Title: A Love That Will Last
Author: DisasterousLetdown
Genre: Drama
Rated: PG-13
Summary: M/M! Rejection hurts and it can leave you scared in the future. What will happen when David falls for one of his bandmates, but is scared of rejection cause one of his other bandmates rejected him? Will he ever get the courage to tell him and if so will he be rejected? Is that even the worst of his problems?
A Love That Will Last
Chapter One: Too Much Emotion
David's POV
I don't know what it is about him that I can't seem to get enough of. It could be his smile; his smile is infectious. Whenever you see him smile it makes you smile. There is just something special about him that makes your blood boil every time you're around him. He can cheer you up when your at your lowest of lows and he seems to do it with little effort. Well that's how it is with me anyway. I have fallen and I've fallen hard. I've been too afraid to tell him in fear of losing him, but I just can't hold it in any longer. That's what I'm doing right now. I'm on my way to our room to tell him that I'm madly in love with him. Hopefully it doesn't turn out too bad. I don't know what I'd do if he told me he loved me too... probably jump around like a crazy person and scare him off. God I can never think positively can I?
I finally reach our room and stand outside our door. My nerves have started up now and it feels like I'm going to pass out from it. Am I making a mistake? Should I keep my feelings a secret? I've kept them a secret for too long as it is I can't hold them in any longer. I'll never know if he feels the same unless I tell him how I feel. Okay I can do this... I hope. Slowly I reach for the doorknob and open the door. I walk in to see him sitting on his bed watching some show on TV. When he sees me he gives me a big smile, in turn it makes me melt. Ever so slowly I walk over to him and sit down next to him on the bed. He looks at me with question in his eyes and I say that I need to talk to him. He nods his head and turns off the TV to give me his full attention.
"What is it you wanted to talk to me about David?" He asks curiously.
"Well... um.... I don't really know how to put it."
"It's cool just tell me flat out."
Oh yeah that will work just perfectly! I think to myself sarcastically. "Um... well I guess I should start off light... um... I'm gay."
His eyes widen and he stares at me in shock. Okay I was expecting this sort of reaction... so far so good?
"Wow... uh... okay that's cool Dave cause so am I."
Now it's my turn to stare in shock, why didn't he ever tell me? "Why didn't you ever tell me?"
"In fear of losing your friendship." He tells me honestly. "So was that all you wanted to tell me?"
"Um... no there's more." I say hesitantly.
"Okay I'm listening."
"Um... I kind of have feelings for someone... in the band... I'm in love with someone in the band."
"Wow... well who is it? It's Brian ain't it?"
I stare at him in confusion and quickly shake my head. "No it's not Brian... it's.... well it's... it's you Scott."
He just stares at me for the longest time not breaking eye contact. This silence is tearing me apart and I just want to run away from his shocked, horrified and anything else you can think of eyes. He opens his mouth to speak, but then closes it. God now I wish I never would've came here. It was stupid of me to have told him how I felt; now I've probably lost his friendship. Why won't he say anything? This awkward silence is making me crazy and his eyes aren't making matters any better.
"Oh my God David... I don't know what to say... that was definitely unexpected... you're probably wanting to know if I feel the same, huh?"
I nod my head silently and wait for him to start talking again.
"Well to be honest I don't look at you in any other way than a friend I'm sorry... that and I'm... I'm sort of dating Quinn." He says softly.
I stare at him in shock and can't seem to move. He's dating Quinn, my Scott is dating Quinn! Oh my God this can't be happening! Please say I'll just all of a sudden wake up from this nightmare. God if you have any pity on me please just strike me dead this instant.
"I'm really sorry David, I truly am."
"I know Scott... there's nothing you can do... I'll be fine. Um... can I ask you a question?" I ask softly.
"Sure anything at all."
"Are you in love with Quinn?"
A big smile forms on his face. "Yes, I can honestly say that I am truly in love with Quinn."
I smile slightly, there's no way I could get in between them. Scott looks so happy and I could never hurt him in that way. "Okay that's all I wanted to know... well I'm gonna go for a while."
"Are you gonna be okay David?" He asks with a frown.
I smile weakly. "Yeah I'll be fine."
I can tell that he's not convinced, but he let's it go none the less. That's one thing I like about Scott, he doesn't push you to talk to him. Which works out in my favor at this particular moment. I slowly walk down the hall with no apparent destination in mind; I'm just walking aimlessly. I feel like there's a thunderstorm ragging on in my heart that I have no control over, it just keeps ragging on out of control. I'm hurt so badly right now it feels like my dog just died or something. I wish this pain would end, but I have a good feeling that it's just begun. Now I'll never be able to look at Quinn and not think about the fact that he has my Scott. God my life sucks!
I slowly walk down to Aiden's room and knock on the door. Moments later he opens the door and stares at me with a shocked expression on his face. I must be a sight, I didn't even notice 'til now that I'm crying. He quickly pulls me inside and shuts the door behind us. He leads me over to his bed and sits me down. Brian is in there and is looking at me with a worried expression on his face. Aiden asks him if we can have some privacy and he nods silently. He says that he's going to Quinn and Jerry's room. Just the sound of Quinn's name makes me cry harder and Aiden pulls me into his arms. Brian leaves the room even though I can tell he doesn't want to leave. Aiden pulls away slightly and looks at me in concern. I don't say anything though I just remain sitting there and crying.
"What's wrong David?" He asks softly.
"I just did something horrible and found out something I really didn't want to know."
"What would that be?"
"Well... I told Scott that I'm in love with him." I say crying some more.
"Oh... what did he say?"
"That he didn't feel that way about me, that he only thinks of me as a friend. God Aiden it hurt so bad to hear those words come out of his mouth."
"I'm so sorry David." He says, I can tell that he didn't really know what to say.
"There's more." I say morosely.
"You can tell me." He says gently.
"He... he told me that he's dating Quinn and that he's in love with him."
"Oh David I'm so sorry." He says sympathetically as he pulls me into his arms.
"I really do love him Aiden... what am I gonna do now? How am I gonna be able to be around him when I know that he's with Quinn and feels sympathy towards me?" I ask sorrowfully as I begin to cry on his shoulder.
"I'm not gonna lie to you it'll be hard, but you're strong and you can make it through this. Are you sure that you're in love with him?"
"What of course I am, how can you even ask me that?" I ask defensively as I pull away from him.
"I didn't mean anything by it I was just making sure." He says quickly trying to calm me down.
"I know I'm sorry Aiden, I know you're only looking out for me."
"You don't have to apologize, you've been hurt so you can be as defensive as you want."
I smile slightly; he always seems to be able to cheer me up. He just knows the right thing to say to make me smile and laugh. I'm lucky to have a best friend like him. I honestly don't know what I'd do without him... probably go insane.
"Thanks Aiden."
"For what?"
"For making me feel a little better."
"You don't have to thank me, I'm just glad you've stopped crying." He says with a small smile.
"Oh no!" I say suddenly with a pained expression on my face.
"What?" He asks, confusion written all over his face.
"I'm sharing a room with Scott." I say miserably.
"Oh... well I can talk to Brian and see if it's cool with him if he stays with Scott and you can stay here."
I look at him with hopeful eyes. "You'd do that for me?"
"Of course I would." He says laughing slightly. "I'll be right back."
I watch as Aiden walks out the door and then I slowly stand up. I walk over to the window and open the curtains. I can see the lights from the city we're currently in below me and the sight slightly sooths me. I just feel like crawling into a ball and crying 'til there are no more tears left. I kind of actually feel empty inside. The pains unbearable, but in a way I feel empty. I feel like I have no happiness left in me. Scott took it when he said that he was in love with Quinn. I can't blame Scott, or Quinn for that matter, for my misery though. Scott didn't know that I loved him and I can tell that he is so in love with Quinn, I wouldn't want to mess that up. I just hope they're happy... even though I'm miserable.
I hear the door open and don't even have to look to know that it's Aiden. He slowly walks over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. I turn and put my arms around him as tears start to once again stream down my face. He holds onto me tightly in our embrace and whispers soothing words to me like Don't cry, it'll be okay. and Don't worry thing's Will get better. It was simple words, but somehow they made me feel better. I pull away moments later and wipe my eyes. I smile gratefully at him and he smiles in return.
"Sorry I can't seem to stop crying on you." I say in embarrassment.
"Don't apologize I'd rather you cry than hold all the pain inside."
I smile again and take a look around the room, avoiding Aiden's gaze. I notice that Brian's things are all gone and mine are in its place. Well that's confusing when did I get my stuff here? I turn my head to Aiden and look at him in question.
"You didn't notice that Brian was with me when I came in?"
"No... I was looking out the window and immediately put my head on your shoulder when you came over to me."
"Oh right." He says blushing slightly. "Yeah well Brian came in to get his stuff and before that I had went to Scott's room to get your things."
I stare at Aiden in amazement and he just looks back at me, I can tell he feels awkward. I don't mean to stare at him like this, but I just can't believe he would do that for me. I didn't even ask him to get my stuff he just thought to do it on his own. I know it seems like a simple thing that usually wouldn't be anything to think twice about, but it really means a lot to me. I swear I must be the luckiest guy ever to have a friend like him... I don't deserve a friend like him, but somehow God gave him to me.
"Thanks Aiden that really means a lot to me." I finally say after a long silence.
"Don't even mention it." He says with a wide smile.
I just stare at his face in awe; I seem to be doing that a lot. I thought Scott had a nice smile, why hadn't I ever paid any attention to the great smile Aiden has. It seems to go from one ear to the next. It's actually adorable. Wait! Hold on! Did I just think that Aiden has an 'adorable' smile? What is wrong with me, I don't like Aiden in that way! Okay maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, I mean Aiden does have a great smile anyone could see that. Just because I think he has a nice smile doesn't mean that I suddenly have feelings for him. Yeah that sounds better.
"What are you thinking?" Aiden asks bringing me out of my thoughts.
I blush and look away, there's no way I can tell him what I was really thinking. It'll just sound weird. "I was just thinking about what an exhausting day I've had, I'm actually really tired."
"Do you want to get some sleep?" He asks softly, looking into my eyes.
I don't know what is wrong with me, but his eyes are just drawing me in. It's like I can't look away and I'm speechless. He's looking at me expectantly, but I can't form any words. I have this overwhelming urge to kiss him right now too. I can't do that though; I wouldn't want to ruin my friendship with him. I think I'm just vulnerable right now and looking for the first comfort I can find.
I slowly nod my head; I can't do much else. He slowly brings me over to the bed and pulls back the blankets and sheet. He stares at me for a moment and I just stare back. He then lays me down when he realizes that I'm not going to do it myself, I swear it's like my brain and body just stopped working on me. All I can do is stare into Aiden's eyes; it's rather pathetic if you ask me. He covers me up and then kisses me on the forehead. He says good night and then gets into his bed. I just lay there staring up at the ceiling wondering what the hell is going on with me. Why couldn't I tear my eyes away from Aiden's eyes? It was almost like they entranced me. I definitely don't understand it, but I'm going to go by my earlier theory of just being vulnerable. That's seems like the best explanation for it.
After a while I feel my eyes getting heavy and it's hard to keep them open. I am extremely tired and am not going to keep myself awake any longer. I glance over at Aiden to see him sleeping peacefully. I smile to myself before I close my eyes and let sleep take over me.
A/N: Just so there is no confusion this is a story I wrote a long time ago as a fanfiction. I have changed the names, but left the fact that the characters are in a band. The band itself isn't all that significant to the story, but shows the readers what they do for a living. Now that that is out of the way though what did you think of the first chapter? Do you think I should finish posting this story?