Ok, this is really the end.
We went to Kirsten's funeral, Curtis and I. Don't worry, she wasn't murdered by some new asshole boyfriend – she was just old. Ninety two years old; two years older than me.
I didn't cry; I didn't feel like crying. Most of the people there were family – her nieces and nephews and their children and their children. She never had children of her own; actually I'm not sure she ever got together with another man.
She didn't have many friends left anymore to attend her funeral. We die so young, we humans – for the most part.
The two of us stood in the back, in silent agreement to stay away from their grieving. I could just hear the eulogies being read. Curtis could probably hear them better than me. Not that it really mattered; I got the basic idea.
It wasn't raining.
That might seem like a strange thing to remark on, but in all the movies I've seen funerals in it's always been raining and everyone comes out with their black umbrellas. It was sunny for Kirsten's funeral, which I thought was nice actually. Kind of fitting. And that way we didn't have to buy black umbrellas.
Half way through the speeches Curtis took my hand in his and we stood that way for the rest of the service. I think he must have thought I was feeling down – which I should have – but I didn't, not really. It's not that I dislike Kirsten, even if she maybe did have me killed. It was her time, is what I might say, and spout that same crap I hate. But really, she was never very happy, even free of her abusive man. She never had another relationship, in some sixty odd years. I don't think she was sad to go, so I won't be sad for her. There were enough people at the funeral doing that.
When the funeral was over Curtis and I left. We headed back to our home - our new home, in a 'quaint' little four bedroom house. As we walked Curtis put his arm around my back and we walked that way in silence for a while.
"When I die," I said as we walked up the stairs to our home, knowing that if ever I do die he probably won't remember anyway, I said, "When I die, I want everyone to wear red."