She wants to let go

But Heaven's gates have closed shut

Permitting no one to enter

Hell's dark angel below

So mystically beautiful

A horrendous adoration

Holding Hell open

Lusciously tempting her

With razorblade smiles and red glowing fire

Blood filled with sorrow and everlasting flame

Scars and burns forever engraved

Orgiastically enticing

Gently luring, inviting her in

To be trapped in His realm of darkness forever

No light to be found

No love to conquer hate

An extricable decision

To be reborn or to remain

On this Earth so rotten

Enslaved by cursed skin

A chamber decaying

Weary from



And yearning

Eternally aging

Decomposing to nothing

Amounting to nothing

But dry and brittle bones

With no flesh attatched

One chance to free her soul

To become Satan's best

Most true

And sincere

Holding her dear

In lust so diabolic, warm and so severed

From hate vanquishing love

Feasting himself sick

On her pathetic sins

Hate remains present

In this world provoked by death

Death that keeps calling

Death forever longing

We're creatures so undone

Wretched and broken

Truly we will perish

Hopeless and lost