"Kai! Get your ass back here!"

"I'd rather not. Your scary when your angry."

"It's your fault I'm angry!"

"Oh that's right. Well, I think it's time I left." he said as he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"I'll get you next time. Stupid figment of imagination."

"Perhaps I should explain myself. My name is Elizabeth Elsewhere. Yes, I know my name is weird, but that isn't important. I, Elizabeth, have an imaginary friend. Uh, there's no need to call the men with white coats. I assure you I am not insane. It's my mother's fault! She's the one who gave me him. I think they were conspiring against me. How about I take you back to that day..."

""Mom, I refuse to wear a dress. I'm going as I am."

"Now, dear, don't be unreasonable. There's nothing wrong with wearing a dress. You have nice legs, you should show them off."

"Mom! I'm not being unreasonable. And I refuse to wear that thing out of here!" I said pointing an accusing finger to the dress my mother held.

"Sweetheart, don't force me to dress you." she said with a evil smirk.

My eyes grew to the size of saucers, "You wouldn't dare!" Upon her advancement on me I changed my mind, "Or maybe you would."

"I wouldn't have to do this if you would just change into the pretty dress."

"I'm sorry mother... but I am not wearing that," I said as I ran to my room and shut the door. I heard her shaking the knob shortly after.

"Dear, open the door. If you don't I will be forced to let him loose. I've been trying to keep him away for some time."

"What in the world are you talking about? I knew you were insane, but this is just scary."

"Now its not nice to call your mother insane." I heard a unfamiliar voice respond.

"Mom? Is there someone with you?" I said as I opened the door.

"Oh, Elizabeth you finally unlocked the door. I would like to introduce you to your fiance." my mother oh so happily stated.

"My what!" Had the entire world gone loopy!

"Well, you see. I had wanted you to have a husband so I made a deal with him in exchange for your hand in marriage... he will become real!"

Okay, the world really had gone loopy while I was in my room. "Have you finally lost your mind, woman?"

"No sweetheart. He is your imaginary friend after all. Who better to marry?"

I looked at her like she had grown two heads. What in the world was my mother talking about. I knew she wasn't that stable in the head, but this is crazy even for her. Maybe there was some truth in the rumors of her being a witch. No no no. My mother was no witch. True she could see and do things ordinary people couldn't, but nothing like casting spells and the such.

"Dear? Your being awfully quite is everything alright?"

"Mom? Your just kidding about that whole imaginary friend thing...right?"

"No. Now if you'll just put on the dress we can talk things over. Don't you want to look pretty for your future husband."

"I'm not putting on the dress!" I took up my fighting stance, prepared for whatever she would try and pull. Before I could blink mister fiance had taken me by the arms. The next thing I knew I was wearing the dress. "What...just happened...?"

Grabbing me by the hand my mother said, "Come. Now we can all sit down and talk."

She led me to the garden outside. She must have been trying to calm me down, she knew this was my favorite part of our house. It was so peaceful. I can't help but thank the man who had gotten this home for us. Of course if it wasn't for the crush he had on my mother we wouldn't own this beautiful house. There seemed to be something about my mother that draws people to her. They always turn to her in their time of need. I had only overheard a few of her conversations with her 'clients' but it had to do something with people from another world. When I was little it seemed like the perfect fairytale world. Now that I think about it I wonder if this man is just one her clients that she has a business deal with. She gets every mothers dream, grandchildren, and he gets... Well, I'm not sure what he gets. A guaranteed wife?

"Elizabeth, we have much to talk about." my mother said, suddenly serious.

"Yes?" She always scares me when she becomes serious.

"I have told you before that fate is complicated."

"Yes you have mother."

"No one can see Kai but us." she said while pointing to mister fiance. "And if they can then that means they have a special gift that not many have. He is my imaginary friend. I invented him after I had you. I wanted to make sure you had someone to love and take care of you once you got older. Would you believe me if I said there is a world full of people like him, just waiting for us to realize they exist?"

"I'm not sure if I believe any of this, truthfully."

"Well, then let's not worry about the how's and why's right now. Just accept that he isn't real in this world and that he is your future husband. You'll marry once time says so." my mother said once again adopting her happy, carefree attitude.

Used to her odd antics I just agreed, "Um, okay...but why am I wearing a dress!"

"To look pretty for your meeting with your fiance."

"She doesn't let things go, does she?" Kai asked.

"It's not that. She just really hates getting dressed up."

"Oh. Then I should thank her." he said as he neared me.

"Eh... what... doing... are... you...?" I sputtered out as his face got dangerously close to mine. If I wasn't so distracted by his odd features I would have shoved him away. But who wouldn't get distracted by a handsome man with Japanese features and piercing blue eyes? I mean how many Japanese people do you see with blue eyes? Would you believe me if I said his soft reddish brown hair that was chin length in the front and shortened to ear length around the rest of his head blinded me and that's why he was able to become so close to me?

When he gently put his arm on my shoulder I finally snapped out of my stupor. I opened my mouth to protest and seeing his opportunity he bent down and kissed me. Tongue and all.

He pulled back and was met with a fierce glare from the girl in front of him. He barely had time to register her anger before he saw or rather felt her fist connect with his jaw. Kai looked up from his position on the ground to see his new fiance grinning evilly at his pain.

The satisfaction I felt running through my body when I heard him hit the ground didn't seem to be quite enough. He had some nerve kissing me like that!

"What in the world were you thinking!"

"Now, dear, it isn't polite to hit your fiance." my mother stated calmly.

"She apparently has a good arm too." Kai said.

"Yes, I do. And I would love to see you try that again!"

"Oh? You want me to kiss you again?" he said as he got off the ground and walked up to me.

"Come near me and you die!" I can't believe the nerve of that guy! He's trying to grate my nerves!

Kai stepped forward 'I think I quite like her, temper and all.' "Are you saying you didn't like my kiss? You were staring at my face fairly long with an expression that said you clearly like it."

"Grr!" I growled out. Oh, he was going to get it! "I suggest you run, pretty boy!"

"I'm so happy you two are getting along!" my mother cried excitedly, as I chased after pretty boy.

...And that was my first encounter with my imaginary fiance."