AN: Yet another chapter in a short period of time! I dont know how long I'll get cranking these out for, but keep your fingers crossed and review, and we'll see what happens!

"I cannot believe they didn't give us muffins. What is a nutrition break without muffins? I just don't understand! My entire education is unraveling at the seams!" Nathan ranted as they made their way towards his car.

"Because of muffins?" Ashley asked, quirking an eyebrow. Nathan tossed his arms up.

"Exactly! And don't you give me that look either! The entire school system is falling apart before our very eyes, and I didn't even see it until now." The calm and dulled note in his voice made her smile.

"Because of muffins?" She repeated, and he gave her a warning look.

"Yes, because of muffins." He keyed open the passenger side door of his car for her before heading around to the drivers seat. They were in the middle of they're school finals before winter break could start, and instead of lunches they had nutrition breaks. Hence the source of Nathan's muffin obsession. Once they were both inside and settled, Ashley turned to him with a sympathetic look.

"Would you like to go get some muffins?" She asked sincerely. Nathan bit his lip in an attempt not to smile and shook his head.

"The moments gone. Of course, if you want a muffin…" He trailed off, attempting to get out of the junior parking lot. Ashley smirked.

"I wouldn't mind a muffin, muffin." She teased. Nathan shot her an unreadable look.

"Oh, that's cute." He remarked casually. They rode in silence for several minutes. Ashley leaned her head back against the seat and tapped Nathan's shoulder.

"So, muffins?" She questioned. Nathan pursed his lips, in something like thought.

"But where to go for muffins?" He questioned. Ashley yawned and curled up into a ball.

"I don't know, but figure it out quick, because I'm ready to go back to bed." She stated quietly, grabbing his discarded jacket to wrap around her.

Nathan twisted his head to look at her and wiggled his eyebrows. "So am I."

Ashley playfully swatted him in the arm and closed her eyes. She heard Nathan chuckle lightly before turning the music on. They drove in silence for several minutes, and it wasn't long before they had reached Ashley's house.

When the car rolled to stop, Ashley looked up with a questioning look. "No muffins?" She asked, slightly disappointed. Nathan shook his head, a smile grin on his lips.

"Maybe later." He promised. Ashley pursed her lips. "Now though, I have a history test to procrastinate on studying for, and don't you have your math test tomorrow?"

Ashley wrinkled her nose, a trademark grumpy look for her. "Yeah, don't remind me." She grumbled, grabbing her things. Nathan smirked.

"Just think, after this is done, we have a whole break totally to ourselves." He wiggled his eyebrows again, and Ashley couldn't avoid a smile.

"Yeah, ourselves, and your sister and Mike, and all of my friends and our parents and my brother and-" the list when on, but Nathan had no interest in watching her lips move. Instead, his interests seem to revolve around silencing her lips with his own.

Ashley finally did get out of the car and watched Nathan pull away, waving. She stood there for a minute, contemplating. He had really wanted a muffin. What kind of girlfriend would she be if she couldn't even give him that simple thing when he gave her so much of his time and love?

Decision made, Ashley quickly dropped her things off inside her house and went to her own car.

It didn't take her long to get where she was going, and she got what she needed and headed back in the other direction.

She sat in the driveway for a few minutes, watching the window. Finally, she got out of the car and headed for the door. She rang the doorbell and waited. When the door opened, she couldn't suppress the giddy smile she wore.

"Muffin, muffin?" She teased, holding out the chocolate muffin in her hand. The slow and touched smile that rose to his face was well worth the effort it had taken.

"Have I told you how much I love you lately?" He asked, accepting the muffin with one hand and taking her free hand with his other.

"Not lately." She teased, looking thoughtful. Nathan shot her a brilliant smile, and she gave him one back.

Muffins were definitely worth it. Besides, now she could call him the Muffin Man, and there was nothing he could do about it.

She figured she'd save that information for later.