A/N: I am so sorry for how long it has taken me to get this chapter posted, I honestly can't apologize enough. In all honesty I kind of forgot about this story, thought I had finished it haha. Sorry for being an idiot, but here's the last chapter finally. I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter Fourteen: Epilogue

Aiden's POV

I drive down the street unsure of where to go, I just want to get away. I don't particularly want to go home, but I can't drive around forever. I still can't get the image out of my head, Scott and David... kissing. This should be a nightmare that I will wake up from any minute, but I know that I am wide-awake and that what I witnessed was real. Does David still love Scott? I am so confused! He hasn't said anything about getting over him so there is still a good chance that he is in love with him still and I am just a fool in love with someone unavailable. It figures I would be in this type of situation; I always get myself into heart breaking situations.

I was stupid to believe David would love me the way I love him. Rejection has hit me hard and it hurts like hell. Damn now I regret ever telling David that I loved him, if I hadn't he wouldn't know and I could go on pretending that he is just my best friend. I can be so stupid sometimes.

I pull up to the local park and park my car in the parking lot. Shutting off the engine I just sit there and let out a sigh. What am I going to do now? How can we move on from this, things will never be the same between us again. Damn it I didn't want to lose my best friend and it seems that I have anyway. Damn feelings for getting in the way, why wasn't I strong enough to keep them to myself? Did I actually believe he was going to tell me that he loved me in return and that we were going to spend the rest of our lives together? This isn't some romance movie, this is reality and I am naive for thinking any differently.

Opening the car door I step out and shut it behind me. Ever so slowly I walk over to a bench and sit down on it with my feet on the seat part. Looking up at the night sky I feel tears start to fill my eyes and spill down my cheeks. God why did I have to tell him?

David's POV

I walk back into my house and softly shut the door behind me. I walk into the living room to see Scott staring at the TV with a smile on his face. This angers me and I find myself lashing out at him.

"What the fuck are you smiling about?" I ask in irritation.

He slowly turns his head to look at me. "Kissing you... I felt nothing."

"Oh that's nice for you." I say sarcastically.

"What I mean is I thought I had feelings for you, but I was just running scared. I realize now that Quinn is the only one for me and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I was confused and scared before, but now... I know Quinn is the one for me." He explains with that annoying smile on his face.

"Well that is fan-fucking-tastic for you Scott, but do you realize what the hell your little stunt has cost me?" I ask angrily.

He looks at me in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Aiden!!! He just caught me kissing you and thinks I still love you! Tonight he told me that he loves me and I was a dumbass, I ran away like an asshole. I was going to go tell him that I love him too, but you just had to show up and ruin it all. He will probably never forgive me and I blame it all on you!" I yell as tears threaten to spill down my cheeks.

His eyes widen in shock and a look of shame crosses his features. "He told you he loves you?"

"Yeah, but now everything is fucked up!"

"Well you can fix this."

"Oh really?" I ask sarcastically. "How do you suppose I do that?"

"Go after him duh! Tell him everything and don't leave anything out. Look Dave I'm really sorry, I didn't realize how I fucked up. You have every right to hate me, but don't give up... go get your man and don't let him get away."

I stare at him for a moment before rushing out the door. I yell to him to lock the door on his way out before I jump into my car and start the engine. I back out of the driveway and speed down the street. Now all I need to do is figure out where he would go. He isn't a drinker so I know he wouldn't go to a bar and he wouldn't go home so where the hell is he? He would want to find somewhere he can be alone, somewhere peaceful... the park! Let's just hope I am right and he is there.

Aiden's POV

I am not sure how long I have been sitting here, but it must be a while because my ass is getting numb. I have no desire to stand though so I just deal with it. Sitting here though I have nothing to do, but think about this situation I am currently involved in. How am I going to act normal around David now that everything is so fucked up? Have I lost my best friend? That is very possible since I don't think we will be able to hang around each other without things being awkward.

Now that I am thinking about it why the hell was Scott kissing David when he is with Quinn? Did something happen between those two? Scott better not be using David or I will personally kick his ass! David has been hurt enough and I don't want to see him hurt again. This is killing me, but if David really loves Scott and Scott loves him in return... then I will ignore my pain and be happy for them. Right now I am hurt, but I can't help feeling selfish. I mean David finally got the guy of his dreams practically and here I sit feeling sorry for myself cause I am not that guy. I should be happy for my best friend, but I am in love with him so it is kind of hard for me to be happy for anyone.

This probably sounds horrible, but why can't he love me? What is so bad about me, am I unlovable? Seriously what does Scott have that I don't? For a while there I actually believed that David and I were meant to be and now that all this is happening it is hard to believe that we aren't. When you lead yourself to believe something it is hard to come to terms with the fact that none of it was ever true. I want to be the one who is there for him and giving him the love he deserves, but that right doesn't belong to me. Maybe I am destined to be alone, I haven't been with anyone in a few years... is there something wrong with me? God why did I have to fall for David of all people? I need to let him go, but I am afraid my heart won't let me. What the hell am I talking about, I don't want to let him go! He was supposed to love me so why doesn't he? Why couldn't this be easier? God this hurts, he doesn't love me...

Does anybody know this feeling of despair?

When you really love someone

When you really care

It's hard to walk away

When I really want to stay with you

Does anybody know it tears you up inside?

When you try to decide

Between what's wrong and right

Cause my love for you

Will always last eternally

You are in my heart

I loved you from the start

Baby it's hard to believe

That you and I were never meant to be

Once again I find myself staring up at the stars and wishing I could disappear. My lower lip begins to tremble so I put my face in my hands as sobs escape me.

David's POV

After what seems to take forever I finally reach the park and sigh in relief when I see Aiden's car in the parking lot. Parking my car beside his I step out of my car and look around the park in search of Aiden. A frown forms on my face when I see him sitting on a bench with his head in his hands. From the way his body is trembling tells me that he is crying. I get a pain in my chest at the thought of making him cry. He looks so hurt and fragile, something you don't usually think of to describe Aiden. He is always the strong one who helps everyone with their problems; he never shows us his weaker side. A rare occasion for me and I don't like the sight, he is supposed to be happy and full of smiles.

Ever so slowly I make my way over to him and sit down next to him on the bench. Hesitantly I reach my hand out and touch his shoulder gently. He jumps in surprise and looks up at me in surprise. I smile sadly when I see the tears on his face; it is hard to believe that I caused those tears. He frantically wipes his eyes and stands up. I know what he is doing and stand up to stop him from leaving me.

"Aiden please talk to me, what you seen tonight wasn't what it seemed."

"Sure seemed like you were kissing Scott, how can that not be what it seems?" He asks softly.

"Okay it was what it seemed, but you don't know the whole story. Please just sit down and let me explain before you walk away, I really need you to listen to what I have to say." I plead with him.

He lets out a sigh. "I'll stand, but... I'll hear you out."

"Thank you Aide... okay where to start, well I freaked out when you told me that you loved me. I'm sorry I ran away like I did and there is no excuse for it, but I truly am sorry for hurting you like that. I know how it feels and you are the last person I would want to put through that. Anyways I was confused cause I wasn't sure if I was over Scott, I didn't want to tell you I love you without knowing if I was over Scott."

He looks up at me in shock and opens his mouth to say something, but I put a finger against his lips to silence him. He takes the hint and lets me finish with no interruptions.

"Scott came over cause he wanted to talk to me, he and Quinn were having problems. He thought he had feelings for me and well, he kissed me. That's where you come in and see what is happening..."

"Why did you kiss him back though?" He asks interrupting me.

"I kissed him back cause I wanted to see if I still have feelings for him."

"And do you?" He asks softly, almost hesitantly.

"No Aiden I don't, I love someone else... I love you. Somewhere along the way while you were being my shoulder to cry on I fell in love with you. I am sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but I was pretty damn confused. I am no longer confused though, deep down in my being I know that I love you with all that I have and want you in my life as more than my best friend. You are the only one who has truly been there for me and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You are the only one for me Aiden Parker; you hold my heart in your hands. If you walk away I will understand, but please don't let me go cause I honestly do love you with all my heart."

Aiden stares at me with tears in his eyes before pulling me to him and wrapping his arms around me. Laying his head on my shoulder he whispers into my ear, "I love you too".

I feel my heart swell when his words reach it and tighten my arms around him. Pulling away slightly I look at his face and he gives me a small smile. Ever so slowly I lean in and place my lips against his. He begins to respond right away and I smile into the kiss. I run my tongue along his bottom lip and slowly his mouth opens, granting me access. My tongue enters his mouth and is met with his. We massage each other's tongues for a moment before he pulls away taking in a deep breath of air.

I run my hand down his face gently and smile. "You're so beautiful."

"Shut up no I'm not!" He says laughing slightly and hiding his face from me.

"Yes you are." I say sincerely.

He looks back up at me with his eyes shining and to me he looks breath taking. I am so in love with this man and it feels so good to know that he feels the same. We both sit down on the bench and look up at the stars. Where things go from here on out I am not quite sure, but that is what makes life exciting. One thing I do know for sure is that Aiden will be with me along the way.

The End