A/N: This is completely random and strange, but I like it :) It makes me happy, because it finally gives me the chance to use a character I invented at the beginning of time, Saclyes. (Pronounced Skay-lees) Review!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: Gaydar and Faëdar
I'll never forget the day I met Saclyes. I had just arrived at Merlin High School for Faë and Other Magical Folk (lame name, I know!), for my first year, and he bounced straight up to me, in all his queer glory, bringing his nauseatingly powerful odor of flowers with him. He put his face about an inch from mine, meaning he had to stand on his tiptoes because I'm 6'5. I've learned since that getting in people's personal space is sort of an annoying habit of his. Actually, scratch that, everything about him is annoying.
Anyways, he got all up in my face, making me doubt his sanity, and then as if to make me doubt it further, he said: "You're a fairy."
I answered the obvious, the obnoxious, and for me the norm: "No shit. What do you think these wings are for?" I flapped my wings to illustrate the point. I really do have the most ridiculous wings. I'm not full Faë you see, I'm half dragon elf, so I have a HUGE body.
I'm insanely tall, as I've already mentioned, and very muscular. I have long, dirty blonde hair, and I like wearing black. Faë always have enormous, gigantic, really freaking huge eyes. I'm no exception. They're blue, as if it could get any lamer. Being half-elf also makes me realize how utterly crap being Faë is, so that's why I'm a sarcastic, obnoxious bastard. And proud. I also have little queer looking fairy antennae. Then of course there are my wings. Which I hate. Most Faë's wings are small (covering only their back) and fairly pretty, varying with their personality. MINE however, are these nastily hideous butterfly wings, that reach from the top of my head clear down to my ankles, and are nearly three feet wide EACH. No other Faë can fly anywhere near me, I create too much turbulence. Oh, and I forgot to mention my name, it's as fucked-up as the rest of me: Alevrion Flamedark-Cloudshine. Everyone calls me Levi though, yeah as in the denim company.
So, Saclyes Dewrose, the bubbly, blonde, flaky, ditzy, feminine, and very, very gay full-Faë was buzzing in front of my nose. He giggled, like every single other fairy does 24/7. I wanted to swat him. "No! Not that kind of fairy, silly! I mean like a fairy fairy!" Maybe I should describe Saclyes. He has long, bleach-blonde hair, blue eyes that are possibly even bigger than mine, and looks like a girl. He also has pink and purple wings, and reeks of flowers. I should also mention that Faë have an extremely sensitive sense of smell, and our wings give off fairy-dust every time we flutter them, which is basically whenever we feel the slightest flux in emotion. Every fairy's dust smells different, so every fairy has a scent.
I was seriously beginning to think this guy wasn't right in the head. "What the hell's a fairy fairy?!?!"
He giggled again, courting death by doing so. "You like guys, don't be so silly!"
"Yes, well if I didn't like guys, I wouldn't like half the earth's population, would I?"
"No! You like like love guys!"
Oh. He meant I was gay, which was actually true. "Yeah, so!" I replied getting on the defensive.
His voice went even higher, if possible. "I'm a fairy fairy to!" Then he leapt up and hugged me, of all things. Of course I yanked him off, but oddly enough we've been friends ever since. It's a love/hate relationship. I say that because I love the dude like a brother, but he bugs the crap out of me. Like a brother.
It wasn't long after that I found my other best friend, Leaette. She was in my first class. With red curly hair and big green eyes, she's quite a pretty fairy girl. If I dug girls. She smells pleasantly of ginger, and has glittery, gauzy wings. We both shared the opinion that the herbs teacher was a bore with no life, so we got to talking about her. Anyways, basically we hit it off right away, and the three of us were best friends.
This is the tale of my year at school, and of my discovery that maybe I was ready for love after all.