Hola! I decided to make this one long chapter because I am horrible when it comes to updating on time, and I didn't want to keep you waiting.Some of you will hate whatI did with this story, and I really am sorry. I was rushing while typing this out. It's hard concentrating on a story when the thought of a World Religions essay is biting away at your ass. :shakes fist: Anyway, I'll let you read now. Making Peace With Time, is finally complete. :)
One Week Later
Kale stroked his son's hair gently as they sat together, flipping through old photo albums. Zachary was sitting in Kale's lap, holding a large album in his hands, and he was flipping through it while wearing a large smile on his face. He was now living with his father.
"I want to get to know my son, Alexandra." Kale had said, "And I want him to get to know his father."
Alexandra had agreed hesitantly and after a tearful goodbye, she left her only grandson with his father.
"You will take good care of him, won't you, Kale?" Alexandra gazed into Kale's eyes.
"Yes. I promise you. And I promise Lilith." Kale felt tears spring to his eyes instantaneously and Alexandra fought the urge to cry. Instead, she smiled wryly at the father of her only grandson. Though he had betrayed Lilith in the cruelest way, Alexandra still loved him. Kale was a genuine man, who offered smiles and love to those he loved deeply. Lilith had been his security, and after her departure, he had lost all sense of security in the world. Alexandra didn't know it, but Kale had vowed never to involve himself in another relationship. He had promised himself, on the very day that he watched his true love walk away, that he would love her, and only her, until the moment of his death.
"Okay…" Alexandra felt a fat tear escape from her bottom lids and nodded, "You take of him, Kale. Do you hear me?" she gazed into Kale's eyes. To leave Zachary was unimaginable for her and she hated the thought of it. But she knew, deep in her very own heart, that she was fulfilling her daughter's dream. She knew she was bringing together two people who had lost the one woman in their lives. Alexandra knew, without any doubt, that she was doing both Kale, and Zachary good by leaving Zachary with his father.
"I will. I swear to you, Alexandra." Kale smiled, "I will take care of my boy."
Instinctively, Alexandra leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Kale's neck. He was taller than she was, but she couldn't care less. Slowly, hesitantly, Kale hugged Alexandra back gently.
"She loved you." Alexandra whispered into Kale's shirt, "My baby girl loved you… and cherished you. More than she cherished her own life. She'll never leave your side now."
And before Kale could reply, Alexandra pulled away and opened the front door.
"You be a good boy to your daddy, you hear, Zachy?"
"Yes, Grandma." Zachary smiled at his grandmother. He was standing at the television cabinet, gazing at pictures of his mother when she was younger.
Alexandra nodded and bit her bottom lip.
"All right. You call me if you need anything. Anything." She looked at Kale again and he nodded, holding the front door open for her.
"Will do, Alex."
Alexandra walked down the front steps and towards her car.
She turned around, halfway to her car, and gazed at Kale.
"I'll never leave her side, either."
Through her tears, she smiled a warm, genuine smile.
"Of course you won't." she whispered, and raised her hand slightly. Kale waved back, his own eyes brimming with tears. Finally, his life was starting. It wasn't missing a single thing, for Lilith was there with him. She was there, in Zachary, and in memories.
As he closed the door, he let out a relieved sigh. A sigh which represented the release of all the pain he had kept locked inside, ever since Lilith walked away from his life, and the piercing pain he felt when he found out that she had passed away.
"So, kiddo." he turned to his son, "Tell me all about yourself."
One Month Later, December 14.
Kale stared at the picture and sighed heavily. He could only think about Lilith, and the first time they had met, almost twenty years ago.
"Daddy?" Zachary walked into the room. Kale forced a smile and turned to his son. Zachary had started school a couple of weeks ago, and Kale could see that his son couldn't have been happier. Alexandra checked in with them every now and then, but she never intruded. Her phone calls were always caring and their only purpose was to make sure that father and son had everything they needed.
"Yes?" Kale turned to face his son. The joy in Zachary's eyes made Kale chuckle.
"I just wanted to know what you were doing." Zachary whispered, "We were supposed to play Scrabble before school."
Kale reached out and ruffled Zachary's hair.
"We'll play when you get home, okay?" Zachary smiled. "You're going to be late, son. Now, you had better get going. Daddy wants to sleep. That way, I'll have a lot of energy when you come home."
Zachary nodded and beamed up at his father.
"Okay." He said and Kale kissed his forehead.
"Have a good day at school."
Kale closed the door after Zachary left and collapsed onto his bed. In a matter of moments, he was asleep, roaring like a great lion.
"Have a good nap, Daddy." Zachary turned around and gazed into the living room.The clock on the wall called out to his eyes and he shook his head.
"I'm gonna be late." he said to himself and cast a final look at his father's door.
Slowly, Zachary walked to the living room and grabbed his backpack.
"Bye, Daddy…" he called out softly before opening the front door. The air was cold and the snow was bright under the December sun. Zachary slipped on his gloves and scarf and carefully, stepped outside.
Kale emerged from his room three hours later. He rubbed his cheeks and blinked a couple of times.
"I want to do something special…" he said suddenly. Smiling to himself, he walked over to the coat hanger and threw on his winterjacket.He wanted to give Zachary a present. A special present, to show him that his father really did love him.
Kale smiled to himself. Zachary's present was sitting on the passenger's seat beside him and he stopped at the red light. He sat there for a few seconds, staring at the bright red light, and with a sigh, leaned over and switched on the radio. A terrible shooting pain shot through his body when he heard Lilith's favorite song spewed from the speakers. Kale wanted to lean over and switch off Whiskey Lullaby, but he couldn't bring himself to. It only reminded him of the woman who had stolen his heart and soul years ago. It reminded him of the mother of his child. It reminded Kale of the love he still felt for her. The light went from red to green and Kale swallowed loudly before moving forward. Slowly, he took his eyes off the road and gazed at Zachary's present. It was a large stuffed T-Rex and on it's abdomen, it read, #1 Son. The sound of a horn blaring made Kale's eyes snap back to the road and they widened considerably as a large moving truck sped towards him.
"NO!" he yelled and jerked his steering wheel to the right. The car slid on the icy road and spun in violent circles before finally smashing into the side of a large building. The airbag exploded from the steering wheel and Kale's head snapped back and cracked against the window. He moaned loudly as warm liquid seeped from his ears. Screams and cries echoed all around him and Kale tried to open the very eyes which had shut themselves in fear. He couldn't.
"No… help me." Kale moaned and struggled to open his eyes. Slowly, the lids parted and a searing pain shot through his head. All Kale could see was red and it slowly dawned on him, that he had glass in his eyes.
"No! Someone!" Kale moaned and tried to find the buckle to his seatbelt. His bloody hands landed on Zachary's present. Kale realized at that moment, that Lilith was calling him.
"Come to me, Kale…" he heard her sweet voice say, "Come and be with me… Our son will understand. He will understand that I needed you here with me…"
"I'm coming, my love…" Kale whispered and leaned back against the driver's seat. He heard people screaming at him and banging on his car.
"Sir, wake up!" A woman cried out, but Kale didn't reply. He wouldn't let himself reply.
I have to go to Lilith…I can't disappoint her again…
And at that Kale offered the Angel of Death his very last breath and accepted his face. At that very moment, Kale went to his Lilith. She opened her arms wide and welcomed him, her angelic face frozen in a sad yet gleeful smile.
"I knew you would come to me, Kale." she whispered just before their lips met in a passionate kiss. It was a kiss they'd been longing to share for almost a decade. It was a kiss that transformed their very thoughts into emotions and words.
"God, I missed these lips…" Kale whispered when they pulled apart. He raised a hand and gently stroked her bottom lip with his thumb. Lilith smiled tears of joy and hugged him.
"And I missed your warmth…"
Alexandra waited for Zachary. She was sitting in Kale's living room, tears streaking down her cheeks.
"Why do you hate this family!?" she yelled at the ceiling suddenly, "Why are you punishing sweet, innocent Zachary?!"
Alexandra had received the phone call an hour ago. The officer told her that Kale was pronounced dead at the scene of the crime, and the drunk who had caused the sudden crash had been arrested. It didn't matter to her, however. The man's arrest meant absolutely nothing. He hadn't died. Kale had. Innocent Kale, who was just coming home to wait for his son. Sweet Kale, who had loved her daughter. Devoted Kale, who could've been an amazing husband. Kale Wyatt, who was a father. A brilliant father, with a brilliant mind.
"Daddy, I'm home!"
Alexandra stood up when she saw Zachary run inside the house. He was covered in snow and all she could see, behind the large puffy scarf was her grandson's gleaming eyes.
"Grandma?" Zachary shrugged off his backpack, jacket and scarf. He stared at his grandmother, wondering why she was standing there, crying, and why his father wasn't home. He was always at home…
"Oh, baby…" Alexandra moaned and instantaneously, Zachary knew. His father had gone to be with his mother…
"Daddy's gone…" he whispered and solemnly, Alexandra nodded. She waited for the horrible outburst. She waited for the tears, but to her surprise, Zachary only smiled.
"Now Mommy can be happy." he said softly, and Alexandra, with a small cry, threw herself forward and wrapped her arms around her precious grandson.
"It's okay, Grandma." Zachary hugged his grandmother gingerly, "I'm sad, but my sadness will become Mommy and Daddy's happiness…"
"Oh, Zachary…"
The Night of Lilith's Suicide
Lilith felt tears prick her eyelids and she stared at herself in her dresser mirror. She wasn't the young, spunky woman she used to be. The bright auburn of her hair was matte and clung to her sweaty neck and shoulders. The bright onyx and teal eyes that Kale loved so much were dull and vacant.
Slowly she reached over to her night-table and picked up her notepad and a pen. Sobbing, she began to write and when she had finished, she folded it up and kept it clutched in her balled fist. Quietly, she mumbled a prayer for her son, and wished for a life full of nothing but happiness for him.
"I love you, baby." she whispered to the picture of Zachary she kept on her dresser. "I'll always be with you."
Slowly she reached over and grabbed the bottle of pills. She popped open the lid and empited the bottle onto her bedsheets. A bottle of whiskey was waiting for her on the night-table and she grabbed a handful of pills. With tears rolling down her pasty cheeks, she tossed them into her mouth and with the help of some whiskey, swallowed them down. Lilith repeated this action until all the pills were gone. Her head was throbbing and she leaned back against her fluffly pillows. The note to Zachary was still clutched tightly in her balled fist and she sighed. Lilith opened the small drawer in her night-table and brought out a small wallet-sized picture of Kale, and another folded piece of paper. It was a letter to Kale. Lilith gazed at the picture, her eyes sore from crying. Her beloved Kale beamed up at her and she felt her lips twist into a broad smile.
Her throat burned as she emptied the large bottle of whiskey into her mouth. She closed her eyes and another sigh escaped her lips. In a matter of hours, they would find her, and hopefully, her death, would be a new beginning, for Kale, for her mother, and for her beloved Zachary.
Kale and Lilith laughed in unison as they walked through Central Park together. Their hands, connected, and their love equal, they gazed at each other and smiled.
"I love you." Lilith mouthed and Kale smiled. Lilith looked like an angel. Her long hair was caressing her pale shoulders and he felt himself blush. Even after several months, he still flushed with excitement at the very sight of her. He was a moth, and she, was the forever fiery flame...
This chapter wasn't very good at all, I know. Sorry. Any flames? :sweatdrop: Please review this half-ass chapter.