hello everyone. this is just a bit of a random idea that i came up with, but i really dont care if you review it or not. im new to this site, i dont know what you people do here. hm..... anything else i can ramble on about? nope, i think thats it. hope you enjoy the randomness of me.
My Sister
My little sister, Lily, is so spoiled, and thinks that she is such a perfect princess that she turns into such a horrible monster, that your terrified to shut your eyes. Lily can get superpowers whenever she wants and will turn your house upside down. Believe me, I've learned from experience! Once, Lily wanted to use my peacock tail feather fountain pen and blue ink to draw stick figures on small scraps of paper, and I declined. Her head dropped to the floor, then she started to cry, after that stage was over, Lily began to tear up the books in my room, literally screaming, "Let me use your pen!" So, before she could do any more damage to my books, my room, or me, I gave her the pen and looked at the mess she made. Ripped books were everywhere and flapping in the wind, missing pages of said ripped books littered the floor, and I sighed heavily as I watched my sister ruin my prized possession. In reality, Lily is ten years old, but she acts and talks like she's four.
When my sister wants something, she has to have it. If Lily wants, lets say forty dollars. She'll get this little sparkle in her eye as she asks my parents, "Mummy, Daddy, can I have forty dollars?", in the sweetest possible voice imaginable. It's sweet like sugar, but sticky like molasses. While in this sickly sweet voice, my parents get out their wallets and both hand her twenty dollars! I can tell the behind the sticky sweet voice, she's laughing like a crazy lunatic.
I know for a fact that Lily has more than three hundred dollars in her bank up in her room. She takes that bank everywhere, to my Aunt and Uncles house (where she gets more money), to the grocery store, and even to the bathroom. Money goes to her, like magnets go to a refrigerator.
One time, Lily asked my parents for thirty dollars and they didn't give her any, all that was heard was a soft 'oh'. At that, I thought to myself, 'People, please be sure that your raincoats are securely fastened! We don't know when She's going over!' For a moment, nothing happened, then down came the waterworks. Lily was in complete hysterics! She literally guilt-tripped my parents into giving her more than thirty dollars, they gave her fifty dollars to make her feel better. I nearly went into paraplegic shock!
The first thing that hits me like a sledgehammer in the gut, is that voice she makes when she wants something. That voice, apparently has some evil spell that it puts on people who hear it, and to be frank, it gives me nightmares. That sweet voice pounding, trying to find an entrance, and once it does, it will say anything that come into your head until you are completely under its evil. Nothing can save you then. My parents have already fallen under Lily's evil magic, but not me. I shall never go under her dark, evil spell, NEVER!
Ever since I learned Lily's little secret, I've been having nightmares so frequently, that I have to withstand the urge to climb into my parents bed and suck my thumb. I got left at home with my grandmother (who had just happened to fall asleep in front of the TV) and Lily when it happened. It started out as a normal, but then Lily came into my room, and I quickly assumed my fighting stance. She smiled sweetly at me and asked if she could borrow a piece of paper, I denied. At fist, I thought she was going to be alright, and I was about to tell her where to get some, but she turned into the most feared thing ever… a demonic hamster. (If your have been attacked by a hamster, please visit ) She walked straight towards me and I barely had the chance to move before she was on me. Her fingernails grew three times the size they were before and she had a go at my shirt, making it holey. Lily went around the room, tearing books breaking boards, and smashing windows. The scene keeps replaying in my head, and it still gives me nightmares.
Only very few people believe me about my experience with Lily, and the other two are in a psychological ward in straight jackets in a bright, white padded room. It was a while back, and my two friends were staying over my house for a while. At first, they didn't believe me about Lily, then She came. Lily didn't even go for the innocent look before she attacked, which is her usual game plan, this time, she went straight for the kill. As the demonic hamster, she tore up our pillows, caused a huge riot, and I tried to save my friends. Good sweet Mike, I tried. But she caught me as I was sneaking around, and pushed a bed into me that got my caught in a corner. Not even sparing me a second glance, she went to my friends who were cowering in horror at the sight. As soon as I was out, I knew I was too late. Lily had left my friends to go nuts. They are currently in rooms three hundred and twelve and three hundred and thirteen at the Psychological Ward.
Another thing about Lily, she doesn't play fair. She will cheat at Candy Land, Rummie, and even Go Fish! The one Go Fish game I played with her, she dealt, I looked at my cards, and I went to get us some cookies and milk. Let me guess what you all are thinking, "Has Charlie Hazel finally become one of her slaves?" The answer is no, I just got stuck babysitting her for the time being, even if it was against my wishes. Anyway, I was coming back with our snack and I see that she has taken some of my cards, so that she could have the perfect hand. I calmed down my rising temper, for I did not want to have the demonic hamster come out today, and I went over and acted like I hadn't seen anything. After about ten games of Lily winning all of them, I asked Lily if she would take her bath, she said no. I asked a little bit later, she said no again. When I asked her for a third time, she turned to face me and all I see are these little red slits, instead of eyes. Scared, I stepped back and let her go to bed, without taking a bath. Of course, I got yelled at and Lily smelled bad the next day, but I didn't earn any more nightmares about evil hamsters.
So, if you ever have to baby-sit Lily, or you are an unlucky soul who just so happens to meet her on the street, be gentle. If your careful enough, you might make it out there alive. Also, if she becomes the demonic hamster, hide then clean up.
Charlie A. Hazel
Notebook 3, Entry 1
i just noticed that i can never get this signing thing where i want it to be. bogger that.... oh well. hope you had a good time here in Meurtoes! (dont ask, two consecutive days of dancing at my high school, not fun.......)