Author's Note- I thought you might like a better discription of this story, but I am really bad at it so let me apologize right away.

Beth Eddington was like any teenage girl going into her sophmore year of highschool, excited to be with her friends again but thanking the lord that freshman year was in the past. Everything was going so well with getting the schedule for school she wanted and finally getting her drivers licence. That was, everything was going so well before she fell that day, and had to go to the doctor. Those three words form the doctor would change her life forever. What was worse, it was at the same time that she was gaining unwanted attention from popular and arrogant Mathew Shields...

(P.S. I am sorry for how short this chapter is, but it's only an introduction / lead to the actual story and the real chapters will be longer.)

Elizabeth Aurora Eddington smiled as she looked down to an identical picture of herself, if only her eyes weren't half shut. Though, she had already concluded, that it must be a law to have an ugly driver's license. Unless, she thought, you were a model who probably looked good in any kind of picture. She slipped the plastic back into her wallet for about the tenth time already and she hadn't even made it home yet. She couldn't wait to tell her friends, they were going to be so jealous. She was the first to get her license out of the three of them since she was the oldest by almost six months. She wasn't sure if she was going to call them once she and her mom got home, or if she was going to surprise them by driving up to school for the run later tonight.

This year was going to be perfect, Beth decided again, as she trudged up the spiral stair case tot the top of her rather large house where her room was before she could be bombarded with questions from a certain younger sibling. Being the oldest, she got to choose her room first even though there was only the two of them and Cara always made it clear that Beth was weird and embarrassing to her "reputation." Wanting a room that was secluded and three stories high only added on.

Beth jumped on her bed stomach first, digging her head into the one of many pillows lying across her queen-size bed. She loved her room though; it was her sanctuary from the outside world. When she had turned thirteen she had insisted on redoing her room from pretty princess to old English style that she had adopted from reading to many Jane Austen books. Three of the walls she had painted antique white and the last one in a maroon color matching the curtains on either side of her bay window. The part of the room that she loved the most was the smallest wall was shelved with books from top to bottom and side to side. She had read almost all of them already, but her favorite was still The Valley of Decision by Marcia Davenport, which she had read to many times to count.

She looked at her watch, only 2:30, and the run didn't start till 6:00 that night. Beth sighed as her stomach growled hungrily, she hadn't eaten all day since she was to nervous to eat that morning, but did she want to risk going back downstairs knowing very well that she couldn't ignore Cara forever? A loud knocking on of the door startled her making her fall clear off the side of the bed with a loud thud. Beth groaned more about the person behind the door rather than just having fallen off a bed.

"Beth let me in!" Beth winced at the high pitch girly sound. She hadn't intentionally locked the door, it had just become a habit ever since she saw the movie Amityville Horror for the first time and had nearly had a heart attack when Cara and her friends decided to make Cara look all possessed like the guy did when he killed his whole family. Beth, in her own defense, thought they were really good at acting.

The continuous banging led Beth to opening the door reluctantly, seeing that Cara obviously wasn't going to just go away.

"Geez Beth what took you so long, I have been knocking for like an hour," the older girl rolled her eyes, she didn't get why Cara always sounded to cheery and annoying at the same time.

"So sorry I wasn't quick enough for you," Beth replied sarcastically.

"I don't even know why you like it up here by yourself, it's so boring." Cara's blond curls flopped loosely at her shoulders as she strutted further into the room. Beth mentally gagged at what she was wearing, which to her was pretty close to nothing. A to tight tank top rising to her belly button and a too short blue jean skirt, that Beth was sure, would show Cara's butt fully if she bent over. She couldn't understand why out of all the people in the world, her sister had to be part of the A crowd.

"Is there a reason you're here?" Beth asked impatiently wishing she had just let her knock instead of unlocking the door.

"Duh, tell me about it."

"About what?" Cara glared at her sister, "What? It's not like it's a big deal, I went there, drove with some guy, and I passed."

"Well you could be a little more descriptive since I'm only a year away from going myself." Beth cringed visibly not bothering to hide it. It was true, Cara's birthday was only a year and two weeks after hers, and would be able to get her permit. It was a little scary actually.

"Where are you going anyway?" the older girl asked eyeing her sister suspiciously as Cara opened her purse taking a tube of vanilla wafer smelling Luscious Lips lip gloss. Cara concentrated so hard to put it on that Beth was afraid she's get a migraine. She almost laughed.

"I am going to the mall with Kate Tylers, and we are meeting Hannah Johanson to look for something for me to where for my date with Todd tonight." Cara hadn't even officially started high school and she was already going shopping with one of the most popular girls at the school, not to mention one of the biggest bitches ever to walk on the planet. Unfortunately she was only going to be a junior. Still what was more unbelievable was that their mother let Cara date Todd O'Riley, known to Arlington High for throwing the biggest parties since his parents were always away, and would probably be voted player of the year.

They had been dating for three weeks now, and Beth concluded that nothing could get all her nerves more then having Todd in the house all the time. After the first time Beth caught them making out in the living room, she often found herself out of the house or locked in her room with cookies afraid that if she saw it again she'd be permanently damaged in the head.

"Whatever, don't let me keep you," Beth commented wishing Cara would just leave.

"You know Beth you would be a lot more noticeable if you just do something with yourself, probably really attractive," Cara said rudely heading towards the door.

"I am sorry for not succumbing myself to superficial notions like you do Cara." As soon as she said it, Beth immediately wished she could take it back. She hated always fighting with her over the stupidest things imaginable, but somehow they always did. For a split second Cara looked hurt, but it was gone so quick Beth wondered if it had been there at all. In fact her face turned to an angry glare. If looks could kill.

"You're a bitch Beth; I wonder why you have any friends at all." Cara turned practically running towards the door with Beth at her heals.

"Look Cara –," but the door slammed in her face. She sighed, opening the door back open slowly, still hearing the echo of feet steps scurrying down the stairs. Beth followed not even bothering to go back and get her cell phone that was laying on her bed still.

She entered the kitchen finding only Carlotta, their cook, rolling out dough of some sort. Carlotta had been with their family since before she was born, she was like family to them all. She had a mother type attitude toward her and Cara that they never had from their real mother growing up.

When Carlotta realized Beth was there she gestured to the counter in the left corner that encircled the entire kitchen. She followed the motion finding a batch of freshly baked peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies, it was her favorite. She couldn't help but smile. Carlotta had most likely made them because she knew how nervous she'd been that morning. Carlotta spoke first sounding genuinely happy.

"Congratulations, your mother told me you passed your drivers test."

"Thanks Loti, hey did Cara storm through here?" Beth asked offering the older woman a cookie, who kindly declined. She shrugged.

"She did," Carlotta nodded, "but one call from that boy made her forget all about whatever it was." She let out a soft chuckle seeing Beth's face.

"You can't possibly approve of him, can you Loti?" Her mother was delighted about the match, since Todd O'Riley was from a very "well respected" family. Right. The only thing he was respected for was how many girls he had slept with and his money. Next to Mathew Shields, he was the richest boy in the town, probably why he threw the "best" parties. His parents owned the O'Riley's grocery stores that were all over the West coast, mainly California.

"What kind of person do you think I am? But your parents like him; maybe they think he is good for her." Beth snorted, more like good for her reputation, or bad whatever way you look at it.

"Bee," Carlotta quiet working to look at her, "Cara is a smart girl, she'll be fine, so stop worrying." Beth nodded.

"I know…I'll try," with a heave the younger girl got to her feet, "I guess I'll go apologize before Bitch in Training gets here." She was almost out the door, but remembered something else.

"Loti can I take a batch of these cookies to Erin and Ray at the run tonight? You know it's their favorite kinds too."

"Yes dear," Carlotta said, then her face turned to a scowl, "but don't you feed Tatiana any of them again!" Beth laughed remembering when Cara had fed her black German Shepard a cookie and she liked it so much she must have snuck into the kitchen and ate all the rest. Her parents were complaining for days about paying the many vet bills and dollars that went along with it.

A/N: Okay so please tell me what you think! Should I could continue or discontinue? Remember that this is just the introduction, but I already introduce a few of the main characters right away, and a couple of things about Beth that will get more into detail in later chapters.

Beth- main character, going to be a sophomore in high school

Cara- Beth's younger, going to be a freshman in high school and is already part of the A crowd.

Carlotta- Cook at the Eddington's household, is very close to a family and kind of a mother-type figure to both Cara & Beth

Todd- Cara's boyfriend, known for throwing parties, his money, his reputation. Beth despises him.

Kate Tylers- One of the most popular girls in school, Cara's friend, a junior in high school.

Hannah Johanson- Another popular girl, will learn more about her later

Erin- Beth's best friend, will meet next chapter

Raya- Beth's best friend, will meet next chapter