To Tame the Brown Bucking Spider
By OrangeFlips
Warning: This is rated M, so when I have the courage to write a full-fledged... scene... I'll have the appropriate rating for it. Oh, and it's SLASH, okay?
Chapter One
Stan Buckley entered the classroom just as the bell was going to ring. He timed it this way. He needed a way to dramatically introduce himself without words – make a lasting impression, especially if he was going to be the only new senior at this high-end private school. He paused before walking up the aisle towards the lone seat that was left, glancing over the room. He was clad in the required uniform of this extremely expensive private school, the white shirt seemingly dull against his crazy platinum-blond hair that fell messily, yet so perfectly, on his head. His startling, clear-blue eyes smirked as he seemed to float up the aisle leisurely, and sat down just as the ringing ended. Perfect, yet again, with just enough delinquency to attract the attention of the class, yet not enough to get him detention on his first day of private school ever.
Private school... he scoffed lightly. His extremely rich grandmother passed away just this summer (due to old age and the summer heat in Arizona, apparently) and left every last penny of her assets to him. Not to his father – no, his father was the reason he'd never seen his grandmother in his entire life. It was the typical rich-family argument about marrying beneath you, and apparently, the plump, cheerful woman Stan knew has his mother was "below". Being under-aged, however, his father had control over his entire fortune, and decided to use the money to send him to a private school for a "better education".
He glazed up at the whiteboard. The "professor" (apparently private schools were too good to call their teachers teachers) was giving his beginning-of-the-year speech, and showing them how to use a planner in the most effective way.
How boring could it get? At least in public school they didn't try to pay attention...
Nathaniel Snyder stared at the boy sitting next to him. He had beautiful, blue-black hair that fell slightly into his smothering, midnight-black eyes. A thin line of freckles adorned his nose and cheeks, giving him an angelic glow. He was cute. How did Nathaniel not notice him before?
Nathaniel frowned, looking at the boy. "Hey." he muttered, poking the boy rather sharply with a fine-tipped pencil. The other boy – Phillip, Nathaniel had remotely remembered a blond girl calling him in the hallway – merely ignored him. He eyed the dull gray mark he had made on the boy's pale skin, and instantly regretted his action. It looked ugly, and Nathaniel Synder did not make ugly-anythings.
He turned his head to look at the boy again, and noticed Phillip was blushing. Cute. Everything this boy did was cute. Smirking rather mischievously, he dipped his head down, and licked the little marking away in slow, circular patterns. The bitter aftertaste lingered slightly in his mouth as he withdrew, eyeing the boy again.
Phillip was still ignoring him, mechanical pencil scratching furiously away as he attempted to copy the words on the whiteboard even as the lead was breaking every few words. Nathaniel frowned slightly, and proceeded to lean over and nip the boy lightly on the ear.
And then Phillip snapped. Nathaniel could almost feel the dam breaking in the other boy's mind as his dark-blue eyes turned a stormy gray, his face burn an even more violent shade of red. He smirked, and leaned back, expecting the outburst.
It did not come. What was with this boy? The bell rang, and Phillip practically ran out. Nathaniel chuckled slightly, but his inner conscience was worried. Did the boy not think he was attractive? He furrowed his brows slightly, and mentally shook his head. He couldn't have – he was blushing as red as a pomegranate. He smiled again slightly at the memory. The boy was cute – there was no doubt in that.
He strolled to his locker, taking his time. There was that blond girl again – that girl who had called out Phillip's name.
"So, Kayla," he heard someone saying to the blond girl. It was that blue-haired Phillip again. Nathaniel scoffed slightly, but walked on. Their voices drifted off as Nathaniel approached his own locker, and removed what contents he needed to use from it. He glanced off nonchalantly at Phillip and Kayla, and saw said boy looking at him. He blushed.
And then he froze, hand still against the cool, metal door. When did he blush? He made others blush, not vice versa! Frowning, he turned his attention back to his locker and proceeded to close and lock it up.
He spared a quick glance back, and noticed Phillip was gone. The girl... she was rather pretty, in a sweet sort of way. Her long, blond hair swished lightly in what little breeze flew in from the entrances of the school, and her hazel eyes were large and bright. Not something Nathaniel would usually go for, but then...
He walked past her, giving her a long, lazy yet sexy glance. She blushed. Now that was more like it – there was him again, making others blush! He turned towards her, letting a tanned hand lay on her shoulder.
"Kayla... right?" he asked. She blushed again, nodding furiously. "Well, Kayla," he continued, "Would you like... to catch a movie later with me tonight?" he asked, giving her a dazzling smile.
She nodded even more, her blush staining all through her cheeks. It reminded him of Phillip a bit.
"Great... I'll pick you up at eight then," Nathaniel winked, strolling away.
He could almost hear her squeal behind him.
Phillip received the phone call at around seven. It was Kayla, naturally, seeing as she was the only person who knew his cell phone number, and she was as frantic as... well, a rabid fangirl who needed something nice to wear when going out with the object of her affections.
Nathaniel Synder. Blond-red hair and piercing green eyes, he was the object of half of the school's affections, and openly bisexual. The school knew him to be a tease – an unobtainable trophy which happened to appear in grasp, almost brush past you intentionally, and then disappear before you woke up from your daze. Occasionally, he chose one person – male or female – to tease for a week or so, until he got them to practically kiss his feet after ever step he took, and then proceeded to drop him or her off and find a new target.
Phillip frowned. There was something... wrong in the pattern. He was Nathaniel's new toy – he knew that – but, then why was he asking Kayla out? He never asked anyone out, even when he or she was his toy.
He felt a stab of jealousy piercing through his body as he power-walked to Kayla's house. No! He did not think of Nathaniel Synder that way! Sure, he practically exuded raw sexuality by simply standing there, but he was a bastard and was the reason for his gradually falling grades in English. Besides, he was going out with Kayla now, right?
Kayla – sweet, innocent, pretty Kayla... the only person in the world who knew him better than his own mother...
He paused suddenly, looking around at his unfamiliar surroundings. Where was he? He retraced his steps back for ten or so houses, and finally arrived at Kayla's house.
He had been thinking about Nathaniel so intently, he passed his own best friend's house.
Shaking his head in slight disbelief, he knocked on the door. The door flew open as Kayla screamed, "PHILLIP!" and dragged him up the stairs.
The room was white, with a pretty blue-pink flowery throw spread neatly over the full-sized bed. The room would have been pretty had there not been mounds and mounds of clothes laid all around it, draping over practically every part of the room.
It was impossible to walk in. In the room, Kayla quickly got out of her clothes so that only her bra and undies showed, and gave a dramatic pose in front of her mirror.
"I gained so much weight over the past week, I look fat in everything I wear!" Kayla practically sobbed. She had her period last week, and she always gained weight then because she didn't exercise on a daily basis anymore, and instead used the extra time to eat large amounts of twinkies. It didn't matter, usually, since she lost it all in the next few days.
Phillip did not sympathize. He raised his brow inquiringly, which got Kayla to giggle. Kayla was dead-skinny, without being anorexic. She was... borderline anorexic. Last year, she took the step past the line to full-fledged anorexic, and it took months to get her back to normal, and Phillip didn't want to risk that.
"Well, first things first," Phillip started, "What kind of date is it? Where are you going? How far are you going to let him take it?"
Kayla blushed prettily at the last question, and replied, "Well, he asked me to go watch a movie with him at eight... it's a first date, of course, but since he's Nathaniel, I'll let him take it as far as he wants to go..." she blushed again, her eyes glazed over.
"Ahem... well, I'll go look up what type of movie you're going to watch," Phillip replied, walking over to Kayla's computer. "And... the pink one." he added, when Kayla held up two different thongs, "It'll go well with your pink lacey demi-cup bra... but I think you should wear blue today. Your blue contacts would go nicely, I think."
As Phillip went on the nifty internet to do research, Kayla promptly removed all contents from the bed and then proceeded to sort all articles of clothing blue from the massive pile that now lay on the flower.
There was only one movie between eight and nine. It was a horror flick, and Phillip knew Kayla was going to spend the entire time clinging desperately to Nathaniel in "fear". In the next fifty minutes or so, they finally decided on an outfit for Kayla to wear – a denim miniskirt and a silky, sky-blue top that seemed to enhance the intensity of her sky-blue eyes. Kayla was the perfect blond-haired-blue-eyed girl. It was a pity she wasn't a natural blue-eye, but modern technology helped them out a bit.
Phillip frowned, wanting to warn his friend about something. He wanted to... stop her from going on this date. He knew Kayla's virginity was still in tact, even though she was a junior and all, and he really didn't want her to loose it to... him.
He opened his mouth to start, but then the bell rang, the melodic sequence of it floating throughout the house. Kayla squealed, giving him one tight hug before whispering, "Wish me luck!" in his ear and dashing off.
Phillip watched her retreating back, and said to no one in particular, "Yeah... break a leg Kayla. Just... don't break your body, okay?"
And then a sudden thought erupted in his mind. What if... what if he got a date too, and followed them around, making sure nothing happened to the two? It wasn't because of Nathaniel... he sternly told his conscience – no... he was doing it for the safety of his friend!
Problem was, he didn't really have a girl to go out with. Unless... a rather wicked smile usually unfamiliar to the face of one Phillip Brownwell graced his face as he reached for the phone.
Tyler Tamer, sophomore, blushed furiously as he carefully applied the make-up he stole from his mother's room on his face. His brother was one year and a few months older than Tyler, and rather good friends with Phillip Brownwell. It so happened that said brother owed Phillip Brownwell a "big one", and the perfect opportunity had come to repay him.
Phillip Brownwell needed someone to act as his girlfriend for a night –no requirements, no strings attached, no nothing. Just someone to hang off his arm for a few hours... and Mike Tamer, Tyler's brother, had eagerly volunteered Tyler.
It so happens that Mike knows Tyler is gay – not straight, not even bi, but completely and utterly GAY. Due to the fact that gayness is not widely accepted in American society, it turns into the perfect blackmail against Tyler.
And so here was Tyler, in heavy mascara, eyeliner, blush, lipstick – all the works –, plus an ultra-floppy, violet-red miniskirt, stuffed bra incased in a tight top, and a long, luxurious brunette wig to match. His brother had "borrowed" a few articles of his female friend's clothes only a few minutes before (seeing as she lived next door).
"You look hot," Mike smirked from Tyler's tan, corduroy dish chair. Tyler shot him a death glare, but did not speak. He surveyed himself in the mirror and decided he certainly could pass for a girl. An extremely slutty one, but a girl nonetheless. It didn't help that his legs and body was already extremely slim and hairless, making him look more like a girl, but with all the additional make-up it enhanced it even further.
"H-he knows I'm a guy, right?" Tyler asked nervously. Oh great, he was beginning to sweat. Not good, not good... did he use deodorant? Or perfume?
Tyler froze, all previous thoughts of odor quickly flying from his mind. The guy – whoever this Phillip was – didn't know he was going out with a CROSS-DRESSING GUY?!! He gulped, but didn't say anything and went out where Phillip was waiting for him.
"Hello," Phillip greeted rather courteously, "How are you?"
Tyler frowned, blushing, before blurting out, "I'm a guy!" He blushed even deeper, staring at his shoes desperately.
"It's okay," Phillip answered rather casually, "I'm not asking anything from you besides to act as my girlfriend tonight, and you'll pass just fine. What's your name again? So I don't call you 'Hey you' the entire time."
"Tamer. Tyler Tamer." Tyler replied, almost sighing in relief.
"Wait... shit." Phillip turned to look at the other boy. "You're Mike Tamer's brother?" Tyler nodded meekly, and blushed again.
"Man, so you're the famed Information-Kid at school?" Phillip asked with wide eyes, as though looking at Tyler for the first time.
Tyler nodded. It was his nickname at school – Information-Kid. He worked rather hard on it, hacking in the school system, sneaking around, getting all the gossip and information he could, while playing innocent. If someone wanted information about anybody, giving the right circumstances and how much money you had, you went looking for Tamer. Of course, if you wanted information about Tyler himself, there was no place you could go.
"Well... what information do you have about me?" Phillip asked, peering curiously at Tyler.
Tyler smirked, finally in his field, and gave him a mischievous grin, "What have you got for me?"
"Well... uh... I can tell you who Kayla Henderson is going out with tonight," Phillip supplied.
"Pfft... that's nothing," Tyler grinned again, flipping the hair to his wig in a flirty manner unconsciously, "She's going out with Nathaniel Snyder at eight tonight to 'catch a movie later' with him," he quoted. He grinned, and continued, "I could have sworn he was fully gay though, seeing as his "toys" seem to be primarily boys. If you asked him, of course, he could name female names he's gone out with, but that was really only at the start of his reputation and sporadically after – none lasted more than a few days..." he grinned even wider, and replied, "But then, that's giving you too much free information, eh?"
Phillip stared at the brown-eyed-boy-posing-as-a-girl in wild bewilderment. This kid... this kid was something.
He turned to ask another question, but saw a flash of blond and red and stopped. They were at the movie theater, and Kayla and Nathaniel had just purchased their tickets.
"Well, Tamer, let's get this job done with," he instead replied, and dragged the "girl" off towards the ticket stand.
A/N: Much love to my beta, Sakureth, for putting up with my lame work. 333
Uh... yeah. Face Contortions... ended. So here is To Tame the Brown Bucking Spider! Err... I got it from the last names of the four characters... And Kayla... that eating-a-lot-when-on-period syndrome actually happens to me in real life, haha. I'm not that skinny though, just normal weight (my BMI is normal), but I gain like 6 pounds during my period and loose it all in the following week. XD It's not like it shows though... hm...
Anyways, read and review. That'll make me happy. And me happy is a good thing. Oh, and check my livejournal for updates, of course.