Blood filled snow
REWRITTEN version of chapter one
Note: this should be a lot better then the one before. Plus it sounds a lot better…. I might have to change the summary though… oh and some parts of this will seem somewhat familiar to you guys…. Just so you know.
"Where am I…" was the only thing that came to mind. Helena didn't know where she was, she couldn't remember anything, and then slowly things started coming back to her.
First it started with when she was first born. Her mother had told her that she was supposed to be a twin and that the twin had died, and her father had left her, before she was born. She was just a young girl back then, and didn't see much of it. You see she and her mother were close, and even when her mother got re-married when she was seven, she still stuck by her decision, besides her stepfather was really nice and she didn't know her real father so it didn't hurt her.
Then when she was 12 her mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer and died a year later, when Helena was 13. She got along fairly well with her stepfather… but something went wrong, and things were never the same again… two years have passed since then right? It should be 2004 right now? She was 15…
Helena looked around at her surroundings. She was in a dark alley and it was late at night. She was sitting against a green dumpster.
Her head was in pain. She lightly touched the back of her head and felt a sticky liquid there. Blood stained her Honey-nut brown hair, her hands, and her clothing. She was wearing a white shirt that was somewhat see through with tight black jeans, the outfit had been torn in several places.
'Am I dead?' she asked herself… 'No I can't be or else I wouldn't be in pain… but where am I?' she said.
She slowly stood up and tried walking outside of the alley but fell back down, screaming in pain. Someone ran by the alley and she called out weakly to him or her. "What is the use? They can't hear me…" she whispered looking down.
"Do you need some help?" Someone asked, they didn't give her a chance to respond though. They just quickly picked her up.
'That is funny…. I don't remember hearing anyone come up behind me…' was the last thing she thought before blacking out.
She woke up several hours later in a dimly lit room, probably in a bedroom. She was about to get up when she heard voices outside the door. She kept her eyes closed and pretended to still be a sleep jus tin case they came in here.
"She can't stay here" a woman's voice.
"We can't take her to the hospital though, we are already on the run as it is!" a male. She wasn't surprised She had always been respected and loved by guys.
"Exactly! She can't stay here!"
"But she will die!"
"OH well! Why don't we just kill her and get in done with… I am pretty thirsty right now anyways so I will do it!"
Helena opened her eyes wide, and gasped. "I knew you wer awake" someone whispered in her ear.
She jumped and looked up. A young man, probably no older then 18 or 19, was leaning over her. He had somewhat spiky blonde hair, with a piercing on his right eyebrow. His hair was partially covering his eyes, but Helena could tell he had mesmerizing electric ice blue eyes. He had a kind smile on his face, and handsome features. He was skinny and probably fairly tall. She couldn't tell exactly from the position she was in.
She was scared to death because of what she heard outside, and she tried to scream. The guy covered her mouth by kissing her. Helena's eyes widened even more and she stared at the guy trying not to kiss him back.
He quickly parted from her and smiled a little. "Sorry… it was the only way to shut you up… and if I put my hand over your mouth they could still hear it plus you would probably bite my hand off…" He whispered scratching the back of his head.
"…Am I going to die?" Helena asked her voice very small.
He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't want you to… but Emma gets to choose usually even if I was the one that brought you here…"
Helena nodded her head sadly and tried changing the subject. "Do you know what time or day it is?"
The guy looked at his watch then nodded. "It is 2:00a.m. April 20th, 2006." He stated.
"WHAT?!?" She screamed standing up. How can that be? She was only 15… where had the last two years of her life gone? She had to be dreaming now! She couldn't be 17!
The guy winced and sighed as the door opened revealing the people who had been fighting before. "Vaughn how long has she been awake?" The female asked questionly.
She had medium length, wavy, dyed, mahogany hair. Her skin was very pale but bought out by the pink in her cheeks. She had big round hazel colored eyes that were glassy naturally. She was probably about '5,6' in height. She was wearing a long sleeved V-neck black Shirt with a black skirt to match it. She had a kind face, hidden under a look of annoyance.
The male had on a jade green band shirt for Rancid, with a jean jacket, with the sleeves torn off. He wore a cap on her head so it covered his hair and eyes, but she could tell he had brown eyes, and black hair. He looked about 5, 10 in height. His skin wasn't as pale as the others. In fact it was tanned. His was somewhat chubby but most of him was muscle. He face was emotionless, hiding a wild nature, just looking at him made Helena shiver with fear.
"Long enough… good job" the guy that had been talking to Helena earlier stated.
"Shut up Vaughn! She knows too much now you have to kill her!" the female stated.
"So your name is Vaughn… it sounds familiar…" Helena said to herself through the panic going on in her head. She had never met anyone called Vaughn or even read about anyone called that, so why did it sound so familiar.
Vaughn stared at her then sighed. "Emma we can't kill her… she is the 'one' she doesn't remember anything from the past two years of her life anyways."
The women called Emma, eyes narrowed. "You sure?"
Helena grew suspicious. 'What the hell are they talking about' she thought. "What is your name Miss?" Emma asked Helena, taking her out of trance of thought.
"My name is Helena Pattinson… What do you guys mean by the 'one'?" She responded.
Emma was about to say something when Vaughn cut in. "Emma let me tell her… Helena I know this might sound weird but… a long time ago I went to a fortune teller she told me that I would meet someone very special who wouldn't remember her past because she chose to forget it all. She said that I would heal her forgotten memories filling them with cheerful and loving ones. I didn't believe her at first but now, after I saw you on the ground bleeding, I had this feeling, that maybe she had told the truth. "
Helena just stared back at him. "You have got to be kidding me! can't you do better then that if you are trying to ask me out! Well at least you didn't say 'I think I've fallen for you' but seriously I have heard a whole lot better things then that!" Helena babbled on annoyed and starting to head for the door, but stopped.
"Wait a minute… how did you know I don't remember what happened over the past two years… oh I got you now you are trying to freak me out right? Is this a hidden camera show? This whole thing is a setup it is still the year 2004!" She yelled at them. No one said anything so she started to run out the door.
The man that had come in with Emma grabbed her by the arm pulling her back. "We can't let you go out there" he said, his voice stern.
"Yes what William said, sorry but your to far in. we can't have you running around without your memories Vaughn told you the truth. We can help you remember your memories" Emma told Helena.
"Hey maybe we should let her take the memory thing in before we tell everything…." Vaughn said quietly standing in the back.
Helena looked at him smiling a little. Even if he was just a guy trying to impress her at least he had tried to comfort her, and keep her company earlier, plus he was pretty cute. Her eyes narrowed and she shook her head. "Oh HELL no" she said a little too loudly.
The guy called William let go of her, covering his ears in pain. Helena ran for the door.
She started for the stairs, but tripped falling down them instead. Vaughn caught her at the last moment. "You shouldn't be so reckless a normal human could never have saved you, your lucky I was here, I have now saved your life two times." He said then covered his mouth.
"Nice going Vaughn now she is even more suspicious then before!" Emma yelled at him coming down the stairs to see if they were alright.
"let's just tell her the truth, if what Vaughn said is true she will find out anyways."
William says emotionlessly rolling his eyes.
"okay, Helena we are vampires" Vaughn said looking at Helena. She just stared at him before breaking down and laughing like crazy. "AHAHAHAHA oh my fuckin God you have got to be kidding me HAHAHA you expect me to believe that!" Helena says through her fits of laughter.
"Yes I do Helena" Vaughn stats, his voice changing, sounding almost evil.
Helena looked at him as his eyes became a dark navy blue blue. He hair flared up becoming white. His face expression became more fierce. Last but not least his normal pure white canines sharpened becoming fangs… like a vampires.
Helena's face became white and her eyes widened. William, and Emma snickered in the back round as Vaughn's face changed to worry again. "Oh maybe I shouldn't of showed you, are you going to be alright?" he said as she fell right into his arms
"Good Job I think she fainted… just put her back into bed and we will discuss everything later tonight or tomorrow counting on how she is feeling" William said exiting the room after Emma.
Vaughn sighed picking her up and carrying her back to the bed, and laying her back down. He put the covers up around her and started the leave the room. Right before he exited though, he smirked. "Have a goodnight's rest my sweet, for I will make you forget the memories still hidden deep inside you, of Alexander and you disappear forever."
Helena didn't hear him though, he chuckled and left the room looking at her sleeping peacefully, unaware of what was really happening.