**Final Chapter! I know it's about time...I kinda...sorta...forgot about this story. Sorry! Hopefully I can do it justice! Thank you for all the reviews!**

Chapter Twenty Three

Jason wrapped his arm around Amy's waist and started dancing. James and Jean danced nearby. Amy looked around and saw the Isaiah and Amanda dancing towards them.

"Here comes trouble," she murmured to Jason.

He followed her gaze. "Don't worry. Nothing's going to happen. We'll just ignore them."

He tightened his hold on her and ignored the couple as they approached.

"Hey, Jase. I just wanted to apologize for my behavior. It's not who I am. You're still a Redskin," Isaiah said, extending his hand.

Jason looked at it for a moment before shaking his head.

"Do you really think I'm that stupid? I've seen 'Carrie'. As soon as I accept your apology, you're gonna ask Amy to dance and do something bad to her. But you are right about one thing. I am a Redskin. Just like Amy and Jean and James. I'm just a normal guy. I've quit the football team and if I buckle down, I can go to college next year. You are not a Redskin. You're nothing but a wannabe," he said, turning towards Amy.

He took her hand and walked away while people in the vicinity clapped and cheered.

"That was great," Amy said, as they approached the refreshment table.

"Yeah, but I think it fueled the fire. They won't stand for it," he said, handing her a glass of punch.

"It's okay. I mean, I'm used to getting made fun of. Let them do it and be done with it. They'll leave us alone then," she said.

"Amy, that's not fair to you. I'm not letting them do anything," he reassured her.

They walked to the bleachers where James and Jean were sitting.

"Hey, that was great there," James said, laughing.

"Thanks. I just think it caused more problems than it fixed," Jason said, sitting beside him.

"Don't worry about that. The football team is just mad because they lost," Jean said, smirking.

Across the dance floor, Isaiah was cracking his knuckles, staring in their direction.

"Promise me you won't fight," Amy said, noticing.

"I can't promise that," Jason said, shrugging.

"Then I'm leaving," she said, standing up.

"What do you mean?" he demanded, following her.

"Look, during all this, I never understood why you wanted me. I still don't. But I'm trying. But you're willing to throw your education away because someone insults me. You're better than that. Well, I thought you were," she said, leaving the gym.

Jason stood there staring after her. She didn't go to the doors, but turned left into the commons area. He turned away from the door and walked back to Jean and James.

"Where did she go?" he asked her.

"She left," Jean said, raising an eyebrow.

"She turned down the commons area," he said, sitting down.

"She must have gone to her locker. She keeps a spare outfit there," she said, nodding.

Jason put his head in his hands and groaned.

"Look, she's one of my best friends. She's not used to being treated like an equal. But you're not listening to her. She's right. Just leave Boyer and his flying monkeys alone," she said.

He sighed heavily. "I guess you're right."

"Hey, not to be the bearer of bad news, but Boyer and his monkeys are gone," James said, nodding towards the corner.

The group was there, minus Isaiah and Amanda.

"Shit," Jason muttered before running out the side door and into the hallway.

He ran up the nearest set of stairs and saw Isaiah and Amanda turn the next corner. He ran down the hallway parallel to them and headed for Amy's locker. She was kneeling in front of it, pulling a pair of jeans out of a bag.

"Here you are," he puffed, approaching her.

"Yeah. I'm gonna change then i'm walking home. It's only a few blocks," she said, sighing.

"Look, I'm sorry. You were right. They're jerks that don't deserve my attention," he said, kneeling beside her.

"It's not that. It's just everything. We're not meant to be together. You're a jock and I'm a bookworm. Yeah, you've tapped into your brain. And that's great. You'll do wonderful with it. But it's not going to work between us," she said, shaking her head.

"Why? Give me one reason," he pleaded.

"Them," Amy said, nodding towards Amanda and Isaiah.

They walked up to them and sneered down.

"Going somewhere?" Amanda asked, looking at the bag Amy had in her hand.

"Yep. Home," she replied, standing up.

"Listen missy. You have the nerve to steal my boyfriend and then get in my face when I was trying to explain something simple, then expect me to just let you go home?" Amanda demanded, stepping up to Amy.

"First off, I didn't steal him. You lost him, and second, you're right, I did get in your face. I'm sick and tired of being your punching bag. So what if I'm fat..." Amy started, but Jason broke in.

"You're not fat," he said.

"I'm fat and proud of it!" Amy snapped.

Jason stared at her in shock.

"The point is, I've been made fun of my entire life. I'm used to it. It's not a big deal to me anymore. But it gets annoying because it's always the same. You guys are jocks/cool. I'm the bookworm type. That doesn't give you the right to put me down because there's more to me than materialistic bull crap. Do everyone a favor and take a long look in the mirror. Your outside is beautiful and flawless. The inside is as hideous as you think I am. And in a few years, you figure it out. But by then it'll be too late," she said, glaring at Amanda.

Isaiah stifled a snicker.

"And what are you laughing about, football star? You're the same way. You think everyone who isn't a jock isn't worth your time. Hell, they shouldn't even be in the school, right? But think about this: maybe the nerdiest guy in the school could take your place on the football team. Maybe because people tease him so much, he learned a thing or two for revenge. You're just mad at the fact that someone isn't impressed with the fact that you score touchdowns and run the mile in the shortest amount of time. Yeah, you'll go off to college on a scholarship, but then what? You'll squeak by your classes, but when it comes to stepping out in the real world, you'll be a crippled antelope surrounded by lions. So go ahead. Think you're better than me. I don't care. And if you think for one minute that I do, you're lying to yourself," Amy said, turning on him.

She hitched her spare bag over her shoulder and walked away and down the nearest staircase. Jason stared after her before turning his attention to the other two.

"Excuse me," he said, walking around them.

"Wait. After what she said, you're still going after her?" Amanda demanded, grabbing his arm.

"Why wouldn't I? I agree with everything she said. Even if she wasn't my girlfriend," Jason said, pulling his arm from her grasp.

Amanda screeched as he ran down the hall after Amy.

"Amy, please stop. I want to talk to you," he called.

She sighed and stopped. "What?"

"First off, that was amazing back there," he said.

Amy crossed her arms and waited.

"Second, I know you don't understand why I want you to be my girlfriend. I'm not sure why you don't, but you don't. You see me as a person and not a dumb jock. You knew there was something deeper than that, and you helped me see it too. Thanks to you, I actually have a chance at a bright future. I'm looking at colleges now, for their academics instead of sports programs. You've shown me there's more to life than sports. And I'm grateful," he said, taking her hand.

She sighed again, and looked down at their hands.

"You really want to be with me?" she asked, quietly.

"Yes," he whispered, stepping closer.

"I think I can live with that," she said, as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as they leaned in and their lips touched.