"Thoughts of a Sixteen-year-old"

April 27, 2004

a/n: i was only sixteen when i wrote this... obviously... but i know these aren't really the same thing that goes on in every 16 yr old kid, so it's not general...

Every person has his life,

Everyone has their rights.

"Every" is a word that separates

another from the other kind.

I have my own life,

You have yours.

Why get into mine

when your own problems pour?

You hardly fixed them,

Hardly moved a bit,

Why tell me what to do?

Why tell me how to live?

I respect all opinions,

I accept your concerns,

But don't go over the border

Too much words will burn.

I know what I'm doing,

I'm not drunk nor drugged.

There's not enough reason

For you to just brag.

I am the one to decide

I choose my destiny,

This is my future

Don't deprive it from me.

What would you do now

If I live as I please?

You can't just hold me

I'm no longer a kid.

Why can't you just let me decide?

Why have you never trusted me?

My life's not a wreck!

Still, that's what you force to see.