Succumb to the Darkness

Darkness is in
All of our heats…
Even if we don't
Want it there

Darkness will
Live on, inside
Each and every
One of us

We can try to
Suppress the darkness
And it works…
For a while, anyways

All of a sudden,
You're taken over,
By the darkness,
You become tainted

Impure thoughts cloud
Your mind and all of
Your pure thoughts that once
Resided there are banished

Your soul changes to a
Pitch black; no light
Can be seen anywhere,
Nothing but the darkness

Succumb to the darkness,
Let it control every move
You make, and every step
That you must take

Succumb to the darkness
And never let it go…
Keep it close to you, always

A/N: Hey everybody I hope that whoever reads this likes it because I let my friends read it and they liked it. Okay now please read and review.