I woke up early Monday morning, my first Monday in two months. I stumbled out of bed, not wanting to actually get motivated. No one wanted to get up on the first day of school, even though I knew everyone was happy to see their friends and hear the summer gossip.
I looked in the mirror and poked my cheek, I was so not ready to go. I had spent all summer tanning and splashing around in the pool. The summer had been a long one, I had broken up with my boyfriend Trevor when I found out he was cheating on me with a freshmen, and compared to that, school sounded wonderful.
"Kara Marie Anderson, get up and get going now!" I heard my mom yelling from down the hall, I was NOT a morning person.
"I am mom!" I said putting makeup on and examining the way I looked in the mirror. I put on a jean skirt and a red tank top, then searched in my closet for about 15 minutes for my red and blue flip flops. When I was finally ready I didn't look half bad.
I pulled into the parking lot of Ridgeway High School and smiled as I saw a few old faces hanging outside, being a senior was going to rock, it had to be better than last year. I opened the door and walked towards the building. As I walked through the doors I noticed how many people I hadn't seen since school got out last year.
"KARA!" I heard someone from behind me yell. I turned around and saw my best friend Ellen Shaw.
"Hey El!" I said giving her a hug. We walked towards the courtyard that had always been our class's meeting spot. There were so many people outside it wasn't even funny. I set my backpack down and leaned against a tree when a few girls walked over to me.
"Oh my gosh Kara, we heard you and Trevor broke up!" This girl was Diana Miller, not someone I liked very much, considering she went out with Trevor for a year, but now I guess I could sympathize with her.
"Yeah, we did…" I said looking at her.
"I'm sorry to hear that, he is kind of a bastard." She said smiling. "He broke up with me a day before our one year anniversary."
"Ya, he is kind of a jerk." I said looking for someone to come and save me from these people.
"What did he do to you?" her friend Sarah Swanson said to me smiling.
"I don't really want to talk about it if you don't mind." I said walking away when I saw my friend Sherry Williams and her long time boyfriend Brandon Patterson come outside.
"Hey Kara." They said smiling at me. We talked for a little bit when Sherry started to look in the other direction.
"What now?" I asked her.
"Just don't look over there…" she said smiling.
"You butt-head, now you know I'm going to look!" I said turning around. There leaning against a tree was Trevor, Trevor and his little freshmen Lexi.
I walked into my first hour class and saw that there was a seating chart. I walked to the front of the room where a crowd of people were reading where they were going to sit. I found my seat without even bothering to see who was sitting next to me.
I took out my notebook and a pencil, calc was a terrible class to be taking first hour on a Monday. Class began and the seat next to me was still empty, maybe I had lucked out and gotten a table all to myself.
The syllabus was handed out and I began to read it when I heard the door open quietly.
"Sorry, I uh…got lost." Someone said and immediately I knew who it was. I watched Trevor saunter up to the front of the room and read the seating chart, I saw his face fall and immediately knew I was going to be forced to sit next to my ex-boyfriend who I thought I was so in love with for a whole semester.
"Hey Kara." He said sitting down, I looked at him with a face of annoyance.
"Got a pencil?" I had a terrible urge to say something terribly mean to him, but I handed him one without saying anything.
I made it through my first three classes, and walked to the cafeteria. I bought a bag of chips and an iced tea and went to eat outside considering the weather was still warm. I saw Ellen sitting under a tree throwing rocks at a group of freshmen and pretending to not know anything about it when they looked to see if it was her who was throwing rocks into their conversations about which varsity football player was the hottest.
"Ellen, bad girl." I said sitting down.
"Shh…so far I think they have all agreed on Jeremy McFay." Ellen said tossing another rock at them. I laughed as one of the screamed because it landed in her drink. The courtyard began to fill up with so many seniors the freshmen started to get freaked out and left.
"Guess what I heard?" Ellen said looking in the other direction.
"What?" I said eating a chip.
"Mr. Oh-so-popular-with-the-freshmen football player likes you." She said grinning.
"WHAT!" I said looking at her. "I hate football players!" I said looking at the chip bag.
"Shut up, I don't care how arrogant you think they are, you know you love football." Ellen said smiling
"The fact that I like to watch football, as a sport, has NOTHING to do with me actually liking the players themselves!" I said drinking my iced tea.
"Yeah right, remember freshmen year?" she said smiling at me.
"Shut up now, I was a freshmen, just like those little girls who were over there earlier, I liked the football players only because of how good they look in their uniforms." I said stearnly.
"Well, what ever, I just thought you would like to know he likes you." Ellen said staring over to where a bunch of these so called "hotties" were sitting.
"Just out of curiosity, who did you hear this from?" I said lowering my voice.
"Well, I kinda heard him telling one of his friends about it." She said with shifty eyes.
"Yeah right!" I said smiling.
"You would so go out with him…" Ellen said smacking me,
"Maybe if he prooved to me he wasn't just a football playing, jock strap wearing hollow-headed butt head." I said walking away.
After school I walked out to my car just in time to see the football players running laps around the track. Jeremy McFay liking me, yeah right, I said as I opened my door to grab my purse. I walked back towards the building, I was staying to hang out with a few of my friends that I hadn't seen all summer.
"Let's go watch the football players." My friend Megan said smiling.
"Do we have to?" I said looking around at the group.
"I think we should…" Ellen said grinning.
"No!" I said planting myself in my chair.
Next thing I knew I was sitting on the top bleacher listening to the other girls talking about how hot all the guys looked in their football pants. I sighed and looked at my watch, it was only 3:30, and I had no homework and nothing better to do.
"You guys, chill out." I said laughing at them
"Kara, they look HOT!" Megan said twirling her hair.
"Heck yes they do." Ellen said laughing.
I looked down at them, now doing push ups and yelling "yes sirs" and "no sirs" in unison. There was something attractive about them physically, but emotionally I don't think I could have dealt with one, besides freshmen year I was so overly football-player obsessed no one else had to be. Thank God I got over that.
The guys clapped their hands then ran into the locker room. I stood up and looked at the other two, who were still lost in complete lust.
"Come back!" Megan said in a sad whiny voice.
"PLEASE!" Ellen said laughing.
"Guys, I'm gonna go…" I said laughing.
"No stay until they come back out!" Megan said.
"WHY!" I asked.
"Cuz we love you!" Ellen said with a puppy dog face.
"No you love those football players." I sat down next to her.
In about 10 minutes they started to walk out the gym doors and towards their cars.
"Oh my god! IT'S THEM!" I said sarcastically. "I'm leaving." I walked towards my car, neither Megan or Ellen looked away from the guys.
When I finally got to my car I saw that I had magically parked next to Jeremy McFay himself, if I had been Megan or Ellen, I would have hyperventilated due to the face that his car was next to mine.
"Hey Kara." I heard Jeremy say as he walked to his truck.
"Hey Jeremy." I said unlocking my door.
"Why are you here so late?" he asked smiling.
"My friends are freaks that need mental help…" I said laughing.
"Was that you guys on the bleachers during practice?" he asked throwing his equipment bag in the back of his truck.
"Guilty as charged." I said standing inside my opened door. "See you around." I said sliding into the car,
"Wait, Kara, what are you doing tonight?" he said looking around.
"It's Monday night, so going home to make dinner." I said making up an excuse.
"What about Friday?" he said smiling. I looked over to the gym doors where Megan and Ellen were giggling with a few of the second-string players.
"Nothing that I know of." I said replying. One date couldn't hurt could it? Besides, he was hot, and maybe he did have a brain.
"Want to go catch a movie or something?" he said bitting his lip.
"Sure." I said smiling, I had to be nice, no matter how much I didn't want to be caught dead dating a football player,
"Sweet, I'll pick you up at 7:00." He said getting into his truck.
"OK, bye" I said getting into my car. I watched him drive out of the parking lot and began to think. He seemed like a nice guy, but was he just an arrogant butthead like every other stereotypical football player, or was he a genuine nice guy?