"Did you only ask me to go out with you tonight because you needed a date and you didn't have anyone else to ask so last minute?" it all came out in a hurry like she wouldn't get it all out before she chickened out. He looked at her with an expression she couldn't read.

"Yes," he said truthfully. It was clear he was done talking but Beth opened her door and got out anyway. He followed her though.

"You knew I would say yes," she snapped back feeling a mixture of all emotions, anger, remorse, hurt, used. He nodded but stopped her from opening the front door.

"The night started like that Beth, but I didn't know you. I still don't know you very well but I want that to change," he almost cried it and Beth's expression softened.

"Why?" she asked eyeing him suspiciously; this was not how she imagined this night to be; Something more along the lines of Prince Charming rescuing her from her home and taking her away. Not her Prince Charming using her then beg for mercy.

"I want to get to know you isn't that enough?" She pushed the disgusted feeling away with a sigh.

"I don't know Jack. How do I know you really want to get to know me this time?" He grabbed her hands.

"I do…can I at least call you?" She shrugged opening the door.

"I guess I would like that." She shut the door almost in his face. She walked into the living room and Cara, Ray, and Erin all sat in their pajamas watching the newest Johnny Depp movie.

Beth was surprised to see Cara home on a Saturday night. Their attention turned to her as she clunked into the room her heels echoing on the wood floor. She didn't want to talk about the night, more so because she didn't want her friends to get awful opinions about Jack.

Yeah the night wasn't perfect but there were good times, and she knew it was a start to something else. Already it was obvious he was going to become a big part of her life. She decided to leave out the conversation they had outside the house and just stick to the basics of the date.

"So what did you guys talk about?" Erin asked when they all got settled in her room for the 'details.'

"Actually we didn't talk much at all," Beth answered truthfully then realized her mistake making her blush.

"That's not what I meant. Well that's what I meant, just literally. We really didn't talk much. We basically danced without conversation and the only person I talked to during dinner was Tera."

"So in other words you have nothing in common?" Ray asked.

"I don't know, but I think I am going to find out."

"What do you mean?"

"He wants to call me so we can go out again." Both her best friends made faces at her. Beth could tell immediately what they were going to ask next. Why? She shrugged lying back down on her bed.

"I've waited so long I mean why shouldn't we give it a second chance?" Erin and Ray looked at each other now really getting on her nerves.

"Well?" she asked impatiently knowing they were going to tell her whether she wanted them to or not.

"It's just that you've never really been able to talk to Jack, even when you had opportunities. It's like you didn't know what to say to him right?" Beth could see where this was going.

She rolled her eyes and decided to ignore the question all together. She certainly couldn't answer yes because she knew what they would say next and she wasn't going to lie.

"I'm really tired guys I'm going to sleep you can watch T.V. or whatever if you want."

They next few days went by in a flash. With school starting in a couple days it was time to get all the right materials, Carlotta's idea of course, tying up ends on her summer Honors homework, and real cross country practices starting Beth scarcely had time to talk to or see anyone.

Jack did call, three times actually, but neither of them could really talk very long. The fact that he was at least trying made it easier for her to start "seeing" him again. He came over to the house a couple of times to watch movies, but most of the time he brought a friend or Erin or Ray was over.

Beth alarm clock startled her awake playing Under the Sea from the Little Mermaid. She'd gotten the alarm clock on her eleventh birthday from Cara and never seemed to get around to getting a new one. She rolled over hitting the snooze button before turning on her back to look at the ceiling.

She took a deep breath before heaving herself out of bed. The night before she set out her clothes so she could get the extra ten minutes of sleep she usually used to stare at her closet looking for something to throw on.

She decided on her khaki Capri's and a somewhat tight black and brown shirt that was so long she could almost wear it as a dress. They were her favorite kind of shirts because the long look to them covered her long torso without making her look stupid. She jumped in the shower staying in for only ten minutes as apposed to Cara who normally took thirty minute showers.

She dressed in her bra and shirt before putting her hair in a messy bun and brushing on some smoky brown eye shadow and mascara not bothering with the eyeliner. She went to put on her panties and khakis only to realize something horrific. She forgot what Loti had said.

'Don't forget I washed underwear and towels. They're in the dryer now so don't forget to go get them in a little bit.' Beth cursed under her breath already making her way down the stairs to the laundry room.

"Cara you were supposed to remind me to get my panties before going to bed!" she yelled down the stairs stopping at once when she reached the bottom.

Her eyes widened in a mixture of shock and terror. How could she forget Cara got up about an hour and a half before she did? Four, no, five pairs of eyes stared back at her with humor.

It was only moments after that that the laughter reached their mouths. Of course it wouldn't have been so bad if the eyes belonged to anybody but Emma, Todd, Hannah, Kate, and of course Mathew Shields. Beth nearly slammed her head against the wall in agony, it was either that or cry and she certainly didn't want to do that.

"Beth for God's sake!" gasped Cara coming to see the commotion. You would have thought it had been her standing there with only half dressed in front of everyone from the look of aghast on her face.

Irritation became the winning emotion in the end as she nearly ran away towards the laundry room. She only thanked the Lord that she decided to put on the dress like shirt. She dug through the basket of towels, panties, and luckily some of her running clothes. She slipped on her running Softie shorts over her underwear turning around to see Cara standing in the door way.

"What do you want?" Beth very nearly cried trying to sidestep her sister. From the glare on Cara's face it was clear she wasn't going to be able to do that.

"I can't believe you Beth! I thought we talked about this already!" Beth winced at how loud she was being. Sound always echoes throughout the house and she didn't really needing everyone else listening.

"Please Cara…" if anything Cara just seemed to get louder.

"I can't believe you would come down here in that," she pointed disgustingly at Beth's shirt, "and with Mat being here." She shrieked, and really shrieked causing blush to stain the cheeks of her sister. Beth covered her face shaking her head.

"We talked about this! Emma and Mat are just getting back together and…" she never finished her sentence as they were interrupted by the God himself. Complete humiliation swept the room, mostly by Beth.

"Is…uh, there a problem?" he asked not seeming the least bit embarrassed that they were talking about his love life, "we could hear you yelling down the hall." Beth fled, literally running she made it past the two back up to her room.

Now that most of her time was wasted she finished dressing in a hurry, then slipped on her black flip flops. She brushed her teeth grabbed her back pack and purse. By the time she made her way back down the stairs the group left to Beth's relief. Carlotta wished her a good day giving her a fresh baked doughnut for the road.

She ate it in a few bites realizing she forgot her water. It was already too late to go back so she resolved to ask Coach Thompson if she could go get one in class. It was him who stressed drinking a lot of water anyway.

By the time Beth pulled into her high school the parking lot was already filled. She parked in the last row and jogged to the front of the school. She told Ray and Erin she would meet them in front of the red hallway. It wasn't to far from the main office and she could already see her friends waiting for her.

"Hey girl," Ray chimed cheerfully, Erin echoing her.

"Hey," Beth replied trying to get her breath back. She quickly filled them in on her already spectacular morning as they waited the couple more minutes for the five minute bell to ring. Ray and Erin looked at each other, the clear sign that something was up. She almost didn't feel like asking.

"What?" she groaned. Erin led them all over to an empty area in front of lockers. Not a good sign.

"Kate came our way this morning talk about some…uh, slut who was already trying to steal Mat away from dear beloved Emma," said Erin trying to get it all out in one breath. Beth leaned her head sideways against one of the lockers.

"This is so humiliating," Beth mumbled knowing who 'the slut' obviously was. The actual school hadn't even begun and already rumors were getting spread about her. She could hear it now 'did you hear what Cara's older sister did?' Yes she was already referred to as Cara's older sister, it was very sad.

"Hey guys what's up?" Nat said popping up out of no where putting his arm around Erin's waste. Beth didn't even bother answering.

"Beth is a slut who is after Mat Shields," Ray commented plainly as if it were everyday conversation. Beth glared daggers at her friend. It would be her luck if someone heard. Just at that moment the bell rang.

"Stay tough Beth," Ray said giving her a hug, "I'll see you next hour." Erin nodded.

"Yeah I'll see every one at lunch." Nat gave them a nod before walking away with his girlfriend. Ray and Beth walked down the red hall together since both of their classes were there.

She sighed opening the door to the class room to find the only people in there were a couple of runners talking to Coach. One of the was Jack. Noticing who it was he said goodbye and headed over to her. Everyone else in there followed the example only really leaving telling Jack they'd catch up later.

"Hey," he said with a goofy grin on his face.

"Hey," she answered smiling because she couldn't help it. She was happy to see him. She wasn't so scared anymore.

"I was waiting for you," he whispered engulfing her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She didn't know if she believed him or not. It was possible since he did know she had that class first.

"I'm glad," more kids started shuffling through the door and Jack kissed her full on the mouth guessing that Coach wouldn't see them through all the other kids. He must not have either since no one said anything.

"I have to go, I'll see you later?" he asked heading to the door and she nodded. She looked around for a place to sit finding one near a window in front of a dark haired boy.

As Beth walked nearer she found that it wasn't any ordinary dark haired boy. She thought about changing her mind but by then all the other seats were taking and this one was by Coach Thompson's desk.

She clumsily fell into her seat waiting for the rude comment that was to follow.

Author's Note- Hello everyone. I hope this chapter wasn't a disappointment. I could probably use some editing, but I worked on it all day so it will have to wait for now. Anyway please tell me what you think! Are you liking Mat or Jack more??? Oh I put up some pictures of how I kind of pictured the character's to both of my stories if you want to check them out. If you like imagining them yourself thats great too.