A/N: I hope you like this story...it's my first. I accept ALL criticism, whether it be good or bad, because I'm sure I need all the help I can get. If I don't get any reviews, I won't finish the story. Thanks a lot!
A Typical Day
"Aaaaaahhhhh…." That's the sound that came out of my mouth when the first drop of an entire cup of water hit my face. My brother, Jason Michael Chase, was hysterically laughing his ass off at me due to his lovely accomplishment. So I retaliated by doing the only reasonable thing I could think of.
I flung my covers off of me and started running after him. One may think that my brother is faster than I am, but they would be quite mistaken. He may be the captain of the boys' varsity soccer and basketball teams, but I am the captain of both the girls' varsity basketball and track team.
He puts up a pretty good fight, but I'm still quicker in the end. I caught him and pummeled him to the ground. He got me in a few headlocks too, but overall, I still kicked his ass!!! I love my brother to death! He isn't one of those over protective types. He lets me make my own decisions, no matter how stupid they are. For that, I not only love him, but I also respect him. And although he is one year older than me, I am by far, way more mature than he will ever be.
Anyway, enough about him… I should explain myself first. My name is Rilie Brooke Chase. I am a Junior at Faith Springs High School in California and I am 16 years old. I am an excellent student, I have tons of friends (only 2 that are my best), and my goal for the year is to be prom queen.
Right now it's January, so I have until May to do all of my campaigning. I know what you're thinking… I'm some overly pretentious, boy-crazy airhead, but I'm not. Every once in a while I like to dress up and pretend I'm on top of the world for one night, because after that, my world comes crashing right back down.
Now, my life isn't horrible, but there are lots of things I would like to change. For instance, I want my mom to find a man that will give her everything she desires. My dad died ten years ago and she hasn't been in another 'real' relationship since then. She devotes all of her time to her career and tends to forget that she has two children at home.
I don't feel neglected, but I do miss her a lot. I am not a lot different from everyone else at school, I party, I drink on occasion, I goof off in class (but still make straight A's), and I am an entirely well-rounded individual. The only complaint that I've had in my four years of high school, is that I've never been in love. I only have a year and a half left, so I'm hoping good things will start happening to me.
School starts in about 20 minutes. I said that I do exceptionally well, and I have a lot of friends, but I really loathe the thought of getting up every morning to listen to my teachers drone on about something that I could really care less about. I got my license in November, so it makes me a little happier about going. I get to drive my 2004 Honda Civic, so it makes me perk up slightly. I grabbed a pop tart and headed out of the door.
I arrived with about 10 minutes left to spare. One of my best friends, Noelle Mathews (Noey), ran up to my side. She's about 5'5" with brown hair and green eyes. I have known her since kindergarten and her favorite thing in the world is gossiping! I imagine that's what she running up to me for. I was right, because no longer than 30 seconds after her greeting, she said, "Did you hear about Dylan getting expelled?"
The first thought that went through my head was Dylan who??, but then it dawned on me that she was talking about none other than Dylan Masters. He has officially been labeled the school 'freak,' with his black and blue hair, black clothes, many piercings, and tendency to break all the rules. I can only imagine what exactly it is that he's done this time, so I took the bait and asked the question that she'd been dying to be asked. "What did he do?"
She almost looked surprised that had even seemed interested. This is justified, because I'm not normally much of a gossiper, but for some reason Dylan interests me. "That's the thing," she said excitedly, "no one seems to know. I even asked Rachel McDuff and she has absolutely no idea." Rachel McDuff is the queen of gossip at this school, so I was really surprised to hear that she didn't know.
"Well," I said, "it must have been pretty bad. He does stupid shit all of the time, but he never gets expelled." The bell rang for first period and I had a long way to walk for first period, but I made it with only seconds to spare. The rest of my day was pretty boring. There was a lot more talk about Dylan at lunch, but there still isn't anyone that knows what happened. The end of the day bell rang and we all scattered out of the school. I have track conditioning right after, so that's where I'm headed.