info:

Pairings: (Crescent/Momiji do NOT count for they are a COUPLE…) …none.

Warnings: (Beeped out) Hey! What the Hell? (Reads paper) Oh…it'll spoil the ending…

Quote: "There are only three types of human beings in this world. Enemy, ally, or servant."- Okane ga nai

Writing music: …

Disclaimer: And I'm only doing this ONCE…I own rights to all characters with the exception of Momiji (whom I have all rights to for the current work).

My Boyfriends Keeper


With ankle length snow-fallen hair, narrow ice blue eyes, and skin as pale as paper, he was a stranger to Momiji. But to Crescent, he was a nightmare.

"Brooklyn?" he asked.

"Hello Crescent…" he replied in a slick tone. "I'm here to pick up my pet…or should I say…brother?"


"Of course." Brooklyn simply replied as he stroked his silky hair.

"But Bandit…" Crescent started. His eyes fell to the floor. "He's dead."

Brooklyn's ice blue eyes widened for a moment. "Really?" He asked in a surprised tone. "I can't believe he's gone."

"I can't believe you had the nerve to come look for him!" Crescent shouted. "You're the one who sold him to Rath!"

"You're still sore about that I can see." He replied casually. "But don't forget…you're the one who got him the job."

Crescent grimaced, biting his tongue. "Well…now that you know," he pointed to the door. "Leave."

Brooklyn stood momentarily dumbfounded. A smirk cracked across his pale lips before he bellowed out a laugh. "You're still rather amusing. That was good!"

Momiji grabbed Crescent's arm. "What's going on Crescent?" he asked.

"Don't worry about it." He growled. "He's going."

"Am I?" Brooklyn asked, highly amused. "You think I'm just going to let Bandits death go unheard?"

"Rath's the bastard that did it; talk to him!" Crescent shouted.

Brooklyn stepped inside, making his way over. He ran a slim hand up Crescent's face as he placed his lips to the ookami's ear. "But I left him in your care." His ice-like breath nipped the lobe of his ear.

Crescent swallowed. He couldn't argue with that. "What do you want then?" he asked.

Ice blue eyes fell onto Momiji who was tightening his grip on Crescent as if he'd loose him if he let go…maybe he would…

"No." Crescent snapped under his breath. "Rath has better chances of getting it up the ass…" (XD)

"Would you like to test that theory?" he asked.

"Momiji…" Crescent said, his eyes never leaving Brooklyn's. "Go out."


"Momiji!" he shouted.

"Fine…" he pouted as he let go and left the apartment.

"Let's go settle this like rational adults…sick fag." Crescent said as he led him to the kitchen.

"That's fine you cocky-bitch." Brooklyn said taking a seat.

"Would you like some tea you asshole?"

"Yes, pedophile, two sugars please."

"Coming up you butt-raping Nazi." Crescent said as he pulled out two cups.

"Thanks very much…Love." Brooklyn smirked.

"I said RATIONAL adults! That's taking it too far!" Crescent shouted.

"Hn. You haven't changed…in mind or in physique." He smiled. "It's very appealing."

Crescent shivered. "Can we just get this shit out of the way? I don't want you in my house any longer than you have to be."

"Well in that case…I don't know what I want…"

"What?" Crescent hissed.

"I'll have to come back to you on that…"

"You mean I just shouted at Momiji for nothing?" He asked.

"I like my guys hot tempered…"

"Damn it, you sleazy fruit loop!" He went to the couch and grabbed his shoes. "Now I have to chase him down!"

"That's fine with me," Brooklyn smiled. "I like watching your ass move as you run."


"I'm really sorry about earlier…" Crescent apologized for the 100th time. "I just didn't want you hurt."

"It's alright." Momiji laughed as he nuzzled his lover's neck. "As long as you're okay…I'm okay…"

Crescent smiled as he placed another kiss to Momiji's forehead. "Aishiteru…"

"I know…and I love you too…"

"Good-night koibito."


A loud knocking startled the two awake. "Who the Hell?" Crescent asked. "It's five in the morning!" He put on a pair of boxers and left the room. "Stupid sonofa-" he opened the door to find Brooklyn standing there. "What the Hell do you want at five in the morning?" he asked.

"To make you my personal pet…" he smiled.

"What?" Crescent asked fully awake.

"I decided to make up for my brothers death…I'm making you my sex slave…"

-End Prologue-

Maxwell: Lovely wasn't it? XD

P.S: And just because it's a humor, this is me…rape is amusing! Okay, maybe not to you all but hey…you've been through this with me before…don't like my writing style don't read!