I am on a quest, a noble quest
And I must do my very best
To save the maiden from the fright
On my honor as a gallant knight
I gallop through the land atop my noble steed
Looking for the beautiful princess in dire need
Suddenly my mighty mount begins to sway
Mr. Horsie, what is it that ails you today?
But alas, my horse has fallen and is now dead
I shouldn't have gotten him from creepy Fred
I am on a quest, a noble quest
And I must do my very best
To save the maiden from the fright
On my honor as a gallant knight
Now I travel in the evil forest of no light
When bandits appear to the left and right
I shall eagerly fight them all till the very last
Although twenty of them is a lot to get past
I look at them all and sense some evil vibes
Gentlemen, do you by chance take bribes?
I am on a quest, a noble quest
And I must do my very best
To save the maiden from the fright
On my honor as a gallant knight
I have now reached the evil dragon's lair
His flames had better not touch the hair
It seems I can't hurt the beast in any way
So therefore I must most definitely run away
I mean, how am I supposed to beat that?
Man, this princess chick better not be fat
I am on a quest, a noble quest
And I must do my very best
To save the maiden from the fright
On my honor as a gallant knight
Now I have finally scaled the dark tower
And will save the princess with manly power
Cause I conquered all obstacles without a hitch
It was easy to run past that idiotic ugly witch
But alas, what are these words that you say?
The very cute princess was rescued yesterday!?
I am on a quest, a ….oh screw it.