Author's Note: So, this is it! I'm kind of sad to see it go. I hope everyone else enjoyed this story as much as I did, and thanks so much to everyone who reviewed!! (Please continue :D). So, if you liked this story, I've got another one almost finished (I like to have them mostly written before I start posting), that you should look out for! It's a romance (of course), and it's about pirates! It'll be good. (I hope.) All right, I'll stop promoting myself . . . on with the story!

p.s: Congratulations to Ellabella!



The sun threw its rays at the ocean, only to have them bounce back up in a myriad of blues and greens, while the salty ocean breeze danced over the waves and inland to cool her skin.

There it was.

A small cottage, perched only 20 or so meters from the beach, with a magnificent view of the Atlantic in all its glory. They had less than an acre of land to call their own, but it was their own and no one else's.

They had been hiding in small inns and empty farms for the past few weeks, but Fiona's family had stopped searching for her long ago and Blayne Terrance couldn't do much without drawing attention to himself. Besides, no one would ever think to look for them here, in an obscure town on the coast.

Fiona dismounted, taking a deep breath of the salted wind. James tied the two horses to a tree, and then came behind Fiona and wrapped his arms around her. He held her close against him and drank in the sweet smell of her hair.

"Let's go inside."

It was small inside, but likely nicer then many of the surrounding cottages, having a clean wooden floor and two rooms, a sitting room/kitchen and a bedroom.

It had been hard for them to find anything to buy, as most landowners only rented. They had found one man, however, in desperate need of money to settle a debt, and willing to sell a bit of property for more than it was worth.

"What'd you think?" James asked. He was nervous, a part of him still afraid that she'd take one look at the place and run back to her plush carpets and French silks.

She kissed his lips lightly. "I love it."

"We'll get furniture and stuff." He said, gesturing to the bare floor and walls.

"Of course!" She smiled. "I've already got it all planned out." She brought her lips to his. "We'll get a soft rug next to the fireplace."

She kissed him again, holding his lips for longer. "We'll get a quaint little table to eat at, and"

He kissed her this time, with passion enough to leave her stunned silent when he pulled away.

"And? What else?" He asked.

"And, and we'll need some nice, comfortable chairs."

Her body clung to his, molding together as if they were made for each other as they kissed, long and deeply. He undid the ties of her dress clumsily and she pulled his shirt off over his head.

"And we'll get a big, soft bed." She gasped as her dress slid off.

"With thick, plush pillows."

"And . . ." All words failed her as he pulled off her undergarments and she stood as naked before him as he before her.

Right then, on the wooden floor with the noonday sun streaming through the open windows, though there was no priest or witnesses present, they were married.