From the Shadows
©2006 x-kit-x
Prologue: Trust
I left the now familiar coffee shop, holding my usual warm white polystyrene cup, which contained a frothy cappuccino, in one hand as I pulled a scarf closer around my neck with the other. Looking at my watch I realised that it was now 6pm and that I was soon to be late for my bus and so set off in a brisk walk towards my stop. Arriving a few minutes later, I managed to catch the bus just in time and took a seat towards the back out of habit. I started to drink my cappuccino savouring the rich taste of the coffee as it trickled smoothly down my throat, I sighed, it just what I needed after the day that I'd had.
I had decided to head to the park after I'd finished early at the library, where I now had a part time job; I'd headed to my usual bench in the corner, the one that is surrounded by the trees and the beautiful flowerbeds, containing flowers of every colour and description, it was there that I met the most unforgiving sight that I could have done so; just recalling it now makes me shudder and feel physically sick. There was my boyfriend of 18 months today sat with his tongue down the throat of my friend of 12 years –Megan. Even now I could feel the tears begin to well in my already very red eyes, as I remembered the feelings that had surged through me at that moment. The look of horror on his face as he looked up to see me standing there, the sting in my hand as I slapped him though deep down I knew that it made no difference and didn't even serve to make me feel better, I remembered the look of shame upon Megan's face as she jumped up frantically and started to apologise. What did I do to deserve it all? Did I even do anything? I had to right?
I headed to my apartment; it was one of a block on the edge of the city. It wasn't much to look at – especially from outside, and it wasn't in a particularly friendly neighbourhood, but to me it was home. After all it was all I had and all I could afford, without requesting help from my father. It wasn't such a bad size I guess; as you walked inside there was the sitting room. It was quite plain, decorated in a modest cream paint and carpet with a wine sofa, rug and curtains. There was a TV and a small fireplace also. For me, it was cosy and a place for me to relax. The kitchen was also quite small, decorated in a fresh pale green with maple cupboards, consisting of just enough room for a fridge freezer, a cooker and 4 small cupboards (one of which was above the sink). My bedroom was mainly a pale yellow colour though it had bits of orange on my duvet and sheets, my curtains and my border, it was quite inviting to me but I did like things simple. In the middle of the room was a double bed, at the end of which was a light beech chest, and on the far wall next to my mirror was a desk on which stood a laptop and shelves above that. The wall closest to the door had on it my wardrobe - I had two and also my drawers, and small table next to my bed for my lamp. I say it's all I can afford but it's been my home now for the last two years and I like the way that I have finally decorated it.
I stepped into my en-suite bathroom, and started to run the taps of my bath, filling it with a shimmering blue bubble bath as I did so. I closed the blinds, and lit some vanilla fragranced candles so as to try to relax and then got in. At first I was filled with thoughts of what had happened in the park, Megan and I, along with my best friend Kayla, had been friends for years. Since we started school aged five, how could she do this to me? Just how long had it been going on? The tears spilled down my mascara stained cheeks but eventually I let myself relax in the simplicity of the water, its easy life cycle, its refreshing temperature and flow and its beauty as it glistened off the bath. I wasn't sure how long I lay there, but it didn't seem long enough though the water was now cold.