For those who are interested, that quote is from Frank Crane. I thought it fit the story very well.
I understand that this is not a story chapter, but there is a point to putting this in front: if you were to pick up a paperback book (or even hardcover) you would have the dictionary for the made-up terms in the back, easy to get at. As I am going to be posting over a long period of time, I thought it might be easier to have it at your fingertips to find out what is happening. There will be a prologue posted moments after this is posted.
I hope this does not inconvenience anyone.
Dictionary of Trader and Pirate Tongues
Chalush davarash: (lit) "hill of the horse", Horse feces, insult.
Dah-aa tantee: (lit) "Of me as well", mine as well.
Dosemii: "Wetlander", "one not of the Deserts". In Trader, has very offensive connotation. Worst kind of insult.
Felna: "Dirt". Insult.
Has metmo n'kome: (lit) "You have given to light". You have given birth.
Kamre: "Nuisance". In Trader, has a very offensive connotation. Equal insult to Dosemii.
Leeya: "Yes". Implies a complete certainty. A long pause before it will negate this implication.
Mosu: "Daddy", a very affectionate term for father.
Radii-de: (lit) "shadow man", a Shadow
Seet-dothii: (lit) "South man", in Trader, south is a negative term when an adjective. Some believe it is a religious evil or some tradition lost to time, but none know for sure.
Shistal: (lit) "soft wind", a breeze. Sailor's wind, a type of wind.
Sigya: "Hello".
Ugwam: "Big trouble"
Varos da felna: "You are of dirt", insult.
Vire shanamlo av ugul: "I am having a little trouble".
Virono enrad: "Be silent!"
Viros o tontuu: "You are a fool".
Watánaro: "Stop it!"
Yeha: "Dog", insult.
Zo radii-de shah-nuu zo varii: (lit) "The Shadow has life". The Shadow lives.
Chel: "Child", "Infant".
Da no: "Please".
Ile di Voltire: "Pirate Island"
Latren: "Little cat", "kitten".
Le-: prefix, meaning "former"
Ma Kgel: "My king"
Ma radii-de: "My Shadow", formal. Tone of voice can determine how formal. Word
"Shadow" adopted from Trader Tongue.
Meho grasta: "You are welcome".
Renalen Vatul: (lit) "Pretty Fighting", a "Dance", a duel where the purpose is to perform the most beautiful attacks.
Salan di Tal: "Southern Current".
Tomuns: "Of course".
Ubsca Wenla: "Black Maiden", Pirate King's ship.
Voltire: "Pirate"
Detene: A slang term used by Mitselo and elves, meaning "Shadow", neutral connotation.
Mitselo: (lit) "sky myth", a race of half-man, half-bird people. They are humanoid with large wings on the shoulders and enlarged canine teeth. Very vicious and territorial, they will attack whoever enters their domain, and they dominate the mountains named for them.