A/N Ok I have been getting a lot of emails from people who have wanted me to update this story. And I decided to do it. I admit I had like 3 more chapters written for this, and it wasn't supposed to end so suddenly. But I have FINALLY thought of a way to write the story of Kara and Jeremy properly and I would like to spend more time on that. I love these characters and I want to make sure I do them justice. Anyway, this is basically what was going to happen at the end. I am sorry if it's a bit of a disappointment, but I assure you what I have coming for the future is way better. Also, I wanted to let you know that there is another story I have been working on. I plan on uploading that soon. It doesn't have a title yet or anything, but expect the beginnings of that soon! Once again, thank you so much for my readers. You all mean so much to me! Enjoy the end!
I stood in the cold yard in front of the house, my car headlights still hadn't turned themselves off, and I shivered as a breeze hit my skin. The tears that were running uncontrollably from my eyes felt like they were freezing to my face. I took a deep breath; I didn't know what to do. If I left now, I wasn't sure I had anywhere else to go, and part of me kept telling myself I couldn't let Kyle treat me like that. I had to stand up for myself.
Quickly I hurried back up the steps and into the house; Kyle was leaning against the counter, his head resting in his hands. He jerked his head up when he heard the door slam behind me, a pained expression on his face. "You came back." His eyes looked tired, and my heart sunk in my chest. I felt so torn. I knew I couldn't be with a man who hit me, but I still loved him. And I knew most definitely that part of me still loved Jeremy.
"Kyle," I began, afraid of what would happen if I spoke too bluntly. "I…I…I can't be with you if you are going to treat me like that. I just can't be in a relationship like that." I said, tears escaping my eyes, my words catching in my throat.
Kyle lunged at me from the counter, at first I was afraid, but I realized quickly that he wasn't going to hit me again, at least not tonight. "Kara, I didn't mean it, I believe you. I love you." He pleaded, part of me wanted to forget that he had struck me, but the other part of me saw this as an opportunity to get out of something I was no longer sure of…or at least post pone it for awhile. I couldn't deny the feelings that I was feeling towards Jeremy either.
"I think I should go." It was difficult for me to get the words out, I did love Kyle, but maybe I didn't love him enough. "I think we need to end this Kyle, I am so sorry…but I am so confused right now." My crying was letting up, but my voice still croaked with sadness. "It isn't fair to you; I can't drag you on like this forever. You deserve better Kyle, so much better."
Kyle looked at me; on his face was an expression I had never seen before. It was partly confused, angry and sad. "I knew you were going to leave me for him." He walked towards the couch and sat down on it. "I knew it the second I saw the way you looked at him at the football game. Honestly, I thought it would have been sooner. I'm still surprised you said you would marry me." Kyle then ran his hands through his brown hair, it really was handsome hair.
"I am so sorry Kyle." My eyes were once again filling with tears. "And I'm not leaving you for him. He probably hates me right now…as much as you probably do." I choked on the last words, "I just need to figure things out."
"I don't hate you Kara." Kyle looked quickly at me; he got up from the couch and walked slowly towards me. "I could never hate you." He then took my face in his hands and kissed me softly. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. I wished so hard that I would feel the same spark I had revisited with Jeremy earlier in the day, but this kiss couldn't compare. My heart broke a little bit when I realized this. "I'm sorry we didn't work out." Kyle smiled at me before releasing my face.
"Me too Kyle, I really am sorry." I took a hold of my bag and reached for my coat. I had no idea where I was going, but I did know that a substitute would be needed tomorrow. I didn't want to face work. "I will come get my stuff as soon as possible." I grabbed his hand and put the engagement ring in it, I squeezed his hand quickly before turning to leave the house. "Bye Kyle. I'm so sorry." I was out the door before I could hear his reply.
My heart beat quickly against my chest as I drove as fast as I could towards Jeremy's house. I had to tell him I was sorry. I had to tell him that we were free to relive those feelings we shared in high school. I had to tell him that I was still in love with him. I had to tell him I wanted to be with him. If he wanted to be with me of course, this thought made my eyes fill with tears. Why should I be expecting anything from him after what happened earlier.
I weaved my way through the large houses, trying to remember exactly where his was. I was afraid I would never find it when I pulled in front of the large brick house, clearly the same one I had been inside earlier. I took a deep breath before opening my door. I was sure I looked a mess; my face was probably stained from crying and my hair wild. But I didn't care; I was trying to fix something that shouldn't have ever been broken.
The wooden front door stood inches from my face as I stood and listened, I wanted to make sure he was home, and that he was awake before I rang the bell. I could hear the faint sound of a TV coming from inside the house, followed shortly by the sound of Sarah's feet padding down the hallway after a ball. I took a deep breath and held my finger over the door bell. I closed my eyes and pressed.
The sound of the chimes could be heard ringing through the house, followed quickly by a bark. I felt bad for this, but at the same time, I was going to feel bad no matter what. I heard Jeremy walking quickly to the door; I saw his shadow in the glass of the door before he opened it.
"Kara…" Jeremy said, clearly surprised to see me standing on his door step, disheveled and upset. He was clad in the same jeans he was wearing before, but he was now wearing a Ridgeway Tigers shirt, it was so old it had a few holes around the neck. Clearly it was a memento from our high school days.
"Ugh, hi Jeremy." I said looking at the ground, unable to look at his face, I noticed his feet were bare. "I just came over here to tell you I am sorry for earlier." I looked up at his face, trying to read his expression. "And that, I ended it with Kyle." His eyes grew in surprise, and I noticed him clench his jaw. "Anyway…I am going to go, I don't want to bother you anymore." I had chickened out. I had planned to tell him that I still had feelings for him, but I couldn't do it. I turned to leave.
"Kara wait!" Jeremy said grabbing my wrist and pulling me gently back towards him. I felt instant relief that he at least wanted to say something to me. I wanted so much for him to forgive me for being such an idiot. I turned to look at him; his eyes were the same as they had always been. I tried not to allow my memories to be flooded with images of high school. "Kara, I am so glad you came back…" he was biting his lip, and clearly struggling for words.
"You are?" I asked, shocked that he felt that way, and before I could say anything else he was pulling me into an embrace and pressing his lips to mine. I reacted immediately and wrapped my arms around his neck; I could feel myself crying as we kissed. I ran my fingers through his hair and I knew that soon my air supply would soon run out. I knew any second now I was going to need to breathe, but I didn't want to stop kissing him. I felt like I was seventeen again.
Jeremy reluctantly pulled his mouth away from mine, from the way he was breathing I could tell he had used up all of his oxygen as well. I looked up at his face, he was grinning at me and I smiled back at him. He leaned down and kissed me again, this time just a quick kiss before he pulled away again. He looked into my eyes and bit his lip. "I love you Kara." He said taking a strand of my hair between his fingers.
"I love you too Jeremy." I cried, and hugged him tightly around his neck. "I'm sorry I ever ended this to begin with." I sobbed into his shoulder, and I couldn't help but feel like there was nowhere else on earth I would rather be.
"No need to talk about that." Jeremy said into my ear, "Let's go inside, it is freezing out here." He took my hand and led me inside. Sarah was chewing on a rubber football on the rug and I smiled. "You have no idea how crazy I have been these past months." Jeremy said hugging me close to him before kissing my neck. "The first time I saw you in the teacher's lounge I knew I still had feelings for you." I cried at these words, Jeremy was truly the love of my life.
"I should have admitted it to myself sooner." I told him, I should have allowed myself to accept my true feelings; I shouldn't have tried to force this feeling with Kyle. "I had been feeling like this since the night Kyle and I had our house warming party…and Megan and Sherry, they told me not to screw things up with Kyle…and I just got so upset." I was now starting to realize that things with Kyle hadn't been as real as I had told myself they were. "I've never stopped loving you." I confessed to him, before kissing him softly on the cheek.
"And I never stopped loving you Kara." Jeremy looked deeply into my eyes. "Every girl I was with in college, every girl who showed interest in me…I compared to you." Jeremy let out a small chuckle. "No one had your sense of humor; no one could laugh like you. I could never found anyone who fit so perfectly into my arms like you do. No girl…or woman; has ever made me feel the way you do." Jeremy took my hand and began to lead me up the stairs. "Come on, let's see if we have gotten better at this since high school." He winked at me and I laughed as I climbed the stairs. What was my mother going to say about this? What about Megan and Sherry? And Ellen? I decided not to worry about them right now; I didn't care what they thought. Jeremy and I were together again and it was as if we had never been apart.
A/N Thanks to all of you who have remained loyal to Kara and Jeremy through the years I have been writing about them. Expect something cool from them somewhere in the future. I plan on incorporating their high school story and post high school stories into one. There will be a few changes, such as Jeremy's profession (I plan on making him a football coach at Ridgeway rather than a pro player) along with some changes in characters like Kyle(he won't be hitting Kara in the re-write, I like him too much to cast him into that light) and maybe expect more from their families etc. Also, I have grown up a lot since I first created Kara and Jeremy(I was 15 when I wrote my first chapters, I am now 19 years old) and I feel a lot less shy about more adult situations if you get what I am saying….so I plan to write a few more details about that. Unless some of you would find that offensive. I would like to know what you think of that for sure!! Thanks!! And like I said earlier, I am introducing a new group of characters in a new story VERY soon. Thanks again!