"Are you stalking us?!" Aim cried out furiously, jumping to her feet.

"Stalking you? How can she like stalk you when she's like new here?" Elaine asked prissily, flicking her fake blonde hair back. "And who would like ever stalk you? Dream on, dweeb,"

Aim stood there, clenching and unclenching her fists angrily.

"I wanna punch you so hard, that even your mother wouldn't recognize your disgusting face," Aim growled, glaring at Elaine with flames in her eyes.

"Why are you here, Zed?" Troy asked uninterestedly, rolling his cigarette between his lips.

"Cuz I heard this school was good, and my name is not Zed. That's such a horrible name. I'm Catarina," 'Catarina replied, playing with her manicured, red painted nails.

"Muuuuch better," Danae muttered sarcastically.

'Catarina' glared at Danae. "At least I'm not like at the base of the social ladder,"

"At least I don't give myself a fugly name like," Danae put on a preppy, girly voice. "Catarina,"

Danae tossed her used cigarette onto 'Catarina's maroon skirt.

'Catarina' gasped furiously, trying hard to brush off the ashes from her skirt.

I nearly laughed out loud then.

"Do you know what you just did?! This skirt is around 250 bucks! And it's all ruined because of you!" 'Catarina' screeched, her hands swiping at her blackened skirt.

"Do I look like I care?" Danae crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.

Go get her, Danae! I cheered in my mind.

"Ugh! You despicable brat! I will get you for this…" 'Catarina' swore, her breaths coming out in short pants.

She tossed her head back, stuck her nose into the air and stalked away, with Elaine hot on her heels.

No one spoke.

"O…k," Shooter said slowly, finally breaking the long silence. "It's hard to believe she used to be a girl we told our innermost secrets to, huh?"

No one answered.

"Well," Shooter tried once more. "At least she didn't change her name to 'Minnie' or 'Britney'."

I laughed softly.

"Ok, I feel very uncomfortable right now." Shooter stood up and brushed the dirt from his pants. "So…I'll be leaving."

"Take me with you," Troy put out his cigarette on the grass, stood up and followed Shooter to the school gate.

"We-ell…" Aim started. "I'll be off then, coming, Danae?"

They both left as well, leaving Ice and I alone.

"We should go." I said.

"Let's go," Ice said at the same time.

We stopped. I smiled and pulled myself off the ground. "C'mon then,"

We strolled to the school gate, ignoring the shouts of the others telling us to 'move our snail butts faster'.

Ice got into his cabriolet and Aim yelled "Skating park!"

The sleek, black cabriolet drove off.

I smirked. Aim was head over heels in love with Drake…

I mounted my Harley and revved the engine.

The school bell gave an ear-piercing ring.

I revved the engine a couple more times.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going, young lady?" A voice roared behind me.

I turned to see a balding, fat man with a gigantic mole on his forehead. He was wearing a grey, pinstripe suit and beads of sweat was forming on his forehead. What's left of his hair was grayish-white. He had a stubby nose, small, beady eyes and thick lips.

I revved up the engine one last time and sped off, ignoring his yells.

"Get back here! When I catch you, you are definitely getting a month's worth of detention, young lady!" The teacher shouted, running on his pudgy legs, trying to catch up.

I laughed, feeling the wind weave through my hair. I skidded to a halt once I reached the skating park. Aim sat on the bench, waiting.

"What took you?" Aim jumped to her feet. "C'mon! Let's go check up on Drake!"

"God Aim, you're obsessed with him," I laughed.

Aim dragged me by the arm, I stumbled behind her. She stopped abruptly, I crashed onto her back.

"Hey! Why'd you stop all—" I paused immediately once I saw the scene in front of me enfold.

Drake was there alright.

With Vee.

And they definitely weren't talking.

They were making out on the bench.

Doing it very publicly too.

Aim gasped, turned and ran in the other direction.

Drake looked up after hearing Aim gasp.

"Oh shit." He muttered, running a hand through his already very messy green hair. "Aim saw that, didn't she?"

I nodded slowly, glaring at him whilst I'm at it.

"Oh dammit." He groaned. "Get off me, Vee,"

I turned and ran in the direction Aim went.

Aim sat on the bench overlooking the ramps. She was hunched over and it was pretty obvious that she was sobbing her eyes out.

I walked over to her and plopped down next to her. I put my arms around her and comforted her. She cried onto my shoulder, I could feel her tears seeping in.

"Why?" Aim sobbed. "He said he liked me the other day,"

"There, there," I murmured, sounding very much like an old granny.

"And now he likes Vee?! He's such a player!" Aim lifted her head and wiped her remaining tears with her hand. "I can't believe I actually liked him,"

"Life sucks. Guys suck." I said, in hopes of cheering her up.

"Not for you…I mean, you and Ice are like a match made in heaven, he cares about you and you care about him," Aim sniffed. "Why can't I ever get a relationship like that?" She burst into tears again.

"I really thought he really liked me," Aim cried. She lifted her head once more, closed her eyes and sat back. "This is going to be the last time I ever cry over a guy, ever again. If I ever cry over a guy in the future, I give you the rights to slap me,"

I heard heavy footsteps behind me. I turned to see Drake panting.

"That," pant. "was not," pant. "what you," pant. "think it is,"

"Yea sure, like I'd ever fall for that again," Aim retorted and walked away from him.

"Wait!" Drake cried out.

"You're such a hopeless idiot," I said to him bluntly.

"What?" Drake furrowed his eyebrows.

"You like her, right?"

"Of course!"

"You would do anything for her to be your girlfriend, right?"


"Then why'd you go make out with Vee?"

"She came onto me!" He said indignantly.

"That's what they all say,"

"Look, I swear it on my life that I didn't do anything. Could you please help me explain to her that I did nothing? 'Cause right now, I'm pretty sure she's not interested in listening to my explanation."

"Of course I will. But I'm only doing this for Aim's sake. I don't want her moping around just because you screwed up,"

"Thank you so much. I owe you one,"

A/N: I am so very sorry for not updating in…a MONTH! I have piles and piles of homework, plus, exams are coming AND, my friend introduced me to this evil thing called…anime. I got so obsessed with it that I couldn't find time to do anything else…so, IT'S NOT MY FAULT!!


Winter Spring Romance: Nah…Catarina's the name she gave herself. And I am honored to have you as a reviewer :wink:. I don't really use online chats. But I do have an e-mail (dur…I'll be so outdated if I didn't have one) and I'd love to have an online pen pal. My e-mail is miscellaneous. psyche (at) gmail. com(minus all the spaces). Anyways, thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

delusional101: A semi-man hater is better than being boy crazy. I had a friend who was boy crazy…it was so annoying. And who doesn't like a nice guy? Rofl. Anyways, thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

kittymobile: Well, I'm a rookie writer and I suck so I don't think I can actually make something angsty cuz I suck so bad. You think they're getting engaged? LMAO! Hahahaha! Maaaaybe…Anyways, thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

The GoofyCat Hedgehog: LOL, your penname is so so so CUTE!!! Glad you like the story! Thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

Ck90: Hehe…too bad, Ice is taken…by ME!! Muahaha. I'm gonna have to leave you hanging on your last question. My mouth is sealed tight. : D Thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

sweetcandiangel: I am so sorry. I feel so guilty now…: ( And yea, Zed transferred from wherever she came from. Thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

IceCold13: Oooh! New penname…I like it. Yea, Catarina is a strange name…I wonder what I was thinking when I came up with that name…Anyways, thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

SimplySweetnSour: LOL, Catarina is Zed!! Hehehe…yea, so I guess that makes her a past love. Thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

TragicKitty: I know…I write uber short chapters…Are you requesting for a chapter with Aim's POV? Cuz I think that's a good idea, I might have a chapter like that. Anyways, thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

immortal-princess: Hehe…The Return of The Zed…The Zed Strikes Again…Jean was half-joking, half-serious. So you're right. Thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

crazymonkeychick: Zed is so annoying isn't she? She's like a mosquito that never dies…sad…I made Shooter a little less sulky. Cuz, yea, Shooter is MADE to be hyper and crazy. Thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

esereht: Well, I had to say that to make sure the Roberto's don't come suing me or coming up to beat me up…I'm paranoid that way…Ha! Maybe I should get Todd to go into their school, afterall, he is a little genius. Thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

BrownEyedBeauty: Hehe…yea, Zed and Catarina are the same person, she just changed her name. Keep guessing on the Shooter problem :wink:. Thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

Remember-Me-Always: Woah…thank you so much! I can't say how flattered I am…this story is nowhere near perfect…cuz it has a horrible author…I think it's very likely that I finish this story. I dunno, it depends. Thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

Garnet-earth-Princess: Yep, Catarina's Zed. Hehe…I love Ice and Rye too! But now, I'm focusing a lil more on Aim's love life. Thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

for.you.i.would.die: You updated!! WOOOOT! But you're not updating anymore…: (.Thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

beth4eva: Wow, you don't think she's in love with Ice? Oooh…interesting…thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

Queen Of The Dragonslayers: No way! Your story is waaaaay better than mine. Mine's crap! And Ice is the hottest man alive in my head….:daydreams: Thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

Fractured Simplicity: There are no malls in Austria? Serious? My bad. Never actually been to a ski resort in Austria…heh…sorry. Thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

TwEeTztheBiZaRrE: Lol…you crack me up with all your reviews…hahaha. I forgive you…:grin: Thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

hidden-rose: I thought you DIED! Heh…jokin…how can you bear to live without the internet? I can't…I rely heavily on technology (God bless computers) Thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

Rah: Yea, people hate her because she's different from the others…weird, but that's reality. Thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!

MiSS COO-KiEz: Haha…interesting penname…Ok! I updated! Spare me!!! Evil reviewers…:blows raspberry: Actually, I don't know why Goths and punks have odd names…maybe cuz it sounds cooler or something…Thanks for the review and keep reading and reviewing!