I wrote this for Amanda. Yay, old/young,lol. Hope you like it. :)
They've been together for seven years. Hoplessly in love, ever since she was sixteen, young and beautiful, and he was thirty, powerful, and dazzling. It was love at first sight, for Lilith Marshall and Kale Wyatt.
"Do you love me, Kale?" Lilith opened her eyes and gazed at the sandy-haired, blue eyed figure standing in front of her.
"I do." he leaned closer and whispered hoarsely in her ear. Her skin tingled where his breath touched it and she heard her own breath catch. The sound of his sultry voice still sent shivers up her spine, even after seven years of being with him. His amazing build and beautifully rugged looks sent her mind into orbit and she found it difficult to tear her eyes away from him. They were inseperable, even from the moment they had first laid eyes on each other when she was in the eleventh grade and he was an acclaimed marine-biologist. Even now, at twenty-three, Lilith felt like a ecstatic child when she was with Kale. The feelings were definately mutual.
"How much do you love me?" Kale leaned back and gazed into the eyes of the woman he loved so much. Her eyes, without a doubt, were the most beautiful eyes he'd ever seen. They resembled onyx marbles, with faint specks of teal.
"I would die for you." She smiled and leaned forward. Her lips were millimetres from his, and she gently whispered, her voice cool and crisp, "I would die for you, as well."
And then their lips grew closer and closer until locked in the throes of a passionate embrace, he decided to express his feelings, to keep her safe.
"I love you, Lil." He whispered softly as they eased apart, his words like music to her ears and her response the same, heard like the gentle breeze,
"And I, love you, forever."
Kale stood up and held out his hand. Gently, he cupped Lilith's small hand in his and pulled her to her feet.
"I'll walk you home." he whispered before kissing her lightly. Lilith smiled and nodded in response. Kale wrapped a protective arm around her small shoulders and they slowly walked out of Central Park. Everything about Lilith was small. She had a lithe figure, small, pouty lips that longed for a delicious kiss, small hands and shoulders, but her personality was huge. She was attractive, in looks and in persona. Kale loved her more than anything.
Lilith could remember clearly, the day she first laid eyes on Kale Wyatt...
"You're leaving me?!" Lilith couldn't believe her ears. Drake averted his eyes from her, to the ground, and then back to her again.
"Look, Lilith, I know it must—"
"Why?! We're perfect!" Lilith's eyes widened and she stood up abruptly. The sudden action earned her concerned glances from the customers at the Cafe.
"We were perfect, Lil." Drake sighed, "But Arianna—"
"Arianna?!" Lilith raised her voice and a single tear fell from her eye, "You're leaving me for you ex-girlfriend?!"
"I still love her, Lil." Drake tried to explain.
"You told me that you loved me, two fucking days ago, Drake! What the hell is wrong with you?!" she slammed her fists on the coffee table. Her mug tipped over and hot chocolate dripped off the table and onto the floor. The waitress turned around and glared at them.
"I can't believe you're doing this to me!" Lilith tried to blink her tears away
Don't cry, Lilith. Come on!
"I said I'm fucking sorry, okay?!" Drake exclaimed, "But I love her! I was lying when I said that I loved you! That was only my sad attempt to convince myself that I was over her!"
"Oh my God..." Lilith didn't know how to respond to that. She just stood there dumbly and stared at Drake.
"Wow..." the word escaped her lips and she started to sob.
"Everything was a lie!" she gasped and Drake reached forward.
"Don't touch me!" she wrenched herself away and ran out of the Cafe.
"Lilith, wait!" she heard Drake yell. But she wouldn't wait. She wouldn't give him another chance to break her heart. Lilith ran to the bus-stop while shedding heart-broken tears furiously. A man was standing at the bus-stop when Lilith ran up, gasping for air. His foggy blue eyes gazed past the newspaper and fixed themselves on her. She was a beautiful girl. Tall, with long auburn hair and molten onyx eyes. From her seeped an alluring fragrance and Kale Wyatt found himself gaping at her.
Sensing someone watching her, Lilith averted her eyes from the ground to the man standing across from her. He was dashing in a way that made Lilith catch her breath. He had short, sandy-brown hair that just reached the nape of his neck, and amazing blue eyes. They seemed to hold in them, a magnificent fog and it was as though Lilith had stepped into a magical dream.
"What are you looking at?" she snapped, flicking tears off her cheeks. Kale was taken aback by the young girl's attitude.
"Are you all right, miss?" he asked, folding his newspaper in half.
"I'm fine, God." she shook her head and tore her eyes away from him.
"I really don't think you are." he stepped forward and hovered over her. She raised her head and gazed at him. His eyes blazed into hers and she felt her head spin suddenly. Before she could respond, she fell forward into the arms of a very shocked, older man.
"Goodnight, Kale." Lilith leaned back slightly as Kale pulled his arm away. They were standing in front of the door to her apartment complex.
"Goodnight, Lil'." he replied, leaning closer. Once again, his lips captured hers in a passionate embrace and she felt her skin tingle with a warm sensation. She wanted nothing more than to melt into him. To be forever safe and secure behind the walls of his love. She moaned quietly into the kiss and seconds later, Kale pulled away.
"I'll see you tomorrow." he said as she opened the door to her apartment.
"Be careful walking home." she warned, her eyes full of fear and concern, all for him. After all, the streets of Manhattan weren't safe at night.
"I'll be careful." he turned to leave but she quickly reached out and grabbed his coat sleeve. Slowly, he turned back to her. Tears were in her eyes and she gazed at him.
"Please, Kale..." she begged, "I know you like to take shortcuts—" she paused, and swallowed back a sob, "Please don't take any. Promise me you won't. Promise me you'll be careful."
"I promise you, Lilith. Nobody's going to attack a thirty-seven year old man." he smiled reassuringly and kissed her forhead lightly.
"You never know..." she whispered, her eyes still brimming with tears, "I don't think I'd be able to live if anything happened to you, Kale."
"Nothing will happen to me, Lil." he took her hand in his and kissed it, "I'll be careful."
"Call me when you get home..." she whispered and let go of his sleeve.
"Will do." he winked and walked towards the door. Lilith watched his tall, firmly built shadow turn the corner. A shadow she loved so much. Lilith kept staring at the corner, even after Kale had gone. She felt her lips twist into a smile and she sighed before entering her apartment. Quietly, she closed the door and locked it.
A large yawn escaped Lilith's lips as she walked into her room and peeled off her clothes. Slowly, she slid into her robe. Her slow and concise movements made it look like she was performing an interpretive dance and she gently slid under the satin sheets of her queen-sized bed. She switched her lamp on and picked up her paperback copy of Zoya. She read for half an hour, glancing every now and then at the phone, and finally, at ten forty-five, it rang.
"Hello?" she held the receiver to her ear and sighed in relief when Kale's voice replied.
"I'm home." he replied, his voice leaking with obvious amusement.
"Good." Lilith breathed.
"Can I go to sleep now?" Kale laughed and Lilith grinned.
"Of course you may."
"Thank you, your Highness."
"Oh, haha." Lilith rolled her eyes, "I'm hanging up now."
"One more thing."
"Can I be your King?"
Lilith smiled once more.
"Okay, hanging up now." she laughed, "Good night."
"'Night." Kale laughed, "I love you."
"Love you, too."
She cradled the receiver and leaned back against her fluffy pillows. With one more content sigh, she leaned over, switched off the light, and closed her eyes. In moments, she was asleep.
A/N: I'm making these chapters really short because the overall story won't be very long. Well... it'll definately be shorter than White Flag. lol. Review...?