All About Us

- Prequel -

From mascara caked eyelashes she looked around her environment. Once again trying to take everything in and failing. Her head was in such a spin she could barely think, comprehend, even remember what she'd done. The passed few hours where a blur. Now the night had passed and it was edging away into the pre-dawn hours, reality was starting to hit home.

Looking from the peeling wallpaper of the dingy back street hotel room, to the window which was almost too covered in dirt to see outside; then to the stained carpet that she thought it was best not to stare to hard at, from the cobweb-ridden corners to the yellowing plaster that was apparently the ceiling.

Again nothing was sinking in.

She was sitting on a mattress on the floor. Literally. Apparently this was one hotel that didn't think beds were a necessity. The mattress itself looked older than she was. She had a brown stiff woollen blanket wrapped around her knees. It made her itch – but she didn't want to think about that. She'd heard too many horror stories about places like this. At the back of her there was a pillow. Or a pillowcase as was more accurate to describe it.

There were two doors. One leading to the corridor and another into a bathroom. A room she was too afraid to go into. She'd seen something moving in there when she'd first braved it and she thought whatever creature had made it it's home, was probably best being left to it's own devices.

Something scurried across the floor and she pulled her knee's tighter to her chest.

Lost in her thoughts she jumped when she felt somebody move next to her, a soft hand ran up her back and she looked down.

The spell was broken.

The last forty-eight hours came flooding back into her mind.

Okay, be nice. This is my baby right now. I don't know why but suddenly I got the urge to start writing a new story. I wanted to create something powerful. Surreal. But I knew I wouldn't be able to sustain the surrealism vibe. Which is why that I thought - make the prequel surreal and the rest....well you'll see!

I plan for this to be a fairly long story!

Feedback is of course, as always, much appreciated!

Oh but before you comment on the grammar mistakes, (except the were's vs wheres...those are void of this because that's the one thing I can't wrap my head around. lol) are intentional. I've combed through this with three of my friends and the incomplete sentences and the irregular use of sentence breaks are fully intentional for affect.

And since this is my story and not an exam paper sticks out her tongue i'm allowed.

So please review.

Much love,

Akasha xxx