Maxwell: Oh this story is so sad right now! XD Okay, I decided to be a good person (WTF right?) and update this next…cause I'm so sick of reading school work…though I will be back on it soon…eh…
FOR THE RECORD: This is the SEQUEL to In Situation Like These and has NO connection to Unexplainable (which I should have up soon…sorry…). I don't want to sound like a bitch, though it's my nature…just wanted to get that out of the way before more new readers started to ask (no, you're okay Jinchu-kun, you asking is what made me post this…so you get a big thanks! And a bishie of your choice!) Pick a boy, any boy…
Spiffy Info:
Pairings: Um…nothing here…again.
Warnings: This chapter is gonna suck.
Quote: "There are only three types of humans in this world. Enemy, ally, or servant."-Okane ga nai
Writing music: As the World Falls Down© from Labyrinth© Okay, so maybe it doesn't go with this chap…or does it? (Shrug) I just like it so…
My Boyfriends Keeper
Chapter Two
"Well this is rather odd," Brooklyn looked to Crescent. "You haven't told him?"
"Told me what?" Momiji asked, his grip on Crescent tightening. "What's happening?"
"Why dear Crescent is my Pet now," he smiled. "It's payback for my brothers' death."
Crescent looked up, tempted to make a comment but decided well against it. Instead he looked to Momiji, apologetically, as he got up from the bed to take his place at Brooklyn's feet. He lowered himself onto his knees, his head lowered respectfully.
"How may I service you today Nushi-sama?" he asked in the most respectable voice he could muster. "I'm at your beck and call…"
Brooklyn smiled cruelly. "You may stand," he straightened himself up. "I just came by to see how things were going. I thought by now he'd surely thrown you out but seeing as he didn't even know until now…oh, did I just interrupt a moment?"
"Yes," Momiji snapped. "As a matter o' fact you did!" He turned to Crescent. "And you tell me what's going on?"
"Momiji, look," Crescent started but a slap to his face silenced him. "S-sorry Nushi-sama…"
The hazel eyed boy looked up, "What'd you hit him for? He was answering me!"
"Answering you? Well I don't see your claim of ownership over him," Brooklyn replied, examining Crescent. "Am I missing something? Why don't we discuss it over tea, hm?" With a gentle smile, he cocked his head. "Shall we?"
"Oh, don't give me that look." Brooklyn muttered. "It's how the world works you know."
"How the world works!?" Momiji almost knocked his chair back. "I'm sorry about Bandit, but you can't do this!"
"I can't?" He asked, his British accent heard a bit clearly. "I've never heard that before."
Momiji stared blankly. This had to be a joke. "You heard Crescent; he's not even the one who killed him! Why don't you talk to Rath, he's probably the one who-"
A slender arm shot across the table, a hand taking hold of Momiji's neck. The boy gasped, trying to inhale. He clawed at the hand helplessly. As he began slipping in and out of consciousness, he heard Brooklyn's deep accent, so full of hate.
"You don't know what you're getting into boy," he hissed. "Stop while you're ahead…got it?"
With a pop, Momiji's body fell lifeless, falling to the ground.
"Momiji, wake up." A familiar voice. "Come on, open your eyes…"
"C-Crescent?" Momiji asked his voice weak. "Is it…?"
"Yeah, you okay?"
Was he okay? Sure, he was fine and fucking dandy! Of course he wasn't okay! A familiar song came to mind, that song by My Chemical Romance©, yeah, he's not o-fucking-kay either. He opened his eyes slightly, just enough to see Crescent's expression…he saw panic, relief, hurt, and anger all at once. What an odd look for someone who normally broods or simply smiles. He closed his eyes, rolling onto his side.
"I'm fine." He lied. "Just, let me sleep."
Crescent frowned, grabbing the boys' shoulder, and turning him back. "What was that?" he asked.
"What was what?" he snapped back. "I said I was fine!"
"Quit lying and tell me," Crescent told him. "And then I'll leave you be."
"Why should I have to say anything to you?" Momiji asked his tone bitter. "You couldn't even tell me about-this!" His hands shot up. "Just get away from me!"
Crescent grabbed the boy by his wrists, pinning them to the mattress. He then placed himself on top of him, his heavier body making it impossible for his charge to move. Momiji tried to turn away, but with Crescents eyes burning into him, all he could do was close his eyes. His face started to burn, his body trembling beneath the older youth.
"You think I like doing this?" Crescent asked. "No, I don't. And I hate myself for not telling you but it wasn't the right time. And do you think I expected him to show up like that? Well I didn't!" He loosened his grip, "I didn't want to hurt you okay, I didn't want you to take it the wrong way."
"How was I not supposed to!?" He asked. "If you would just let me know you, maybe this wouldn't have happened!" He began trembling again. "You don't tell me anything about your past…you just shut me out." He turned his head into his arm, trying to hide his tears. "And this is what it's all about…and there is nothing I can do about it."
Crescent let Momiji go, causing the boy to look up quickly. As he did two arms encircled him tightly, his body tightly pressed to Crescents. His eyes shifted to see the dark of Crescents hair the elder nuzzled his neck. He murmured incoherently, his words lost in Momiji's skin. All Momiji could do was hug him back, placing his face in the dark, warm hair.
"It's okay…I understand…" he whispered silently.
The two stayed in that position for quite some time, falling asleep. When Momiji awoke, Crescent was still snuggled against him, his grip just as tight if not more. Momiji smiled in the dark, brushing the silver of Crescents hair aside. He kissed the demons forehead, his full lips tasting the skin.
How long would he be able to do this? Crescent had to payback for a life, which was no easy task. He gripped the demons shirt, not wanting to part. He couldn't just give up, not without a fight. He wouldn't! If it was a fight Brooklyn wanted, it's a fight he'll get.
-End Chapter Two-
Maxwell: Yes, sorry…lame chap. but it was necessary. Things should start heating up in the next chapter(s) so…yay? Heh, I just had a chibi mental image of Momiji and Brooklyn in fighting stances then suddenly they're on DDR pads…DANCE TO THE DEATH! Okay, I'm officially lost all sanity... -.-' Oh joy. But again, sorry for lameness! Trying to update everything…except Sweetest Sin (sorry!), that is going through heavy revisions…but thanks!
afk: Yay! My freak is back! XD Yayness (lol-comp. corrected 'yayness' as 'gayness') XD It knows me too well! Well I'm glad you enjoyed Brooklyn. He's gonna be around for a long time and also a big part of the prequel…lol-I'm doin' a DMC on this!
Vel-Vel: XD I can't believe B-chan convinced you to read this! XD Aw, too fun! Isn't that just awesome?! Gaki Toki fluffs me…and I fluff Gaki…and Cheese, I like Cheese… XD
dyers-eve: Pester me? Grins Why, what'd you have in mind? XD J/K Love! Aw, but don't feel sorry for him! You only make him…well he's already gay! XD What more do you want?!
MoonlitFootprints: …is this necessary? You already know how much I feel about you. You know I just fucking LOVE you. XD I do, you're just…ah, and you're awesome! Thanks for the lovely e-mails (sorry I haven't replied!), and the compliments…I like having my ego stroked…like Rath like's having his-…heh heh. Never mind that…
forbidden passion: My favorite (only actually) pretend lesbian lover! XD Yes, you are…sad isn't it? Sorry about 'Ikiningyou' for the time being…Jesse is actually going to have a bigger role this time around so yayness on that! Thanks for compliments on Brooklyn, and letting me know I'm famous…that's fucking awesome!
Gaki Toki: XD YOU!!! Oh, you're so awesome! I love your reviews, they're always funny, and sexy, and you're doing that picture! XD Oh, you're completely awesome…you have no idea. Snags copy of tape Yes, now I'm gonna go make copies of these to sell on eBay© so…yee!
Keidren: Ah! Kei! Snuggles I heart you! You are one of the greatest! And…well… Squeals and snuggles Gah, I need to e-mail you again…it's been forever! And thanks, I like knowing I'm your favorite authoress! That makes my day!
psychotic/stranger: Evil laugh Cry damn you, cry! Bwahaha! …eh, now I want to cry…boo. Sorry for a crap excuse for a chap. but I hope it's alright…goodness to come! Laughs at obvious joke
Solemn-Asylum: Quit changing your name on me!? Gyah! Sometimes I want to-hot!? Well thanks, retarded fan girl-ness I try and all, so…hey! XD Thanks, I'm glad it's hot…I like hot…
paxtsunamidragon: XD Hey, there is nothing wrong with being a sadistic pervert…I think. And you just said that what makes it worth reading! So, I'll take it as a compliment…thanks!
Hitori-Hoshi: XD I'm glad that pleases you! …hey, makes me happy! XD Um…well I still kinda need Brooklyn, and trust me, he's gonna get it in the end…but for now…don't kill! Play with Mirage! Again ripped away from fuck buddy Mirage: Goddamnit!
Kaorii: Sorry! I didn't either! XD WooHOT! I love being told my albino's are hot…shit, I like being told any of them are hot. But albino's especially! XD I loved writing that scene! Too much fun! But thanks; hope you stay for the rest of the ride!
Lady Sarrow: Um…sure. Just don't hurt me! Cowers Um…sorry Bandit, we resurrected you for nothing! … Shoves random hot guy on him Never mind…you're useful again. (Lol-my comp. keeps correcting it as Lady Sparrow…XD)
Mephistophilis: XD You're dirty ain't ya?! I get Dante! Yay-ha! Grabs him and snuggles Um…now what was I doing…ah well! Come on Dante! Drags of on leash Doom doom doom…
Moutons Noire: Um…sorry!? Ack!? Don't hurt me! I'm just a kid with two-toned hair and no life! Hey, sadists compliment his eyes, see? Throws Rath over his shoulder And really bring out the silver of his hair…
Um…the nameless one: Actually I can…I don't know you! O.o and personally…I LOVE you! You're weird too! Yay! Runs around as well
KaylorStar: …well thank the Goddess you're not Momiji…people would kill you! Then I'd be out a reviewer! XD Hope this…um, yeah.
BROWNXCRIMSON: Wow, I like that! People know how to stroke my ego… Plops into lap Love on me…I updated! And it only took…forever! XD
Tinykrngrl: Um…I think he's a little mad but I'm too happy to care. I got a review. WooHoot! XD Thanks as well…I like newcomers!
Amakudari: …you called Brooklyn an ass! XD That was so mean! But yes, make that…thing…read! …stupid bastard….read and die.
Jinchu-chan: Hope you don't mind the nickname! XD I like newcomers and you especially! I can't believe you're going to read all my crappy fics! That makes a…whatever I am, proud! Can I keep you? You're awesome! Hugs Mine… and I hope the note at the top answered that question.
Serious Li: …no, but if you want me too…I'm willing if you are! XD Oh, that was dirty!