I thought it'd be fun to try out an action story. And it's changed a lot since the last time. A WHOLE lot. Thanks to Durandal for allowing me to use his character after that whole 1st epic was done…

Chapter 1

On mid-mornings when she wasn't on her computer, Tina Larson Sakamoto could often be found wiping the tops of tables of the restaurant her husband owned just before the place opened for the busy lunch hour.

As a freelance illustrator/designer, Tina had set her own hours. She hadn't had any clients within the last two weeks. Not that she was disappointed about that. The slight break was good.

The sun was already high above New York's Chinatown, and it lit up the dining area, casting long yellow beams of light across the white tiled floor. Natural wood tables and matching chairs made up the furniture of the restaurant, as two large scroll paintings took up two opposite walls. In fact, the only item that was out of place was a white dry erase board that hung in the back wall, behind the sushi bar, labeled 'Today's Specials'. Such specials had yet to be written in black dry erase marker.

After hooking her dishrag into the front pocket of her blue apron, Tina arranged the soy sauce, salt, sugar, and sugar substitute packets. She then inspected the tall, slender vase housing a white carnation to make sure that the water level was high enough to provide the flower moisture for the whole day. She pursed her lips in thought. Maybe tomorrow she'd get different flowers for the restaurant. She thought carnations were pretty, but her husband picked them up nearly every morning to help add color to the restaurant. She'd call Devlin later and ask him to set aside twenty stargazer lilies for tomorrow. His flower shop was three blocks down, much closer to the center of Chinatown, while Tanaka's Sushi Bar & Restaurant was almost near the outskirts of the popular shopping and dining area.

The door to the restaurant opened, and she looked up, slightly startled. The man standing in the doorway was dressed in a dark blue suit, his brown hair slicked back from his face with so much gel it reflected sunlight. He touched the thin moustache above his upper lip, his eyes surveying the area.

"We're closed," Tina announced, her slender hand pointing to the sign posted in the window.

"I know." His eyes gave her a once-over. "Mrs. Sakamoto?"

"Can I help you with something?" she asked warily.

"Yes. My name is Geraldo Rodriguez. I need to speak to your husband…"

"May I ask why?" she inquired, crossing her arms over the pink tank top she had chosen to wear today.

"It's regarding building and zoning matters…"

Her green eyes studied him for a few moments before she turned towards the kitchen. "Wait here…"

Tina meandered through the tables before making her way around the sushi bar. Pushing the curtain flap aside, she entered the kitchen. Two men were at work, one dressed in a white T-shirt and dark blue jeans, a large white kerchief tied around his head, keeping his long spiky black hair away from his face. He was of medium height, with a slim frame. His hands were busy at the sink, rinsing rice that would go into the rice cooker. The other, dressed in a white T-shirt and faded gray jeans, was busy slicing chicken with a large butcher knife. Tina walked up to the second man.

"There's someone here to see you."

Her husband frowned. "Right now? We're not even open yet…"

"He said something about building and zoning…" Tina shrugged.

Tanaka's brow furrowed slightly but he washed his hands with warm water and soap. "Take over for me, will you? It was Kozue's idea that we have chicken katsu special for lunch…people are probably gonna buy it since it's two dollars off regular price…"

The other man grinned as he dumped water into the sink from the bowl of rice he was washing. "People get tired of teriyaki all the time…"

Tina quickly headed to another sink to wash her hands as her husband stepped outside into the dining area.

"Do you know who he is?" Kozue asked, his eyes focused on the curtain that separated the sushi counter and kitchen.

"I don't know," Tina shrugged, wiping her hands dry. "He made it seem really important."

Kozue set his bowl down and nodded with his head in the direction of the curtain.

Tina grinned and the two crept up to the curtain doorway, hoping to eavesdrop on the stranger's conversation…


"Tanaka Sakamoto?" the man in the suit asked as Tanaka came around the sushi bar.

"That's me."

The man held out his hand. "Geraldo Rodriguez."

Tanaka accepted the hand and shook it before gesturing to a four person table. "Please sit." As Rodriguez thanked him and settled into a chair, Tanaka pulled out a chair across from him and sat down as well. "How can I help you?"

"I actually am here on behalf of Claudio Moreno."

Tanaka kept his face blank. He knew the name all right. Not many people would associate what he knew with the name…but that wasn't their fault.

Rodriguez cleared his throat. "Anyway…he's interested in buying your property. He plans to turn it into a business venture of his own…what that is he has yet to decide…but he wants to buy this location from you."

Tanaka allowed a small frown to show. "I just got here. I mean…the restaurant's only a year and a half old."

"I know," Rodriguez agreed, raising his hand. "But Mr. Moreno is willing to make a generous offer."

The frown came in full force. "This is my business. People depend on me…I have a full staff here and business is doing much better than it was six months ago. I can't just…give it all up. It took me a long time to get all the permits and licenses for this place. This…so much…work went into building this place…"

"I know it's asking a lot," Rodriguez said with the fakest sympathy Tanaka had ever heard. "But Mr. Moreno's price is more than enough to compensate you for your troubles."

Tanaka's eyes rounded at the estimated number Rodriguez gave him. "I'm sorry, but no."

"You aren't even willing to meet with him to discuss it further?" Rodriguez pressed.

"There really isn't anything to discuss," Tanaka said politely. "I won't sell my business."

Rodriguez's eyes narrowed. "Then I've wasted our time."

"I'm sorry." He watched as Rodriguez quickly got to his feet.

"I'm sure you are. Good day, Mr. Sakamoto." And with that, the stranger left.

Tanaka craned his head over his left shoulder. "Did you get all that?"

Coughing slightly, Kozue stepped outside as Tina offered an apologetic smile. Tanaka shook his head. While he didn't like the fact that the conversation had been listened to, he couldn't stay angry for very long. Not at someone who had looked out for him since they first went to college. And especially not at his wife. Who happened to look really good today in her pink tank top and low-riding blue jeans that hugged her body, her brown hair pulled back in a half-ponytail.

"Honey…" Tina came up, putting an arm around his shoulders. "Who's this Moreno guy?"

Tanaka and Kozue glanced at each other before Tanaka studied the street outside for a few moments.

"Rumor has it that he's the head of some melting pot mafia," Tanaka said quietly.

Tina frowned. "Melting pot?"

Tanaka shrugged. "Yeah…he's got people of all kinds of nationalities working for him, so he's got connections all over. That's what I mean by melting pot."

Tina blinked. "Oh. But…why would he want to buy this place…? I don't get it…"

"Me neither. And honestly, I could really care less…"


An hour later and three blocks down from Tanaka's Sushi Bar & Restaurant, in a shop called Chinatown Flowers, the store's owner was currently marking off items on a checklist he had attached to his clipboard. This morning a delivery truck had arrived with several fresh flowers to add to his inventory.

Devlin Cai made a note to himself to set aside some lilies for Tina Sakamoto. She had personally called a few minutes ago and asked him if he had enough in stock. His friend's wife apparently was tired of seeing carnations in the restaurant and wanted something else.

He had to admit, the lady knew her flowers. At least every two weeks she'd call requesting a different flower to decorate the restaurant.

After making another mark on his clipboard, he glanced at the clock he had installed on the wall of his shop. Twelve-thirty p.m.

He didn't even blink when the door of his shop opened and a young woman hurried inside, pausing once she reached the register counter, a blue backpack slung over one of her small shoulders.

"Xia, you're late," he announced.

She grimaced. "I know. Sorry. My teacher made us stay late in class today…"

Xia was nineteen and went to the university nearby. She usually would be in class from eight a.m. to eleven a.m. And it usually didn't take her long to get to work from there.

"Go put your things away. I have an order that's being picked up in two days," he instructed.

Nodding, his assistant hurried to his office in the back of the shop. His office contained a large window that gave him a view of the shop's interior. She tossed her bag in the corner of his office and came back outside, throwing on a blue apron across her waist. She then moved to the large white tiled workspace behind the register, where organized rows of various colored ribbons, tape, and scissor supplies were lined against the wall, ready for usage. Xia went to the end of the counter to retrieve invoices of orders that had to be completed by the end of the week.

His assistant was very efficient. And a quick learner. Both qualities she clearly demonstrated when he hired her a little over a year ago.

"Tea party?" Xia squinted as she studied his notes on the invoice. "An engagement tea party? Why would you want to order flower centerpieces for…never mind…"

"I thought the same thing."

"Whatever…" Xia shrugged before gathering the necessary flowers.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Easily pulling it from its charging station by the register, Xia pushed the talk button to activate it. "Chinatown Flowers, this is Xia." She frowned slightly, glancing at him. "Uh…hold on…let me check and see if he's busy." She pushed the mute button. "April Branca on the phone…she wants to come by."

"What for?" Devlin's features hardened.

Xia rolled her eyes heavenward. "Why else would she want to come by?"

At that, he scowled. April Branca was a Chinese/Portuguese former model now fashion designer who owned a clothing store just two doors down from Tanaka's restaurant. Since she opened her store two months ago, she had made frequent visits to his shop. She had made it clear within ten minutes of conversation – mostly on her side – that she was interested in him. While he had made his disinterest obvious, the woman was persistent. She was of the opinion that he'd eventually change his mind.

Kozue thought he was insane. What man could resist a beautiful woman?

He shook his head mentally. It was well-known that Kozue dated and dated often. Kozue was the complete opposite of Tanaka, who was married and happy about it.

"I'm too busy right now."

She pushed the mute button. "Hi, April? He's busy. We just got a shipment…" Her eyes rounded. "You need to talk about something important? And you're ten feet away from our front door? Um. Okay…" She hung up.

Why did he feel a headache coming on?