"I've been…rejected." That was the first thing Drake said upon entering the apartment.
Damien burst out laughing at the declaration and utter dejection that was on his brother's face. He wanted to mark this day on a calendar, for it truly had never happened before, not in the many years of their lives. Drake had gone to school that day confident that he would have a date for this weekend. And now he looked…well, crushed. Drake's reaction confused him; Drake had never been upset about a girl before, and a mortal one at that. Then again, he had never seen rejection before. So, Damien figured it was just the hit to his ego had suffered.
Walking over to his brother, he clapped him on the back, "Don't be so glum, there are other fish in the sea."
Drake glared, "I don't want the other fish."
Dumbstruck, Damien asked, "Huh?"
Sighing, Drake walked into the kitchen. He angrily took a glass from the cupboard and slammed it on the counter, shattering the fragile cup.
"What is the matter with you, brother?" Damien asked, worried about him. He had never seen Drake get this upset over anything, except for maybe the rival clan's, but this clearly had nothing to do with them.
"She said 'no'," he stated like it was the most obvious thing to them both.
"We have established that."
"I just…cannot believe it. This has never happened before," Drake shook his head in disbelief.
Damien was hard pressed to hold in his laughter. "Well, there's nothing you can do about it, now is there?"
Snapping his fingers, Drake responded, "I'll ask her out again. She…can't deny me again."
"She's already denied you once. Just let it be," Damien soothingly replied.
"What is the matter with you? You are acting like she is your mate."
Drake's head snapped up. "Do not joke about that," he growled out.
"I would never joke about that. But look at you. You should see the way you are acting just because she did not want to go out with you." Damien waved a hand to try to alleviate the situation, "Anyway, since you are so keen about getting your date with this girl, how do you plan to go about doing that. She may just say no to you again."
"She won't," Drake replied confidently.
Damien shook his head, "You don't know that."
"Yes, I do." Ignoring the broken glass, Drake left the kitchen and went to find where he threw his jacket. Once, finding it he rummaged through the pocks until he found what he was desperately looking for. Letting out a triumphant yell he produced a cellular phone out of the pocket's depth.
Walking closer, Damien peered at the phone. "That's not yours."
Drake tossed his jacket onto the couch and went back into the kitchen. This time successfully taking a glass out and filling it with a familiar red liquid. After greedily downing its contents he answered his brother, "You're right. It's not my phone."
Damien was confused, "If it's not yours, then…Oh, Goddess, you stole her phone?!"
"Of course I didn't steal it!"
Drake cut him off, "She left it on her desk."
"But, why would she do that?"
After a brief hesitation Drake replied, "She was trying to get away from me as fast as humanly possible…which isn't very fast."
Damien couldn't help it, he burst out laughing. Seeing his brother glare at him he desperately tried to stop. "Okay, okay. Sorry. But," he tried to regain his control, "I sorely hope that this woman is your mate because she would be good for you. For too long have women just fallen at your feet. It is about time you needed to fight for one."
Waving a hand dismissively, Drake turned his attention to the cell phone that he was still holding. He started pressing buttons, and after a minute of annoying little beeps his eyed widened and he got up and raced to the phone in the living room. Damien followed close behind, curious as to what his brother planned on doing.
Drake picked up the cordless phone and dialed a number, holding up a hand when his brother started to speak. Using his enhanced hearing, Damien shamelessly listened in on his brother's conversation.
After three rings a woman's voice answered, "Road Kill Café, you kill 'em we grill 'em. How may I be of service this evening?"
The two men were shocked, but eventually Drake recovered enough from the unexpected greeting to say, after clearing his throat, "Uh, yes. May I please speak to a Jennifer Miller, please?"
"Yup, hold on one sec," the woman responded.
The twins could hear the phone as it was put down on a hard surface and then the voice that answered yell out, "Jen! Phone call! And he sounds hot, so be nice!"
In answer they heard, "I am nice." Then, after the phone was picked up they heard a breathless, "Yes?"
Damien looked over at his brother when he heard the mystery-girls voice. No wonder Drake was enamored, there was just something in her voice that most mortal woman didn't have, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Shaking his head he turned his attention back to the conversation at hand.
"Oh, great. I was hoping that it wasn't lost forever," that was Jen. Drake must have told her about her phone.
"Yes, well, you were in quite a rush to leave class this morning. It's a wonder you didn't forget other things."
"Uh…yea," they heard her swallow; Damien could practically hear the gears turning in her head as she tried to come up with a quick excuse. "I…um, had a…test. Yea, a test in my next class. I, uh…needed to get there early to…study."
Drake raised an eyebrow and glanced over at Damien, silently letting him know that he, too, detected the poorly stated lie.
"In any case, I'm sure that you did wonderfully on it," Drake responded.
Smacking his arm, Damien hissed, "Don't make her feel bad."
Drake ignored his brother and continued, "So I'll return your phone to you when we go out this weekend?" He phrased it as a question, but Damien knew him well enough to know that it was a thinly veiled demand that his brother stated.
"This weekend?" Jen sounded confused. "Why can't you just give it to me tomorrow, at school?"
"Because," Drake drawled out, "I want to go out with you, and, this way, you'll have to."
Damien could not believe his brother, and apparently neither could Jen, for she sputtered, "A-are you bribing me…with my own phone?!" She was angry, and rightly so.
"Oh, come now. Bribe is such a strong word. I'm simply using it as a…incentive."
"But…I need my phone." Jen sounded as if she was desperate to try and make him see reason…or to just try and get out of a date with Drake. Though, as much as Damien knew of his brother's faults, he couldn't understand why. But it seemed that Drake was determined to find out. "If anyone calls in the next two days, I shall certainly let you know."
"Why, Jennifer, it seems like you are just trying to get out of going on a date with me."
Jen didn't speak for a minute. She was probably debating whether or not she had a stalker on her hands. Without waiting for a response Drake continued, "I promise you will have a wonderful time. We'll go to dinner, then a movie. Or a walk in the park if you'd prefer. I give you my word that I won't bite, unless you ask of course," Drake chuckled darkly.
Sighing, Jen finally responded, "Look, it's not that I don't want to go out with you. I do-"
Drake cut her off, to prevent the inevitable 'but' from coming. Smoothly he interjected, "Wonderful. I'll pick you up from your house at eight o'clock on Saturday."
Drake hung up the phone.
I couldn't wait to post this chapter. It was so much fun writing it. So please, please, pleeeease let me know what you thought of it and review! :o) Thankies.