I'll Never Understand...
By: Miranda Quick
January 29, 2001

I'll never understand,
Why you ever liked me,
Or why I ever thought that it would last.

I'll never understand,
Why I opened myself up to get hurt,
Or why I thought that it would be any different.

I'll never understand,
Where I went wrong,
Or what I did.

I'll never understand,
How one day I made you happy and the next I didn't,
Or why you seemed to like those girls more.

I'll never understand,
Why you called me beautiful,
Or why you cared for so long.

I'll never understand,
Why you went out with me in the first place,
Or why it lasted as long as it did.

I'll never understand,
How it took so long for you to realize my insecurities,
Or how much I needed your attention.

I'll never understand,
What I could've done,
Or why I wasn't given a second chance to fix what went wrong.

I'll never understand,
Why I cared so much,
Or why it hurts so much.

I'll never understand,
The anger I feel when I see them around you,
Or the hurt that rushed through me.

I'll never understand,
Why you even gave me a chance,
Or why you put up with me.

I'll never understand,
How someone like me ended up with such a nice guy,
Or what happened to that nice guy after about a month.

I'll never understand,
Where things went wrong,
Or how it could be so sudden.

I'll never understand,
Why guys always break my heart,
Or why I let it happen.