Yeah, I'm not good at poetry, but all my friends have poetry in theirs and so I don't want to be left out! The mood just hit me right one day and so I typed this up. Anyways, this is a poem about how my friend and I used to play everyday. We were (and still are) anime addicts, so instead of role-playing on tradition paper or internet sites, we'd just go outside and roleplay as characters. Except we could change into whoever we wanted, whenever we wanted, and weren't bound to the rules of role-play. We made up our own rules! So this poem is for her...I actually saw her yesterday so it makes me feel all warm inside. Be nice to me...
Days have passed, and suddenly I remember
Of a time I thought would never end
But it did that one lone and cold September
The time I lost a friend
Such as we were, foolish kids
But such fun we had!
The time my imagination ran wild
And made some parents mad
My dear best friend Cassie,
She met me everyday!
As soon as I'd get off the bus
We'd run to the neighbors and play
Deadly attacks and swords and words
Were flung back and forth
We became whoever we wanted
And rejoiced at who we never were before
It was pretend that kept us friends
We'd role-play everyday
Our weapons were as fake as 'us'
But we never saw it that way
Into the afternoon, twilight, dusk
Then we'd lay beneath the stars
Still we'd talk about whatever we wanted
Happenings near and far
Never a chance did I do my homework
When our moms call us in
We reluctantly mutter a few goodbyes
Before we'd start playing again
"Hurry up! It's time for bed!"
And we'd quickly remember what
We were supposed to be doing
Before our imaginations took over, and we forgot
I'd wave goodbye and hurry home
Ideas still fresh in my mind
For tomorrow when she stands by the road
I'd be ready for another good time
But not all things last forever
And finally I moved away
From my dear Cassie, my friend forever
I only wished that I could stay
Please R/R