I really hope you guys enjoy this story! PLEASE read and review.
.: Chapter One :.
Gorgeous Eyes
Allie's eyes lingered hungrily on the hotness she beheld before her. He was, in one word…
His dark brown hair was messily appealing and perfectly accentuated the dark blue quality of his eyes. Never had Allie met a boy who radiated such… sexiness. Even in a professional black suit, he had a relaxed aura about him.
It was a while before Allie realized that the boy was giving her a once-over. A dark shade of crimson washed over her face at the prospect that such irresistible eyes were focused on her body.
Allie cleared her throat nervously and smoothed the small creases on her skirt with one hand.
As had been her hope, the boy's eyes abandoned wandering up and down her figure and met her gaze.
"Alexandra Carson?"
Allie nodded awkwardly. "I'm here for a job interview with Mr. Brett Anderson. Could you tell him that I'm here?"
The boy eyed her with amusement and Allie wondered self-consciously if she had said something wrong.
"I am Brett Anderson," the boy responded, flashing her a charming smile.
Allie nearly snorted. He only looked a few months older than her, which meant he was probably a high school senior. She was going to work for him? And that was if she even got the job, of course.
"I'm replying to an ad for a secretarial position," Allie recited professionally. Her eyes narrowed slightly. "If this is a joke…"
Brett threw his hands up defensively. "This isn't a joke, Miss Carson. I really do need a helper in the house."
"Where are your parents? Have they agreed to this?" Allie was still suspicious.
"It's not polite to pry," Brett retaliated teasingly. Allie's face deepened several shades. Was he flirting with her? "But this was entirely my parents' idea."
Allie regarded this fact cautiously. What kind of rich parents did he have that they could think of nothing better to do with their money? But before Allie could digest this information, Brett had spoken again.
"Can you cook?" he had donned a professional expression again.
"Do laundry?"
"You don't mind sharing a bed with me, do you?"
Allie blanched. Had he seriously just said that? "What?" her voice was thin and threateningly quiet.
Brett smiled smugly and Allie would have gladly punched him, but it would have been a shame to make his gorgeous features suffer.
He met her gaze calmly, his smile gone as quickly as it had come. "What I had meant by 'secretarial position' was a basic maid. A housekeeper, kind of. So you would technically have to live here," Allie swore his eyes twinkled.
If she hadn't needed the money so much, Allie would have stomped away. But she stood still, listening silently.
"I don't believe this," she finally managed to sputter out. Brett regarded her with amusement. "I mean, you must be crazy. You have enough money to hire a maid for twenty dollars an hour but you can't afford a guest bed?"
"No can do, Alexandra."
"Call me Allie." Her voice was curt.
"All right Allie," Brett paused for a moment, then looked at her eagerly as if he had just thought of an ingenious idea. "How about this. Since I am going to pay you twenty dollars an hour, you'll have enough money in about a week's time to buy your own bed. Then you won't have to sleep with me anymore."
Allie narrowed her eyes. "But that means I'll still have to sleep with you for a week," she pointed out.
"That's right."
Allie snorted. "Your parents won't agree to this."
Brett laughed. "They won't care. Besides, they don't live with me."
That got Allie's attention. "What do you mean by that?"
The boy sat up. "That's exactly why I need a maid, see? My parents are still in England, but they sent me to the U.S. for my senior year of high school. They bought me this house, but after a few days of living here, I've discovered several things." Brett smiled again. Allie turned red. His smile was just so cute. "I can't cook or do laundry. So my parents decided that I could hire a maid for these purposes."
Allie looked at the boy incredulously. He definitely could be classified as filthy rich. His parents had bought an entire house for him and then allowed him to hire a maid? Allie looked around. The house wasn't too shabby either – no, it was more like a mini mansion of sorts.
"I'm guessing I'm not the first one who has applied for this job?" she inquired dryly.
"What makes you say that?" Brett looked at her in amusement. "But yes, you would be right to think that. You're the twenty-sixth applicant."
Allie blushed. He was looking at her intensely.
Brett looked smug. "You're hired."
Allie stood surprised. "I am? Why?"
Brett shrugged. "Out of all the girls who have applied for this job, I think you're the least likely to try to molest me while I'm asleep. All the others seemed pretty eager to sleep with me."
Allie laughed sourly. What an egotistical jerk. But she had her job and if working for him meant she wouldn't have to starve for another week, well… She could endure it.
As Allie packed her few worldly possessions into a small dusty suitcase, she thought seriously about her life while trying hard not to pity herself.
It wasn't easy being an orphan. From the age of five until ten, she had spent her time in a dirty little orphanage, waiting naively for a smiling couple to come claim her as their daughter.
When finally a tall, stern man and his equally tall and stern wife arrived and took her away, Allie told herself that her life had a made a turn for the better. But in her new home she was worked like a slave and only allowed new clothes and education to keep the neighbors from wondering. After a while, when the couple decided she wasn't worth the money they spent to feed and clothe her, she was given to another foster family.
This family consisted of a single father and his children. The children scorned her and teased her for being an orphan and Allie always took care to avoid being alone with the father, who had taken to eyeing her growing body with strange eyes that made her feel like dirt. But living in the same house, the encounter was bound to occur, and it did. By the time Allie's mind registered in its shock that the man's foreign, oily hands were rubbing into her skin, he had torn off her shirt and his sweating fingers were fumbling hungrily at the hookup of her bra. Using all her strength, she finally managed to rip loose of his grip for a second. Allie still remembered how she had begged her sore legs to run. Gravel and glass cut into the soles of her feet and she collapsed in the middle of the street. A neighbor had found her sprawled on the ground wearing only a bra and dirty, bloodstained jeans and called for help.
Allie was transferred to a new foster home the next day. Although the family treated her decently, she could tell they really felt no ties to her. They were always overly polite, and this only made Allie feel lonelier than ever. She was grateful to them for their kindness, but was never given the chance to feel like she belonged.
A few steaming drops burned into her hand and Allie realized she was crying.
About a week ago, she had turned eighteen and was thrown out of the foster home to live on her own.
All she had wanted was a normal life with a family that loved her. A family that cared about her. All she wanted…
"Hey," Brett nodded and held open the door so Allie could enter.
She smiled at him briefly.
"You don't have to work today since tomorrow's the first day of school," Brett called after her as she settled her suitcase by the couch.
"But that means I'll have to sleep with you for one extra day," Allie mocked dryly. "I wouldn't want that, now would I?You wouldn't want me to… molest you, per say. Since I obviously won't be able to keep my hands off you."
Brett smiled good-naturedly. "I'll still pay you for today," he told her. "But come on, I ordered some Chinese food already. You don't need to cook."
Allie, enticed by the aroma of the food, finally relented and let Brett lead her to the kitchen.
"These are your new working quarters," he dictated seriously, then laughed.
Allie giggled like a little child, and everything suddenly felt very surreal.
"What school do you go to?" Brett inquired of her as he mixed some soy sauce into his chao mein.
"Bluelake High."
"Hey, that's the school I'm gonng be going to, too."
Allie almost choked on her food. Brett looked at her curiously, and his expression was so innocent that Allie started laughing again.
Maybe things weren't so bad after all. Maybe her life was finally taking a turn for the better. At least that's what she thought until night came.
Allie had thought about sleeping on the couch, but Brett insisted that she would be tool cold that way.
"I won't take advantage of you," he promised humerously. Allie had laughed, but it was halfhearted. When the lights went out, the strangely hard eyes of the man who had almost raped her kept on coming to her mind.
A warm hand brushed away the tears from her face and Allie flinched. She distanced herself from Brett and faced away from him.
"What's wrong?" his voice was deep and husky. Allie shook like a scared little animal but kept quiet.
Allie woke up early the next morning to arrange breakfast. She took note that Brett had moved himself to the couch and given her all the blankets. This gave her the same strange feeling she had felt when they had laughed during dinner the night before. It was a feeling she couldn't quite place. She had only one word for it: surreal.
She was setting a container of butter on the table when Brett entered the kitchen.
He smiled at her and pretended nothing had happened between them. He pretended he hadn't seen her cry. Allie smiled back at him gratefully.
"We're having pancakes with butter today," she informed him. Then, scrunching up her nose, "That was all I could manage because you've only got a bunch of junk in the fridge. What have you been eating? Chips and fast food everyday?"
"Pretty much."
Allie pretended to gag.
"Not on the carpet," Brett warned, then gestured at the sink. They both laughed.
The drive to school was a little awkward. Brett's car, like everything else he owned, was a pricey luxury, but Allie suddenly realized she didn't know enough about the boy to make conversation. She had only met him two days ago, after all, although it felt like much longer.
But if she thought the experience in the car was uncomfortable, the scene at school at a hundred times more so.
As Allie should have foreseen, Brett, although new and a complete stranger, was greeted by all the girls he passed by in the hallway. Some girls even bumped into him on purpose, pumping out their chests, some even subtly pulling down their already plunging necklines when he was near.
Brett nodded at the girls appreciatively and gave them seductive smiles Allie hadn't seen him use before. She'd expected it, but it came as a disappointment to her anyway that Brett obviously wasn't attracted to her.
Allie kicked herself inwardly. She didn't know what she was thinking. Just because he was hot didn't mean she had to throw herself all over him.
Brett gave Allie a small nod before letting himself disappear in a crowd of girls.
School was as it had always been for Allie. She got good grades, was the favorite of all of her teachers, and was dismissed by her classmates as a nerd. Words like invisible, insignificant, and nothing came to her mind when she thought about her social appearance.
She turned around to find her best friend, Brooke, waving at her.
Allie managed a smile and walked over.
"Hey, I haven't heard from you all summer!" Brooke reprimanded.
Of course she didn't hear from her, Allie thought. She had decided not to let anyone know about her release from the foster home. In fact, she had never even told Brooke or anyone else that she was an orphan. Only that she had extremely strict parents who never let her have any friends over at her house. It was hard for Allie, because she didn't make friends easily and she was used to moving a lot. She saw all her friends as temporary.
Allie let Brooke pull her to a small lunch table where two other people sat. They greeted each other. And that was it. Her little group of friends. Allie had never been popular, and she didn't aspire to be so. But seeing Brett at the place where the "popular" people ate lunch instilled in her a sinking feeling. She didn't understand why.
The rest of the school day flew by and Brooke decided to do some grocery shopping. She had bumped into Brett in the hallway and told him not to wait for her.
Allie took the money Brett had given her and purchased some steak and vegetables before walking back to the house.
The first thing Allie noticed was that the door wasn't locked. But she thought that maybe the boy had simply forgotten. She set the bag of groceries down on the kitchen table and ascended the stairs to find Brett. Talking to him always seemed to cheer her up. A small moan came from the bedroom, and Allie walked faster. Had he hurt himself?
When she opened the door suddenly, Allie wished she had taken longer to do the groceries.
For spread out on the king size bed Allie had slept on the previous night was a naked Brett, who rolled over to reveal a naked girl leaning up to lick his neck.
Allie closed the door softly and walked down the stairs feeling empty.
Thanks so much for reading! Please leave a comment. If you have suggestions for this story or advice to help me improve it, please tell me. Thank you! I'll update as soon as possible if people like this story so far.