Thanks, Shaz :)
There'd been a rumor going around that he had been cheating on her. She didn't believe it of course, that is, until she had heard it from her "reliable" resources that were her best friends. She went home that day shocked, hurt, and finally angry. She thought about what needed to be done.
He had no car for her to deface, but then, vandalism was never her thing anyway. Instead, she decided to kill him- with kindness so to speak. She would act oblivious to any of the things she'd heard that day, and pretend as if all were honkey dorey. "And then what?" She asked herself. She decided it would be best if she made him some breakfast brownies.
"And they will be good." She thought to herself. In went the entire box of chocolate Exlax into the brownie mix. She will give them to him before second period, and he will be grateful. He will eat the Exlax infested brownies, tell her how delicious they are, and then, his stomach will cramp, will churn, will rumble and grumble. She will be successful of giving him the gift of bubble guts-itis.
He will run to the bathroom, but he will not make it, for the Exlax will prevail. He will soil himself in front of every one just as he soiled all over there four year relationship.
"To ere is human, but to revenge, is divine." She thought to herself, vigorously stirring the eggs, Exlax, mix and milk into a creamy, brown batter. Her face devoid of any emotion, she poured the batter into the buttered pan.
After sitting down for several moments while the brownies were baking, she thought that the box of Exlax alone wouldn't be enough for her intended desired effect, so she thought some more about what she could add. As if a light bulb had appeared over her head, she gave a Cheshire cat's smile and walked to the cabinet to obtain the container of Epsom salt, for her father had many a problem with his bowels, and decided to mix some of it with the powdered sugar she would use as a topping.
"Gotta be sure." She mumbled to herself, eyeing the carton that was now in her hand, then thinking it would be an even better idea if she cut the brownies into one inch squared pieces, knowing that in that form he would easily pop them into his mouth, so quickly in fact, he won't know how many or how much he had eaten, and would hopefully eat the entire batch. The next day came, and her assumption had been right.
"Oh, thanks babe. I was so hungry, and you know chocolate is my favorite." She smiled knowingly at him as he popped two more pieces into his mouth, disappointed that the bell had just rung and they would have to part their separate ways, for their classes were in opposite directions.
"I'll see you after second period." He told her after giving her a fond kiss on the cheek. She pretended as if going in the opposite direction, but then ducked behind a corner to watch him, noticing him clutch his stomach and stop walking for a moment before shaking his head and continuing on. She allowed him a hefty start in front of her, for she knew where his class room was and where he was going, and stood close by in the girls bathroom, which was right next to the boys bathroom, and waited. Five minutes later, he came running out of his classroom holding his butt, whispering-yelling "shit, shit, shit!" all the way to the toilet as he continuously passed gas. When she heard him scream "Oh fuck!" from the echoing halls of the washroom, she knew that he never made it to the toilet, and that her mission was accomplished.
Unfortunately, her mission was wrong, for her friends and their "reliable" info was incorrect, for her loving boyfriend Adonis in fact had not been cheating, and never even considered it in his natural life, at least, with no one he actually had a chance with. Yes, her lack of not trusting him put a huge dent in their relationship. What shitty pants and lack of trust can accomplish…
What was it about chocolate and alcohol? The smoothness, the creaminess, and it still burns you going down. Chocolate martini's. Helluva drink. He downed the entire glass in one gulp. But I suppose that's not saying much, considering martini glasses aren't that large.
I guess this is how I'll be spending my days until she leaves town: hiding in dark, dank holes more or less. In actuality, he was at a bar, in the early afternoon, drowning his sorrows so to speak. Or perhaps, merely attempting to make them seem jaded in his own mind with the excessive consumption of alcohol. He ordered several shots to follow the girly martini drink.
Shannon, who was once the geek in the class, then the girl of his dreams, then his, all his, was now the bane of his existence. Something about her continuously tortured him. He wasn't sure if it was his own doing for allowing himself to feel pain, to feel anything, or hers, like she was some sort of plague, or a leech perhaps, slowly, but surely sucking the life out of him. He would have guessed vampire, but he'd seen her in the sun often enough. She's beautiful in the sun he thought. No, he used to think. She meant nothing to him now, and never would.
But that wasn't completely true, was it? Someone who meant so little or nothing at all to you, surely you wouldn't spend most of your time in the day and be haunted by dreams later that night if they meant absolutely nothing. Absolute. Think I might order some of that too…
He looked around the bar and noticed the other two patrons in the darkness with him. One was a man sitting at a small table, doing nothing but looking glum as he stirred his straw in some dark, alcoholic liquid. The other was an old man with a hunch back and large bulbous nose. He was on his third order of scotch. Good god; one day, that could be me he thought fearfully. Alone, abandoned, drunk off his ass, and most importantly, alone. He remembered when he wasn't alone; when she was there with him. He remembered the laughs, the tender touches, the strong and sensual hugs… But she had to be a know it all bitch, didn't she? Couldn't even talk to me about…
She never gave him a chance to explain himself. She never even listened to his side of the story. Everything that happened, when she stopped believing him, believing in him, that's when it all fell to pieces. She let him go, let him drown, and never even said sorry. Because she was wrong. The bitch was wrong, and she didn't even try to apologize. What kind of shit was that?
Be it or love or hate, never before in his entire existence had he ever felt such strong emotions about anyone. He couldn't let his feelings for her go. Sure, it would have been a lot easier had she not come back; had she stayed across the country and away from him; had she not drawn up all of these unpleasant and harsh memories. Then maybe he wouldn't have to look so much back in the past. He couldn't move on, couldn't proceed, couldn't now dare to dream an existence without her somehow being in it, and effecting it. It was over for him, for he had involuntarily surrendered himself to her— mind, body and soul. She was now, and forever would be his master and keeper, and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.