A/N: I know this took FOREVER, this is going to be the LAST chapter of this story, so it's kind of quick, I want to get everything in and make sure nothing is left un answered. I know it's a short story, but Kara's story doesn't end here, this story just ends here. LOL. Thanks to all my reviewers! YOU ROCK!


The night seemed to go by so quickly, maybe it was the fact that there was another bonfire, or maybe it was because I was so much happier than I had been for such a long time. I was amazed at how the world seemed to change the instant Jeremy and I were back together.

We spent the rest of the night catching up, it was amazing how time flies, and how many things had happened. Jeremy of course had been almost obsessed with getting back into football shape and working on getting into the University of Texas. I was a little upset at his pick of colleges, I was planning on staying in-state, and if this thing was going to work out the distance wasn't going to help.

Jeremy and I waited until long after most people had gone to bed to leave the beach. He held my hand as we walked up the path towards the hotel. We walked in silence, and when we finally reached the hotel we saw that there were quite a few people still in the lobby, including KC and Megan who were sitting on a giant over-stuffed chair.

"Those two are starting to scare me; I didn't know people could make out that much." I said as we waited for the elevator, Jeremy smiled at me and the door slid open in front of us.

"This has been a great night." Jeremy said kissing my forehead, causing me to giggle. We stood outside of my door for a while, not wanting the night to end, but when we saw KC and Megan approaching we decided that it was time to say goodnight.


The rest of our time in Mexico was amazing, we all came home with good tans and almost nobody came home single. When the senior class returned to school, it was clear that we were all anxious to leave and go on to bigger and better things.

Most of the teachers let us slide, and made the classes easy and enjoyable, and the last few weeks of high school were a blur filled with yearbook signatures and talk of caps and gowns.

I, on the other hand was trying to keep graduation from coming, once it happened it meant Jeremy and I only had a month and a half before he had to leave for Texas. He and I had spent almost every weekend together and we were both dreading graduation.

Jeremy and I were sitting in the Chuck Wagon eating a basket of fries, it was the night before the big day, and my stomach was turning.

"Here's to our last night as Ridgeway Tigers." Jeremy smiled at me holding up his glass of iced tea. I smiled at him and held up my Diet Coke. I leaned over the table and gave him a quick kiss.

"Don't be so sad Kara." He said putting his hand on my face.

"I'm sorry Jer, I just don't want it to end." I smiled up at him, I knew he felt the same way, he just didn't want to show it.

"Let's go, we need to get our beauty sleep before tomorrow." He winked at me and helped me out of the booth. We drove to my house in silence, his truck had finally gotten out of the shop and it was nice to ride in it again.

As he slowed in front of my house he smiled at me then kissed me. I smiled back at him and got out. "See you tomorrow." I said and ran up my driveway.


I awoke to the sound of my cell phone ringing. I sat up and looked around my room, hanging on my closet door was my cap and gown, I frowned when I saw it and threw a stuffed animal at it.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was Megan who was calling.

"What's up?" I answered, not really wanting to deal with her this early in the morning, it was only 7:00.

"Kara, KC and I got into a fight last night!" she wailed into the receiver, dear god, they were turning into such a married couple, once they got sick of making out all the time all they did was fight.

"About what?" I said looking in the mirror, I grabbed my hairbrush and started to attack the tangles in my hair.

"I don't know, we just started to fight." She did sound upset, but she and KC really needed to break up, it wasn't a healthy relationship.

"Well, I bet you get back together tonight at graduation." I said pulling out some chapstick, now that graduation was actually here it didn't seem too bad.

"Ok, whatever you say, I have to go get my hair done now." She said hanging up without saying goodbye. I tossed my phone onto my bed and looked in the mirror. This was such a huge event, I couldn't believe I was actually graduating from high school. I stared at the cap and gown, it wasn't that bad. A month and a half with Jeremy was better than no Jeremy at all. I sat on my bed and closed my eyes and fell back asleep.


I smiled as I walked across the stage, I saw my mom and dad with the camera and I saw a few of my favorite teachers. Once I had made it to the other end, I took my seat and looked towards Jeremy who still had a line of people in front of him. He winked at me and I smiled back. I watched as my fellow classmates made their way across the stage, the same as me, all smiling broadly and then joining me in the empty chairs.

Finally after what seemed to be ages, the class of 2006 was announced and hundreds of caps flew into the air. Everyone got out of alphabetical order and hugged their friends. I turned around and saw Jeremy, I wrapped my arms around his neck in a giant hug and he smiled at me.

"We did it!" I smiled up at him, I was too happy to even think about us going our separate ways in a month. I turned around and saw Megan; she was kissing Kevin all over his face and he was hugging her tight. She stopped and looked at me, then ran towards me and gave me a hug, KC and Jeremy shook each other's hands and everybody in the entire room was laughing, crying, screaming and hugging each other.


There were so many parties that summer, it seemed like they were never going to end. Everyone spent huge amounts of time with each other, at the pool, baseball games and at the bowling alley.

Jeremy and I had barely gone a day without each other all summer, neither of us wanting to admit the fact that soon there would be thousands of miles between us. Every party we went to, we went to together and many times we didn't go at all.

The month in between graduating high school and leaving for college was the best summer of my life, but as everyone knows all good things must come to an end.

Jeremy and I sat in his truck, we had just left the bowling alley where we had met most of our friends for the last time. I was trying not to cry, Jeremy was leaving the next morning. I looked out the window, I didn't want to look at him, I didn't want this to be the last time we sat in his truck, or the last time he bit his lip, I didn't want to say goodbye.

"Kara." I heard him say, but didn't look at him. "Kara, what are we going to do?" he asked me grabbing my hand. I knew exactly what he meant. Did we end it now, or wait for it to deteriorate due to the distance between us. I looked over at him, trying not to look upset.

"I don't know." I choked, holding back the tears was nearly impossible. "No matter how badly I want this to work…" I began, I knew Jeremy was going to find someone else in Texas, I felt a tear escape, I was holding my breath, I did not want this to happen. I knew deep down that there was no way this was going to work out, I had to do the hardest thing I had ever done in my life. "Jeremy I think we need to…break up." I was shocked when the words past my lips.

The look on Jeremy's face was one of complete grief, but I knew he understood. I smiled at him, trying to make the best out of the situation. "We'll keep in touch." I said putting my hand on his cheek. He stared at me then smiled back, he kissed me softly on the lips, causing me to cry some more.

Jeremy turned to the wheel and started the truck. He pulled out of the parking lot and we drove to my house in silence, and when we finally stopped in front of it, I took a deep breath. I knew the second I opened the door it was over, the greatest time of my life would be over.

"Take care of yourself Kara." Jeremy said squeezing my hand.

"You to, be safe, and I'll watch you play." I smiled at him, I twisted the door open the stepped out into the warn summer night. "Bye Jeremy." I said turning to shut the door.

"By Kara." He said smiling at me, then I found myself shutting the door of his truck and walking up the driveway. I got to my front door just in time to see Jeremy rub his hand through his hair and drive away.