A Walk in Central Park

I strolled along the winding roads

Of a park within the city

And I seeā€¦


On a cloudy day,

The stagnant waters

Of a fountain,

A rock bed in the river,

And a taciturn soul,


In a NY lover's mist.


A statue of a man,

Strong willed,

With a bronze plating

Over his gentle heart.


And across the path,

Tiny houses,

Coffee shops

Where lovers talked

A lover's talk

And song birds sang

A lover's song.

And the air is scented

With the young ladies'

Sweet perfume.


Looking up high

Along the clouded horizon

A vision is beheld.

The NY sky scrappers

Giving off the aura of a giant,

Protector of his land.


After the rainfall,

Of the night before,

The little children

Play in puddles scattered

Through the park.

And artists sit along the roads.

Their senses heightened.

The air rich with inspiration,

They're hard at work.


An old stone bridge,

The echo lingers for a moment.

Its walls hold resemblance

Of medieval times.


I walk along the paths

Until the magic is gone.

And the city sounds return,

And people rush by me,

In the haste of the day.

But my satisfaction lingers.

I stopped just for an hour

To smell the roses.

And I did not let

Life pass me by.